Windows XPWindows XP is an operational system based on the expanding w перевод - Windows XPWindows XP is an operational system based on the expanding w английский как сказать

Windows XPWindows XP is an operatio

Windows XP
Windows XP is an operational system based on the expanding windows principle which uses icons to graphically represent files. It is very easy to use Internet if you have Windows XP on your computer.
Windows XP makes the way you and your computer interact with Internet easier. Most everyday tasks are easier to do than before. For example, the second mouse button has become a powerful weapon. recycle Bin makes it easier to recover accidentally deleted files. Your computer probably will crash less with Windows XP. Microsoft says that it is moving forward to the time when we will all thing more about our data and less about the programs used to create them.
Windows XP plug-and-play capability makes it easy to upgrade your computer hardware. A new Windows 98 shortcuts capability makes it easy reach frequently used files.
What is hardware?
Webster's dictionary gives us the following definition of the hardware - the devices composing a computer system.
Computer Hardware can be divided into four categories:
1) input hardware
2) processing hardware
3) storage hardware
4) output hardware.
Input hardware
Input hardware collects data and converts them into a from suitable for computer processing. The most common input device is a keyboard. It looks very much like a typewriter. The mouse is a hand-held device connected to the computer by a small cable. As the mouse is rolled across the desktop, the cursor moves across the screen. When cursor reaches the desired location, the user usually pushes a button on the mouse once or twice to give a command to the computer.
Another type of input hardware is optic-electronic scanner. Microphone and video camera can be also used to input data into the computer.
Processing hardware
Processing hardware directs the execution of software instructions in the computer. The most common components of progressing hardware are the central progressing unit and main memory.
The central processing unit (CPU) is the brain of the computer. It reads and interprets software instructions and coordinates the processing.
Memory is the component of the computer in which information is stored. The are two types of computer memory: RAM and ROM.
RAM (random access memory) is the memory, used for creating, loading and running programs.
ROM(read only memory) is computer memory used to hold programmed instructions to the system.
The more memory you can have in your computer, the more operations you can perform.
Storage hardware
The purpose of storage hardware is to store computer instructions and data retrieve when needed for processing. Storage hardware stores data as electromagnetic signals. The most common ways of storing data are hard dick, floppy disk and CD-ROM.
Hard disk is a rigid disk coated with magnetic material, for storing programs and relatively large amounts of data.
Floppy disk (diskette) - a thin, usually flexible plastic disk coated with magnetic material, for storing temporary computer data and programs. There are two formats for floppy disk: 5.25' and 3,5'.
3,5' disks are formatted 1.4 megabytes and are widely used.
CD-ROM (compact disk read only memory) is a compact disk on which a large amount of digitized data can be stored. CD-ROMs are very popular now because of the growing speed which CD-ROM drives can provide nowadays.
Output hardware
The purpose of output hardware is to provide the user with the means to view information produced by the computer system. Information is in either hardcopy or softcopy form. Hardcopy output can be held in your hand, such as paper with text (word or numbers) or graphics printed on it on it. Softcopy output is displayed on a monitor.
Monitor is display screen for viewing computer data television programs, etc. Printer is a computer output device that makes possible the transmissions of data to or from computer via telephone or other communications lines.
Hardware comes in many configurations, depending on what you are going to do on your computer.
General understanding (общее понимание текста)
1. What is the Webster is dictionary definition of the hardware?
2. What groups of hardware exist?
3. What input hardware? What are the examples of input hardware?
4. What is the mouse designed for?
5. What is processing hardware? what are the basic types of memory used in a PC?
6. What is a storage hardware? What is CD-ROM used for? Can a user record his or her data on a CD? What king of storage hardware can contain more information: CD-ROM, RAM or ROM?
7. What is modem used people without a modem?
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Windows XPWindows XP is an operational system based on the expanding windows principle which uses icons to graphically represent files. It is very easy to use Internet if you have Windows XP on your computer.Windows XP makes the way you and your computer to interact with the Internet easier. Most everyday tasks are easier to do than before. For example, the second mouse button has become a powerful weapon. the Recycle Bin makes it easier to recover "deleted" files. Your computer probably will crash less with Windows XP. Microsoft says that it is moving forward to the time when we will all thing more about our data and less about the programs used to create them.Windows XP plug-and-play capability makes it easy to upgrade your computer hardware. A new Windows 98 shortcuts capability makes it easy reach frequently used files. What is hardware?Webster's dictionary gives us the following definition of the hardware-the devices composing a computer system.Computer Hardware can be divided into four categories:1) input hardware2) processing hardware3) storage hardware4) output hardware.Input hardwareInput hardware collects data and converts them into a from suitable for computer processing. The most common input device is a keyboard. It looks very much like a typewriter. The mouse is a hand-held device connected to the computer by a small cable. As the mouse is rolled across the desktop, the cursor moves across the screen. When cursor reaches the desired location, the user usually pushes a button on the mouse once or twice to give a command to the computer.Another type of input hardware is optic-electronic scanner. Microphone and video camera can be also used to input data into the computer.Processing hardwareProcessing hardware directs the execution of software instructions in the computer. The most common components of progressing hardware are the central progressing unit and main memory.The central processing unit (CPU) is the brain of the computer. It reads and interprets software instructions and coordinates the processing.Memory is the component of the computer in which information is stored. The are two types of computer memory: RAM and ROM.RAM (random access memory) is the memory, used for creating, loading and running programs.ROM(read only memory) is computer memory used to hold programmed instructions to the system.The more memory you can have in your computer, the more operations you can perform.Storage hardwareThe purpose of storage hardware is to store computer instructions and data retrieve when needed for processing. Storage hardware stores data as electromagnetic signals. The most common ways of storing data are hard dick, floppy disk and CD-ROM.Hard disk is a rigid disk coated with magnetic material, for storing programs and relatively large amounts of data.Floppy disk (diskette) - a thin, usually flexible plastic disk coated with magnetic material, for storing temporary computer data and programs. There are two formats for floppy disk: 5.25' and 3,5'.3,5' disks are formatted 1.4 megabytes and are widely used.CD-ROM (compact disk read only memory) is a compact disk on which a large amount of digitized data can be stored. CD-ROMs are very popular now because of the growing speed which CD-ROM drives can provide nowadays.Output hardware The purpose of output hardware is to provide the user with the means to view information produced by the computer system. Information is in either hardcopy or softcopy form. Hardcopy output can be held in your hand, such as paper with text (word or numbers) or graphics printed on it on it. Softcopy output is displayed on a monitor.Monitor is display screen for viewing computer data television programs, etc. Printer is a computer output device that makes possible the transmissions of data to or from computer via telephone or other communications lines.Hardware comes in many configurations, depending on what you are going to do on your computer.General understanding (общее понимание текста)1. What is the Webster is dictionary definition of the hardware?2. What groups of hardware exist?3. What input hardware? What are the examples of input hardware?4. What is the mouse designed for?5. What is processing hardware? what are the basic types of memory used in a PC?6. What is a storage hardware? What is CD-ROM used for? Can a user record his or her data on a CD? What king of storage hardware can contain more information: CD-ROM, RAM or ROM?7. What is modem used people without a modem?
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
XP, the Windows
the Windows XP, is an Operational Hour system based on the Principle of windows Expanding the which uses clause icons to graphically Represent files is. Is very the easy It use of Internet to the if you have the Windows XP, on your computer.
The Windows XP, Makes the way you and your computer interact with of Internet Easier. Most everyday tasks are easier to do than before. For example, the second mouse button has become a powerful weapon. recycle Bin makes it easier to recover accidentally deleted files. Your computer probably will crash less with Windows XP. That IT says the Microsoft is the moving the forward to the time the when we will of all Thing Our more about the data and less See about the programs to the create USED Them.
The Windows XP, a plug-and-play capability-IT Makes the easy to upgrade your computer-hardware. A new Windows 98 shortcuts capability Makes IT the easy their reach frequently USED files is.
For What is-hardware?
Webster,'s dictionary Gives us the the following definition of the-hardware - the devices directory composing a computer system.
The Computer the Hardware CAN the BE DIVIDED Into a four categories:
1) input hardware
2 ) processing hardware
3) storage hardware
4) output-hardware.
the Input-hardware
the Input-hardware collects the data and Converts Into Them from a Suitable for computer processing support. The most common input device is a keyboard . It looks very much like a typewriter. The mouse is a hand-held device connected to the computer by a small cable. As the mouse is rolled across the desktop , the cursor moves across the screen. Reaches the cursor for When Desired location The, the the user pushes Usually a button on the mouse once recording of twice or to give a command to the computer.
For Another of the type of input the-hardware is the optic-electronic scanner. Video camera and the Microphone CAN Also the BE USED to input the the data Into the computer.
The Processing-hardware
the Processing-hardware Directs the execution of software instructions in the computer. Are most common all components of The Progressing of-hardware are the central Progressing main unit and a memory.
Of The central processing support unit (the CPU) is the brain of the computer. Reads and interprets It software instructions and coordinates the processing support.
The Memory is the component of the computer in the which is information for stored is. Of The are to two two types of computer a memory: the RAM and ROM drive.
The RAM (the random the access a memory) is the a memory, USED for Creating Company, loading and the running programs.
ROM drive (the read only a memory) is computer a memory USED to the hold Programmed instructions to the system.
Of The CAN you a memory more have in your computer, the more the Operations CAN you the perform.
the storage-hardware
of the purpose of storage-hardware is to store computer instructions and the data needed for the when the retrieve processing support. Storage hardware stores data as electromagnetic signals. Of The are most common all ways of Storing the data are of hard a dick, The floppy disk and the CD-ROM drive.
The Hard disk is a rigid disk coated with magnetic material, for Storing programs and Relatively large Amounts of the data.
Floppy disk (diskette) - a thin, Usually flexible plastic disk coated with magnetic material, for storing temporary computer data and programs. To two two formats are There for The floppy disk: 5.25 'and 3,5'.
3,5 'the disks are formatted and are 1.4 megabytes A Widely USED.
The CD-ROM drive (compact disk the read only a memory) is a compact disk on the which a large amount of digitized data can be stored. -ROMs are the CD very popular now! Just Because of the speed Growing the which the CD-ROM drive drives CAN Provide nowadays.
The Output-hardware
of The purpose of output-hardware is to Provide the user with the Means to the view the information Produced by the computer system. Information is in either hardcopy or softcopy form . Hardcopy output can be held in your hand , such as paper with text (word or numbers) or graphics printed on it on it. Output is displayed Softcopy on a monitor.
The Monitor is the display screen for the viewing computer the data television programs, etc. The Printer is a computer output device That Makes Possible the Transmissions of the data to or from computer Via telephone or OTHER communications lines.
The Hardware Comes in MANY configurations, depending on what you are going to do on your computer.
Of General Understanding (overall understanding of the text)
1 . What is the Webster is dictionary definition of the hardware?
2. What groups of hardware exist?
3. What input hardware? What are the examples of input hardware?
4. What is the mouse designed for?
5. What is processing hardware? what are the basic types of memory used in a PC?
6. What is a storage hardware? What is CD-ROM used for? Can a user record his or her data on a CD? What king of storage hardware can contain more information: CD-ROM, RAM or ROM?
7. What is modem used people without a modem ?
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