Франкенштейн был смелым, а смелость в том , что он даже не боялся выражать свои мысли . Он был способным среди своих сверстников, он мог доказывать . Он притворил частично идею учителя и показал себя как способный ученик и его уникальность в том, что учитель заметил только его .Это говорит о его смелости и уникальности к другим людям . Его целеустремлённость и достижение этой цели пройдя все преграды не смотря на препятствия . он поставил цель и шел к нему не обращая внимания даже на любовь. он оживил его. уникальность в том, что он делал не возможное, из мертвого сделал живого , его преданная любовь к матери, из за этой любви он поставил цель и упорно шел к нему . его уникальность в том, что он хотел сделать невозможное . А его сходство с монстром , в том, что монстр хотел отомстить создателю ,он уничтожил его ,то есть достиг цели ,они ставили цель и оба шли к нему, в этом их сходство.
Результаты (
английский) 1:
Frankenstein was bold and daring that he even was not afraid to express their thoughts. He was an able among its peers, he could prove. He pritvoril partially the idea of teacher and showed itself as a capable student and it is unique in that a teacher noticed only his. it says his boldness and uniqueness of others. His determination and the attainment of this objective having passed all obstacles despite obstacles. He set a goal and went to him not paying attention even to love. he revived it. uniqueness in that he did not possible from the dead made a living, his devoted love to his mother, because of this love, he set a goal and stubbornly walked to him. It is unique in that he wanted to do the impossible. And its similarity with the monster, that Monster wanted to take revenge on the creator, he destroyed it, then there are misses, they intended to and both went to him, this is their resemblance.
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Результаты (
английский) 2:
Frankenstein was a bold and daring that he does not even afraid to express their thoughts. He was able among his peers, he could prove. He closed the part of the teacher and the idea proved to be a quick learner, and its uniqueness is that the teacher noticed only his .It speaks of his courage and uniqueness to others. His sense of purpose and achievement of this goal passing all the obstacles in spite of the obstacles. He set a goal and go for it without paying attention even to love. He revived him. unique in the fact that he made no effort made a living from the dead, his faithful love for the mother, because of that love, he set a goal, and stubbornly went to him. Its uniqueness is that he wanted to do the impossible. His resemblance to a monster, that monster creator wanted revenge, he destroyed it, have reached the goal, they set a goal, and both came to him in the similarities.
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Результаты (
английский) 3:
frankenstein was a brave and courage that he wasn't afraid to speak their minds. he was able among their peers, he could prove.he притворил partly the idea of teachers and has shown how quick learner and its uniqueness is that the teacher noticed him. it's said that his courage and uniqueness to the other people.his determination here and the achievement of this objective through all the obstacles, despite the obstacles. he set the goal and it was to him not paying attention, even for love. he revived him. unique in that it was not possible.from the dead did the living, his devoted love for his mother, for the love he had set the goal of going to him. its uniqueness is that he wanted to do the impossible. and its resemblance to the monster isthe monster wanted revenge, so he destroyed it, have reached the purpose intended, they both went to him, this is their similarity.
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