1.Вниз по улице строится новый квартал домов. 2.Тебя интересует работа перевод - 1.Вниз по улице строится новый квартал домов. 2.Тебя интересует работа английский как сказать

1.Вниз по улице строится новый квар

1.Вниз по улице строится новый квартал домов.
2.Тебя интересует работа которую тебе предложили?
3.Его пришлось прооперировать.
4.Посмотри Разбили наше окно .
5.Уроки нужно делать более интересными.
6.Студентам велели подождать за дверью.
7.Посторонних просят уйти с собрания .
8.Я почувствовал .что ему уже задавали этот вопрос.
9.Об этой картине много говорят . Мне ее очень хорошо описали.
10. Эти недостатки можно легко устранить.
11.Эта звезда хорошо видна только после захода солнца.
12.Нам сообщили об этом только перед началом собрания.
13.Тетю Дашу в семье моего отца не любили.ее считали глупой.
14.Я прислушался, в зале играли концерт Моцарта.
15.Меня приняли прекрасно и угостили обедом .
16. Я не мог сказать ему что потратил деньги которые мне дали на учебники .
17.Он прибыл после того как погасло электричество.
19.Ее нигде не было видно.
20.Я уверен что за ним последуют многие.
21. Его никогда не приглашали на вечеринки
22.Многие старые здания в городах сейчас заменяются новыми зданиями
23.Если этот процесс не контролировать . города свой уникальный облик.
24.Когда Морган умер, его коллекция картин была распродана.
25.Этот документ должен быть подписан.
26.Окно было разбито ветром прошлой ночью
27.Здесь ремонтируют туфли и ботинки.
28.Нам постоянно напоминают об опасности загрязнения окружающей среды.
29.Скоро даже самые отдаленные острова будут посещаться туристами
30.Эгого никто не ожидал.
Источник: -
Цель: -
Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
1. Down the street being built new houses. 2. you are interested in work that you suggest? 3. It had to operate. 4. See Smashed our window. 5. lessons to do more interesting. 6. Students told to wait outside the door. 7. Strangers asking to withdraw from the meeting. 8. I felt that he was already. asked this question. 9. a lot of talk about this picture. To me its very well described. 10. these shortcomings can be easily remedied. 11. This star is visible just after sunset. 12. We were told about this just before the start of the meeting. 13. Aunt Dasha in the family of my father disliked it felt silly. 14. I listened, Hall played a concerto by Mozart. 15. I have taken perfectly and offered a meal. 16. I couldn't tell him that spent money that I gave on the map. 17. He arrived after the electricity went out. 18. WE WATCHED AS UNLOADED SHIPS. 19. It was nowhere to be seen. 20. I am confident that it will be followed by many. 21. It was never invited to the party 22. Many of the old buildings in the urban areas is now being replaced by new buildings 23. If this process is not controlled. the town its unique appearance. 24. When Morgan died, his collection of paintings was sold. 25. This document should be signed. 26. The window was broken by the wind last night 27. Here repair shoes and boots. 28. We are constantly reminded of the dangers of environmental pollution, Wednesday. 29. Soon even the most distant islands are visited by tourists 30. Jegogo no one expected.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
1.Vniz Street built a new block of houses.
2.Tebya interested in the work that you were offered?
3.Ego had to operate.
4.Posmotri Smashed our window.
5.Uroki to do more interesting.
6.Studentam told to wait outside the door.
7. outsiders are asked to leave the meeting.
8.I felt .chto he already asked this question.
9.Ob this picture a lot of talk. I have described it very well.
10. These disadvantages can be solved easily.
11.This star is clearly visible just after sunset.
12.Nam was only notified before the meeting.
13.Tetyu Dasha in my father's family did not lyubili.ee felt stupid.
14.YA listened in the hall Mozart played a concert.
15.Menya took well treated and dinner.
16. I could not tell him that he spent the money that I gave for books.
17.On arrived after the electricity went out.
18.MY is observed as to unload the ship.
19.Ee nowhere to be seen.
20.YA sure that many will follow him.
21. He was never invited to parties
22.Mnogie old buildings in urban areas are now being replaced by new buildings
23.Esli this process is not controlled. the city its unique appearance.
24.Kogda Morgan died, his collection of paintings was sold.
25.Etot document must be signed.
26.Okno was broken by the wind last night
27.Zdes repaired shoes and boots.
28.Nam constantly reminded of the dangers of pollution environment.
29.Skoro even the most remote islands will be visited by tourists
30.Egogo nobody expected.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
1.вниз street built a new neighborhood of homes.2.тебя interested in the job which you offered?3.его had to operate.4.посмотри smashed our window.5.уроки to do more interesting.6.студентам told to wait outside.7.посторонних ask to go to the meeting.8.я felt that he had asked the question.9.об this picture a lot of say. it is very well described.10. these shortcomings can be easily removed.11.эта star clearly visible, just after sunset.12.нам reported that just before the meeting.13.тетю дашу in the family of my father not любили.ее felt stupid.14.я listened, hall played a concert of mozart.15.меня was fine and they gave me lunch.16. i couldn't tell him that i spent the money they gave me books.17.он arrived after out electricity.18.мы watched the разгружались ships.19.ее was nowhere to be seen.20.я sure that it will be followed by many.21. he has never been invited to the party22.многие old buildings in urban areas are being replaced by new buildings23.если that process control. the city its unique character.24.когда morgan died, his collection of paintings was распродана.25.этот document must be signed.26.окно broken wind last night.27.здесь repair shoes and boots.28.нам are constantly reminded of the dangers of environmental pollution.29.скоро even the remotest islands will be посещаться tourists30.эгого nobody expected.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
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