Мой любимый день недели-пятница.Пятница – очень позитивный день, ведь  перевод - Мой любимый день недели-пятница.Пятница – очень позитивный день, ведь  английский как сказать

Мой любимый день недели-пятница.Пят

Мой любимый день недели-пятница.
Пятница – очень позитивный день, ведь даже в школе в пятницу лучше, чем в остальные дни.
Рабочий день в пятницу обычно очень загружен.
Нужно подвести все итоги рабочей недели, составить план работ на следующую неделю.
Особенно приятно, когда за прошедшую неделю была выполнена большая работа.
В таком случае на предстоящие выходные идешь с радостью.
Настроение на выходные дни задается с пятницы.
По традиции каждый вечер пятницы мы собираемся с друзьями.
Мы приглашаем гостей или встречаемся в кафе.
Мы общаемся, играем в мафию или голубую корову или в покер.
Вечером в пятницу приятно осознавать, что завтра никуда не нужно торопиться, рано вставать.
Пятница летом-особенно любима, потому что впереди два дня отдыха за городом.
Иногда в пятницу вечером мы едем в гости к родителям. И проводим выходные у них.
Думаю родители тоже любят пятницу, они ждут нас. Мы помогаем им по делам, жарим шашлыки, топим баню. Такие выходные проходят очень быстро, но это настоящий отдых для души и тела.
Иногда, в свободные вечера пятницы я планирую максимум домашних дел, что бы освободить для отдыха субботу и воскресенье.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
My favorite day of the week is Friday.Friday is a very positive day even in school on Friday is better than other days.Working day on Friday is usually very busy.Bring all the results of the working week, draw up a plan of work for the following week.Especially nice when for the past week was done great work.In this case, for the coming weekend go with joy.The mood for the weekend is set for Friday.Traditionally every Friday evening we're going with friends.We invite guests or meet in a café.We communicate, we play mafia or blue cow or Poker.On Friday evening it is good to know that tomorrow will not need to hurry to get up early.Friday in the summer-a particular favourite because ahead of two days of rest.Sometimes we go on Friday evening on a visit to his parents. And spend the weekend with them.I think parents too love Friday, they are waiting for us. We help them on business, FRY kebabs, during bath. Such weekend pass very quickly, but it's a real holiday for body and soul.Sometimes, in the free Friday evening I plan a maximum of household chores that would make for a relaxing Saturday and Sunday.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
My favorite day of the week-Friday.
Friday - a very positive day, because even at the school on Friday is better than the other days.
The working day on Friday, is usually very busy.
We need to bring all the results of the working week, a plan of work for the following week.
Especially nice when in the past week has made ​​a lot of work.
In this case, the coming weekend coming with joy.
The mood at the weekend is set on Friday.
According to tradition, every Friday night we're going with friends.
We invite guests or meet in a cafe.
We communicate, play the mafia or blue cow or poker.
Friday night's nice to know that tomorrow will not need to take the time to get up early.
Friday in the summer and particularly loved because ahead of two days of rest in the country.
Sometimes on a Friday night, we go to visit their parents . And spend the weekend with them.
I think parents also love Friday, they were waiting for us. We help them in cases fry kebabs, drown bath. Such weekends are very fast, but it's true relaxation for body and soul.
Sometimes, the free Friday evening I plan a maximum of Home Affairs, which would make room for rest on Saturday and Sunday.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
my favorite day of the week friday. friday is a very positive day, because even in the school on friday than on other days.
day friday, usually very busy.
need to all the working weeka work plan for next week.
is especially good, when in the past week has been a lot of work to do. - in this case on the weekend going to. "the mood on the weekend is set on a friday. by tradition, every friday night, we're friends.
we invite guests or meet in a cafe.
we chat, play mafia or blue cow or poker.friday evening, it's nice to know that tomorrow won't need to get up early.
friday summer - particularly loved, because ahead of two days of rest in the country. "sometimes, on friday night, we're going to visit my parents. and spend the weekend with them.
i think parents love friday, they're waiting for us. we help them to cases in шашлыки, drown the bath. this weekend is very fastbut it's a real recreation for body and soul. "sometimes, free friday night i'm at most domestic affairs that would release the rest on saturday and sunday.
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