Мы все хотим жить долго, и при этом сохранить здоровье. На продолжител перевод - Мы все хотим жить долго, и при этом сохранить здоровье. На продолжител английский как сказать

Мы все хотим жить долго, и при этом

Мы все хотим жить долго, и при этом сохранить здоровье. На продолжительность нашей жизни и на наше здоровье влияют разные факторы. Некоторые не зависят от нас, мы не можем их контролировать и влиять на них: наследственность, генетика, физические особенности. Другие факторы, которые сокращают нашу жизнь, вполне поддаются нашему контролю и коррекции. И один из таких факторов – это питание.

Правильно питаться крайне важно, если мы хотим сохранить свое здоровье на долгие годы и интересный способ сделать это следовать диете радуги. Отличительная черта этой радужной диеты в том, что продукт определенного цвета должен присутствовать в рационе в наиболее благоприятный для этого промежуток времени. Так, зеленые и желтые продукты больше подойдут для завтрака — они не только помогают работе желудка, но и «заряжают» мозги, поднимают настроение. Оранжевые и красные хороши для обеда, а синие и фиолетовые — для вечера, так как способствуют расслаблению. Несомненный плюс радужной диеты в том, что свежие овощи, фрукты и ягоды можно сочетать с продуктами, содержащими белки и углеводы.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
We all want to live long, and keep healthy. At the time of our lives and our health is influenced by various factors. Some do not depend on us, we can not control them and affect them: heredity, genetics, physical features. Other factors that reduce our lives completely to our control and correction. And one factor is food.Eat right is essential if we are to maintain your health for years to come and an interesting way to do this is to follow a diet of Rainbow. A distinguishing feature of the Rainbow diet that the product of a certain color to be present in the diet in the most favorable for that period of time. So, green and yellow products more suitable for breakfast — not only do they help you in the stomach, but also to "charge" the brains, cheer up. Orange and Red are good for lunch, and blue and purple for evenings, as conducive to relaxation. Definite plus Rainbow diet that fresh vegetables, fruit and berries can be combined with products containing proteins and carbohydrates.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]

We all want to live long, while maintaining health. The duration of our lives and our health affect different factors. Some do not depend on us, we can not control them and influence them: heredity, genetics, physical features. Other factors that shorten our lives, it is beyond our control and correction. And one of these factors - is food. Eat right is crucial if we are to maintain their health for many years and a fun way to do this is to follow the diet of the rainbow. The distinguishing feature of this rainbow diet is that the product of a certain color to be present in the diet in the most favorable for this period of time. So, green and yellow products more suitable for breakfast - they not only help the work of the stomach, but also the "charge" the brains, cheer up. Orange and red is good for lunch, and blue and purple - for the evening, as it promotes relaxation. A definite plus rainbow diet that fresh vegetables, fruits and berries can be combined with products containing proteins and carbohydrates.

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]

We all want to live long, and in so doing to maintain health. The duration of life, and on our health affect different factors. Some do not depend on us, we cannot control them and influence them.Heredity, genetics, physical characteristics. Other factors that reduce our lives, it is difficult to control and correction. And one of these factors is the power supply.lord correctly eat is extremely important,If we want to keep their health in many years and an interesting way to do this is to follow diet rainbow. The distinguishing feature that more mundane diet,That the product a specific color should be present in the diet in the most favorable for this period of time. Thus,Green and yellow products more perfect for breakfast - they not only help the stomach, but also the "monotony" brains, raise your mood. Orange and red good for lunch, and a blue and purple - for evening,As contribute to stay lively. An undeniable plus more mundane diet in that fresh vegetables, fruit and berries can be combined with products that contain proteins and carbohydrates.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
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