4. Занятость и жизненные уровень населения зависят от того, насколько  перевод - 4. Занятость и жизненные уровень населения зависят от того, насколько  английский как сказать

4. Занятость и жизненные уровень на

4. Занятость и жизненные уровень населения зависят от того, насколько полно используются промышленные ресурсы страны.
5. Осознание того, что людям в процессе выполнения хозяйственной деятельности приходится принимать решения, само по себе не означает, что эти решения являются рациональными.
6. После проведения политики перераспределения части доходов общества правительство сделало вывод, что такая политика способствует экономии средств на поддержание внутренней безопасности и стабильности общества.
7. Использование математического аппарата сделало экономику почти столь же точной наукой как и физику; другой вопрос, что и в физике многие теории остаются всего лишь теориями.
8. Эта критика не относится ко всем членам правительства; она касается только тех политиков, которые на трибуне настаивают на том, что рост цен надо сдерживать, а на деле поддерживают бюджет, который приводит к их росту.
9. Специалисты считают, что предположения о независимости предпочтений потребителя от изменений цен и доходов необходимы для того, чтобы можно было проанализировать влияние на поведение потребителя изменений рыночных цен и номинального дохода.
10. Перед тем, как принять решение о выпуске акций следовало удостовериться, что рыночная конъюнктура благоприятствует расширению производства.
11. Профессор был недоволен тем, что студент пропустил лекцию, и не желал слышать никаких оправданий, поскольку рассматривал это как признак неуважения к себе и своему предмету – экономике.
12. Последователи классической экономической теории возражали против применения нового макроэкономического подхода на практике, поскольку, по их мнению, экономика обладает достаточным потенциалом для саморегулирования.

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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
4. employment and living standards of the population depend on the extent to which used industrial resources of the country.5. The realization that people in the process of implementing economic activities have to take decisions by itself does not mean that these decisions are rational.6. following the policies of redistribution of income of the society, the Government concluded that such a policy contributes to savings on maintenance of internal security and the stability of society.7. use mathematical apparatus made the economy almost as an exact science like physics; Another issue that many theories in physics and remain only theories.8. This criticism does not apply to all members of the Government; it applies only to those politicians who insist on the platform that the price increase should restrain the support budget, which leads to their growth.9. Experts believe that the assumption of independence of consumer preferences from changes in prices and income needed to analyse the impact on consumer behaviour changes in market prices and nominal income.10. Before you decide to issue shares should ensure that market conditions conducive to expansion of production.11. The Professor was angry that the student missed the lecture, and did not want to hear any excuses, because considered this as a sign of disrespect, and its subject is economics.12. Followers of classical economic theory opposed the application of the new macroeconomic approach in practice, since, in their view, the economy has sufficient capacity to self-regulation.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
4. Employment and living standards depend on the extent to which use industrial resources of the country.
5. The realization that the people in the implementation of economic activity have to make decisions, does not by itself mean that these decisions are rational.
6. Following the policy of redistribution of the income of society the government concluded that such a policy contributes to savings on the maintenance of internal security and stability of society.
7. Using a mathematical apparatus made ​​the economy almost as an exact science like physics; another question, as in physics, many theories are just theories.
8. This criticism does not apply to all members of the government; it applies only to those politicians who insist on the podium on what price increase is necessary to deter, but actually support the budget, which leads to their growth.
9. Experts believe that the assumption of independence of consumer preferences on price and income changes are necessary in order to be able to analyze the impact of consumer behavior changes in market prices and nominal income.
10. Before you decide on a share issue should ensure that the market conditions are conducive to the expansion of production.
11. Professor was dissatisfied with the fact that the student missed a lecture, and did not want to hear any excuses, because it is regarded as a sign of disrespect to him and his subject - the economy.
12. Followers of classical economic theory objected to the use of new macro-economic approach in practice, since, in their view, the economy has the potential for self-regulation.

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
4. employment and living standards of the population depends on the extent to which used industrial resources of the country.5. the realization that the people in the process of economic activities have to make decisions by itself does not imply that these decisions are rational.6. after the policy of redistribution of income of society, the government concluded that such policies contribute to cost savings for the maintenance of internal security and stability of the society.7. the use of mathematical apparatus makes the economy almost as an exact science and physics; the other issue, and many theories in physics are just theories.8. this criticism does not apply to all members of the government; it applies only to those politicians who well insist that prices should hold, and to the support budget, which leads to their growth.9. experts believe that the assumption of independence of changes in consumer preferences, prices and income are needed to analyse the impact on consumer behavior changes in market prices and nominal income.10. before taking a decision on the issuance of shares should make sure that market conditions conducive to the expansion of production.11. the professor was dissatisfied that student missed the lecture, and don"t want to hear any excuses, because considered this as a sign of disrespect to himself and his subject is economics.12. followers of classical economic theory, objected to the use of new macroeconomic approach in practice, since, in their view, economy has the capacity for self-regulation.
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