И тут, я думаю, специалисты, если мы их можем так назвать, как всегда приходят на помощь. Я не хочу делать гипотезы, предположения, но методы, которые приходят на вооружение, раньше стояли на вооружении спецслужб.
And here, I think, if we can call it that, as always come to the rescue. I don't want to make hypotheses, assumptions, but methods that come into service, previously there were armed with special forces.
And then, I think the experts, if we may so call them, as always come to the rescue. I do not want to make hypotheses, assumptions, but the methods that come into service, once stood on the arms of special services.
and here, i think the team, if we can call it that, as always come to the rescue. i don"t want to speculate, speculation, but the techniques that are adopted, before standing in strategic intelligence.