моя любимая сказка Белоснежка.Это очень интересная сказка . жил в стар перевод - моя любимая сказка Белоснежка.Это очень интересная сказка . жил в стар английский как сказать

моя любимая сказка Белоснежка.Это о

моя любимая сказка Белоснежка.Это очень интересная сказка .
жил в старом замке король. Жена у него умерла и он женился второй раз на злой женщине.мачеха не любила Белоснежку , потому что Белоснежка была красивее её и поэтому приказала стражнику убить её. Но у стражника было доброе сердце и он отпустил её. Она долго бродила по лесу. Но вскоре нашла маленький домик и вошла в него. в доме стояло семь кроватей. Белоснежка убрали все комнаты. И заснула. Вскоре пришли семь гномов и увидели Белоснежку. Она проснулась и всё им рассказала. гномы предложили остоться.
Однажды в дверь постучали старуха, это была переодетая мачеха. Старуха угостила Белоснежку яблоком. она откусила его и упала как мёртвая. Гномы пытались Беложнежку. потом гномы положили её в гроб . Они каждий день приходили к Белоснежке.
Как-то по лесу гулял принц.Он увидел Белоснежку и она была очень красивая . Он поцеловал её. Белоснежка ожила и принц увёх еёв своё королевство.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
my favorite fairy tale snow white is a very interesting tale. He lived in the old Castle of the King. His wife died and he married a second time on the evil stepmother hated woman. snow white, because Snow White was more beautiful and therefore ordered the guard to kill her. But the guardian has a good heart and he let go of her. She wandered through the Woods. But he soon found a small house and entered it. in the House there were seven beds. Snow White came off all rooms. And fell asleep. Soon came the seven dwarfs and snow white saw. She woke up and everything they said. dwarves called ostot′sâ. Once in the door knocked an old woman, it was dressed stepmother. The old woman has treated with snow white an Apple. She has bitten off it and fell as dead. The gnomes attempted to Beložnežku. then the dwarves put her in a coffin. They each day come to snow white.The forest was walking he saw snow white Prince and it was very beautiful. He kissed her. Snow white and Prince uvëh eëv came to his Kingdom.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
My favorite fairy tale Belosnezhka.Eto very interesting tale.
lived in an old castle king. His wife died and he married a second time on the evil zhenschine.macheha not like Snow White, Snow White because it was beautiful and so ordered the guard to kill her. But the guard had a good heart and he let her go. She wandered through the woods. But soon found a small house and entered it. The house was seven beds. Snow removed all the rooms. And fell asleep. Soon came the Seven Dwarfs Snow White and the saw. She woke up and told them everything. Dwarves offered ostotsya.
One old woman knocked on the door, it was disguised as a stepmother. The old woman has treated Snow White apple. She took it and fell as dead. Gnomes have tried Belozhnezhku. then the dwarves put it in the coffin. They come every day to Snow White.
Once in the woods walked prints.On saw Snow White and she was very beautiful. He kissed her. Snow White and the prince came to life uvёh eёv his kingdom.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
My favorite fairy tale Snow White.It is a very interesting tale.
lived in the old castle the king. The wife died and he married a second time at the angry woman.Cinderella does not loved Белоснежку ,Because the controlled underwater vehicles was nicer it and therefore стражнику ordered to kill her. But the Dimir House Guard was kind heart and he let her. Glass paperweight over it for a long time in the forest. But soon found a small cottage and entered in it.In the house called seven beds. Controlled underwater vehicles removed all of the rooms. And authors. Soon came seven dwarfs' and saw Белоснежку. She woke up and all them had described. gnomes suggested остоться.
One Day in the door "Hallo bundle,This was why feignest thou thyself stepmother. Bundle угостила Белоснежку bone. it has bitten off his and fell as dead. The gnomes have tried Беложнежку. Then the gnomes put her in the coffin. They Alytus day came to Белоснежке.
As the forest chess board prince.He saw Белоснежку and she was very beautiful. He wasn't kiss her. Snow White and prince увех realize mass its kingdom.
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