Хеллоуин, или Вечер всех святых, отмечается в ночь на 31 октября, нака перевод - Хеллоуин, или Вечер всех святых, отмечается в ночь на 31 октября, нака английский как сказать

Хеллоуин, или Вечер всех святых, от

Хеллоуин, или Вечер всех святых, отмечается в ночь на 31 октября, накануне католического праздника — Дня всех святых. В 2013 году праздник выпадает на четверг.

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Хеллоуин зародился в языческие времена в рамках культа предков. В древности кельты верили, что в хеллоуинскую ночь граница, отделяющая мир живых от мира мёртвых, становится тонкой, и души умерших беспрепятственно приходят в земной мир. Праздник богат традициями, рассчитанными на то, чтобы умилостивить души усопших и призвать их не причинять зла живым.

Откуда пошло название?

Хеллоуин (англ. Halloween) расшифровывается как All Hallowed Souls Eve — Месса всех святых.

Согласно другой версии, название Halloween происходит от слова Helavinn или Helavind. Хель — германская богиня смерти, имя которой переводится как «бездна, ад». Поэтому Хеллоуин облюбовали ведьмы, устраивавшие в этот день шабаш.
Праздник имеет свою символику, которая приобрела популярность во многих странах мира. Следуя древней традиции, чтобы отпугнуть духов и помочь душам найти путь в чистилище, люди выставляют в окнах полую тыкву с вырезанными глазами и ртом и свечкой внутри — её ещё называют «светильником Джека».

В США и Канаде дети наряжаются в костюмы монстров и ходят по округе, выторговывая сладости. Эта традиция — наследие средневекового британского обычая бедняков выпрашивать еду в обмен на молитву об усопших родственниках в День всех святых. В американской версии дети звонят в каждую дверь на своей улице и в шутку угрожают хозяевам расправой, если те не принесут угощение.

Приусадебные участки спальных районов украшаются гирляндами, деревенскими пугалами и атрибутами, связанными со смертью. Устраиваются шумные вечеринки, где все приглашённые должны быть в карнавальных костюмах. Это ещё один отголосок древних традиций: считалось, что шум отпугивает от дома нечистую силу.

Неизменной традицией Хеллоуина в Америке стали аттракционы, призванные напугать посетителей: «дом с привидениями», лабиринты ужасов и другие.
Праздничное застолье не обходится без яблок в карамели, яблочных ирисок и других блюд из яблок. Дети обожают «кенди-корны» — конфетное ассорти в виде тыквы или кукурузного початка. Специально для праздника некоторые выпекают хлеб бармбрэк, внутрь которого кладут щепку, горошину, кусочек ткани, монету и кольцо. Затем присутствующие разрезают хлеб и смотрят, кому что досталось: кольцо — к свадьбе, монета — к богатству, а вот щепка — к неприятностям.

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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Halloween, All Saints 'Day or evening, celebrated on the night of October 31, the day before the Catholic holiday - All Saints' Day. In 2013, the holiday falls on a Thursday.

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Halloween originated in pagan times within the ancestral cult. In ancient times, the Celts believed that on Hallowe'en night boundary that separates the world of the living from the dead, becomes thin,and the souls of the dead to freely come to the earthly world. Holiday rich in tradition, are intended to appease the souls of the dead and to encourage them not to inflict evil alive.

Where does the name?

Halloween (Eng.halloween) stands for all hallowed souls eve - Mass of All Saints.

According to another version, the name comes from the word halloween helavinn or helavind. Hel - German goddess of death, whose name translates as "the abyss of hell."Therefore chosen Halloween witches, held on that day Sabbath.
Festival has its symbolism that has gained popularity in many countries around the world. Following an ancient tradition,to frighten away spirits and help the souls in purgatory to find a way, people are portrayed in the windows of a hollow pumpkin carved with eyes and mouth and a candle inside - it is called "lamp Jack."

In the U.S. and Canada, children dress up as monsters and go around the neighborhood, bargaining sweets.This tradition - a legacy of the British medieval custom of the poor to beg food in exchange for prayers for the dead relatives on All Saints Day.In the American version of the children call on every door in your street and jokingly threatened owners with violence if they do not bring treats.

Farmyards sleeping areas are decorated with garlands,village scarecrows and attributes associated with death. Nestle noisy parties where all the guests should be in carnival costumes. This is another echo of ancient traditions: it was consideredthat the noise scares the evil spirits from the house.

constant tradition of Halloween in America became attractions designed to scare visitors, "haunted house" horror mazes and others.
Festive meal is complete without apples in caramel, toffee apple and other dishes made from apples. Kids will love the "Candy-Corn" - Assorted candy in the form of a pumpkin or corn cob.Especially for some holiday baking bread barmbrek inside which put a chip, a pea, a piece of cloth, a coin and a ring. Then present the bread and cut look who got what: ring - a wedding,coin - wealth, but a sliver - for trouble.

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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Halloween, or even all saints, celebrated on the night of October 31, the eve of all Saints Day is a holiday. In 2013, the holiday falls on a Thursday.

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Halloween originated in pagan times, the worship of ancestors. The ancient Celts believed that on the night of the hellouinskuû border which separates the world of the living from the world of the dead, becomes thin, and the souls of the dead to come in terrestrial world. The holiday is rich in traditions, calculated to propitiate the soul of the deceased and to urge them not to cause evil alive.

Where the name?

Halloween (Engl. Halloween) stands for All Hallowed Eve Souls — all Saints Mass.

According to another version, the name Halloween originated from the word Helavinn or Helavind. Hel is the goddess of death, a German name which translates as "the abyss of hell. So Halloween was chosen by the witches Sabbath on that day ustraivavšie.
Holiday has its own symbols, that has gained popularity in many countries of the world. Following the ancient tradition, to scare away the spirits and help the souls find their way into purgatory, people put in the Windows of a hollow pumpkin with carved eyes and a mouth and a candle inside — it is also called "the lamp Jack."

In the United States and Canada, children dress up in costumes and go around the bargaining. This tradition is the legacy of medieval British custom, the poor beg for food in Exchange for the prayer of the dead relatives on all Saints Day. In the American version of the children call in to every door on the street and jokingly threatening owners with death if they did not bring a treat.

household plots residential districts are decorated with garlands, the village pugalami and the attributes associated with death. There are noisy parties, where all guest must be in Carnival costumes. It's another echo of ancient traditions: it the noise scared away from home because of unclean.

Continued the tradition of Halloween in America have become attractions designed to frighten visitors: "haunted house", labyrinths of horror and others.
Festive meal is complete without apples in caramel Apple sugar candies and other foods from apples. Kids will love the candy "korny" is a sweet assortment of pumpkins or corn cob. Especially for some holiday bake bread barmbrack, which put chips, pea, a piece of cloth, coin and ring. Then present cut bread and look who got: wedding rings, coin-to riches, but the sliver is

for trouble.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
Halloween, or evening all saints, it is noted on the night of 31 October, on the eve catholic holiday, the Day of all saints. In 2013, holiday falls on a Thursday.

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five fresh images for Hunger Strike
Halloween was born in Christ times in the worship their ancestors. The ancient idolatrous that, in хеллоуинскую night border that separates the living from the world dead, becomes thin,And the soul who died without hindrance come in the earth world. Holiday rich in tradition, for longevity, to Spaniard soul dead and to encourage them not to cause evil alive.lord where went the name?lord Halloween (imp.Halloween night) stands for all Hаllоwed blabbed out Eve - Mass. all saints.lord according to another version, the name of this holiday is the word Helаvinn or Helаvind. Freyja - the German goddess of death, whose name is translated as "how unsearchable are his judgments, ABP".Therefore, Halloween holiday hideout witches, устраивавшие in this day concerts.
holiday has its own identity, which has gained popularity in many countries of the world. Following an ancient tradition,To scare away spirits and help souls to find the path to becoming more effective, people are divided in the windows hollow pumpkin carved with eyes and mouth and candle itself would inside - also referred to as its "chandelier Jack" .

In the United States and Canada children costumed children in costumes and monsters walk the district, bargaining sweets.This is a tradition - the heritage of medieval british custom poor chimps were initially in exchange for prayers for the dead relatives on all saints' Day.In the American version children spend time at each door at its street and in joke threaten occupants massacre, if those do not yield our nightly manager's reception.lord slum residents are sleeping areas (warmth,Village пугалами and attributes, associated with death. Barbecues noisy party, where all of the invited must be in carnival costumes. This is yet another echoes of ancient traditions: it was believed,That noise deters from home no longer between socialism.lord unchanged tradition Hunger Strike in America have become attractions, designed to scare visitors: "house with ghosts", maze of horrors and other.
Holiday feast is not complete without apples in caramel, Prof. Makosz ирисок and other dishes from the apples. Children yelling "fantasyland-корны" - конфетное assorted in the form of a pumpkin or corn husk yellow accents.Designed specifically for holiday some breads bread бармбрэк, inside which sesame driftwood, balanced, a piece of cloth, a coin and ring. Then present slice bread and watch, to whom that occupy: ring - for her wedding,The material of the coin - to wealth, and that is lighted splint - the rigors.

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