Если бы у меня было много денег скорей всего я бы отдала их детям. Да, перевод - Если бы у меня было много денег скорей всего я бы отдала их детям. Да, английский как сказать

Если бы у меня было много денег ско

Если бы у меня было много денег скорей всего я бы отдала их детям. Да, да помочь детям выжить - вот на что я бы отдала все деньги на земле. Я думаю, что дети с онкологическими заболеваниями - вот самые сильные люди на земле. Потому что, не смотря на всё это они улыбаются, играют не перестают верить в чудеса. Каждый год в нашей стране злокачественными новообразованиями заболевает около 300-350 мальчиков и девочек. Эти заболевания являются одной из основных причин смерти у детей до 18 лет во всем мире. Для многих семей, чьи дети сумели одолеть недуг, это возможность встретиться снова, вспомнить тот страшный период лечения и порадоваться достигнутым успехам. И я думаю, что несмотря ни на что наш мир не без добрых людей и я в том числе. Если бы у меня было много денег я б не пожалела ни копеечки и отдала все деньги детям. Я бы построила в России специализированную больницу, в которой были все удобства для маленьких пациентов и их родителей. Который был бы окружён лесом или находился в центре парка, что бы дети радовались не только удобствам помещений, но и замечательному виду в окно. А для тех детей, которые уже находятся на IV стадии болезни, я бы построила хосписы. Хоспис предназначен в первую очередь для онкологических больных, у которых наступила последняя стадия болезни, которая бывает очень мучительной и для больных и для родственников.Да, пускай не каждый решиться хотя бы, задуматься на эту тему, не то чтобы рассуждать. Но я считаю, что не каждый взрослый человек может остаться равнодушным к болезни и мукам маленького ребёнка, который даже не умеет говорить, или тот который всё понимая, может просто смерится и, не смотря на свою болезнь стремиться к нормальной жизни. Хотя в глубине души он понимает, что нормальной жизни для него может и не быть.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
If I had lots of money I would probably gave their children. Yes, Yes to help children survive-here's what I would have paid all the money on the ground. I think that children with cancer-here are the most powerful people on Earth. Because, in spite of all this they smile, play do not cease to believe in miracles. Every year in our country, malignant neoplasms, about 300 ill-350 boys and girls. These diseases are a major cause of death in children under 18 years of age worldwide. For many families, whose children were able to defeat the disease, it is a chance to meet again, remember that terrible period of treatment and rejoice in the progress. And I think that no matter what our world is not without good people and I'm including. If I had lots of money I would not spare neither the pennies and gave all the money to the children. I'd built a referral hospital in Russia, which had all the facilities for young patients and their parents. That would be surrounded by forest or at the Centre of the Park, what would the children rejoiced not only facilities of premises, but also a remarkable sight in the window. And for those children who are already at stage IV disease, I'd built hospices. Hospice is intended primarily for cancer patients who have died the last stage of the disease, which can be very painful for patients and relatives. Yes, though not every venture at least, reflect on the topic, not that reason. But I believe that not every adult could remain indifferent to the disease and suffering of a small child, who doesn't even know how to talk, or one which all understanding may simply smeritsâ and, despite his illness to seek normal life. Although deep down he realized that normal life for him might not be.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
If I had a lot of money I probably would have given to their children. Yes, yes, to help children survive - that's what I would give all the money on earth. I think that children with cancer - that's the most powerful people on earth. Because, despite all this, they are smiling, playing not cease to believe in miracles. Every year in our country malignancies ill around 300-350 boys and girls. These diseases are a major cause of death in children under the age of 18 worldwide. For many families, whose children were able to overcome the disease, it is an opportunity to meet again, remember that terrible period of treatment and enjoy the successes achieved. And I think that no matter what our world is not without good people and myself included. If I had a lot of money I would not regret any penny and gave all the money to children. I would be built in Russia, specialized hospital, where were all the amenities for the young patients and their parents. Which I would be surrounded by a forest, or was in the middle of the park, that the children were happy, not only facilities of premises, but also a wonderful view out the window. And for those children who are already at stage IV disease, I would have built a hospice. Hospice is designed primarily for cancer patients, who came the last stage of the disease, which can be very painful for the patient and for rodstvennikov.Da, though not every dare least, think on this subject, not to speculate. But I believe that every adult can remain indifferent to the sufferings of illness and a small child who does not even know how to speak, or that which is all knowing, might just Smer and in spite of his illness to seek a normal life. Although it may not be in his heart he knows that a normal life for him.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
if i had the money i would probably give to their children. yes, help children survive is what i would give all the money in the earth. i think that children with oncological diseases is the most powerful people on earth. because, in spite of all this they smile, play does not stop believing in miracles. every year in our country, malignant новообразованиями gets about 300 - 350 boys and girls. these diseases are one of the main causes of death among children under 18 years of age in the world. for many families, whose children were able to defeat the disease, it is the opportunity to meet again, remember that a period of treatment and celebrate success. and i think that no matter what our world is not without good people including me. if i had the money i would spare no копеечки and gave all the money to children. i"d built in russia specialized hospital, which has all the amenities for the little patients and their parents. which is surrounded by the forest, or was in the middle of the park, the children were not only facilities facilities, but also the type of window. for those children who are already at the fourth stage of the illness, i"d built hospices. hospice care is intended primarily for cancer patients who have died in the final stages of the disease, which is very painful for patients and for родственников.да don"t let every commit, at least, to reflect on the subject, not to philosophize. but i believe that not every adult can remain indifferent to the illness and suffering a little kid who can"t even speak, or one who is understanding, maybe just смерится and, despite his disease to a normal life. although deep down he understands that the normal life he may not be.
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