В те годы плохо относились к «детям врагов народа». Мой «отец немец» в перевод - В те годы плохо относились к «детям врагов народа». Мой «отец немец» в английский как сказать

В те годы плохо относились к «детям

В те годы плохо относились к «детям врагов народа». Мой «отец немец» вредил карьере моей сестры ( она от 1го брака мамы, старше меня на 15 лет). Мама много рассказывала про ту жизнь, но я мало запомнила. Надо было записывать! Уже взрослой я сама искала информацию про Целину, жизненный уклад и порядки. Искала родственников и отца. Мама под давлением сестры (Нина, она поступила в Могилевский педагогический, (написав в анкете «сирота, воспитывает бабушка») бросила отца и увезла меня к бабушке. В те годы у многих были справки вместо паспортов, и что бы переехать требовалось разрешение. Возможно это одна из причин, почему в Белоруссии я пошла в школу как «Вебер, немка», а через год в Украине ...тут надо точнее рассказать..
Мама работала на почте в селе Лобковичи, недалеко от Кричева. Но недолго. Мне там нравилось. Много родственников и друзей, замечательная бабушка, красивые места, река, сад, кувшинки на реке , Березовая роща за домом, речка Сож, а за рекой земляничные поляны и орешник. И гораздо теплее чем в Казахстане! Мне было 5 лет, и я была счастлива. И уже пошла в школу в подготовительный класс. Мне нравилось учиться, хорошо помню школьные парты, школу в саду и запах книг в школьной библиотеке.
Бабушка выдала маму замуж за украинца, который в то время работал с «шабашниками» в их колхозе. Он был на 22 года старше мамы. Хороший работящий человек. Он был хорошим отцом. Так «исправили биографию» ради студентки сестры. И 11 октября 1970 года мы приехали в Мариуполь.
Я не помню, как тут пошла в школу. Блондинок с голубыми глазами среди детей не было. Немцев тем более. Меня жестоко избили дети в первые дни. На память остались пара шрамов. ( Я выросла, они почти не заметны). Но я ничего не помню. Совсем немного, только что-то мама рассказала. Завуч школы посоветовала изменить мне фамилию. У нас все решения принимались «семейным советом» и сестра не разрешила отчиму меня усыновить, дать свою фамилию. и Мама писала письмо в Баррикады друзьям, кто-то помог и у меня появилось свидетельство о рождении на девичью фамилию мамы и в графе отец «прочерк». На следующий год я пошла в школу уже как «белоруска».Хотя в те годы я мало что понимала. Немецкий, белорусский, казахский - все что знала в детстве я быстро забыла. Десять лет школы в Мариуполе были не простыми. И я не понимала, не знала почему так.
Но мама говорила что отец и его родственники здоровые крепкие люди, сдержанные и трудолюбивые. Дед был уважаемым инженером. А среди родственников были ученые, художники, архитекторы. У нас дома была большая книга «Передвижники», там было несколько картин с моей прабабушкой — рыжеволосая дама в шляпке, с зонтиком. Но я так боялась всякого упоминания о родственниках, хотя и не помню почему была так запугана. Мне было 15-17 лет...Я не желала знать и запоминать что рассказывали… это так глупо и несправедливо. Я так сожалею…
Друзья по детдому моего отца — тетя Люся и дядя Вася были супругами и моими крестными. Они приезжали к маме в гости ( мама выдала меня замуж в 18), рассказали, что Роза увезла отца в Германию, а потом они планировали в США уехать. Помню, что мои крестные любили моего папу и были расстроены моим нежеланием говорить о нем. В итоге - я больше ничего не знаю. Мама давно умерла, и моих ошибок уже не исправить.
А с Ниной у меня не сложились отношения. Она так мечтала работать в Артеке, а у меня «не тот папа». Я не понимала почему она такая злая, «веберишка» обзывала, и хороших воспоминаний от неё у меня нет. Ни одного. Неприятная особа. Как ни странно у меня есть замечательная племянница красавица и умница, и племянник (я его никогда не видела) талантливый, закончил школу в 13 лет. Нина педагог и поэтесса. Живет в городе Канаш (Чувашия) и 26 лет мы не встречались. Последний раз она приезжала на похороны мамы, а я была в Варшаве, Лодзи 10 дней, по делам. 30 августа мои друзья организовывали и хоронили. а я вернулась 4-5го сентября и сестра уже уехала.
Все возмущались ее высокомерием и грубостью. Было очень неловко. Зато все поняли почему я с ней не общаюсь. Хотя вот если бы племянница приезжала или написала — я была бы рада.

Получилось очень длинное письмо.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
In those years, bad for the children concerned to enemies of the people. " My "father Gerry" harm the careers of my sister (she's from 1st marriage mom 15 years older than me). Mom told me a lot about the life, but I do not remember. It was necessary to write! Already adult I was looking for information about Virgin, lifestyles and practices. Looking for relatives and the father. Mom under pressure (sisters Nina, she enrolled at the Mogilev pedagogical, (writing in the form of "orphan with grandmother") ditched the father and took me to my grandmother in years many had help instead of passports, and to move required permission. Perhaps this is one reason why in Belarus I went to school as "Weber, German, and a year later in Ukraine. Here it is necessary to accurately tell. ..My mother worked at the post office in the village of Lobkoviči, near the Krichev. But not for long. I liked there. Many relatives and friends, wonderful Grandma, beautiful place, River, Garden, water lilies on the river Birch Grove behind the House, the river Sozh River and strawberry meadow and Hazel. And much warmer than in Kazakhstan! I was 5 years old, and I was happy. And already went to school in a preparatory class. I liked to study, remember well the desks, school garden and smell of books in the school library.My grandmother gave my mom married to a Ukrainian who at the time worked with "šabašnikami" in their collective farm. He was 22 years older than mom. A good hardworking people. He was a good father. So "corrected biography for student sisters. October 11, 1970 and the year we arrived to Mariupol.I don't remember how there went to school. Blondes with blue eyes among children was not. The Germans even more so. I beat kids in the early days. The memory stayed a couple scars. (I grew up, they are almost not noticeable). But I don't remember anything. Quite a bit, just something my mother told. The head teacher of the school advised me to change the name. We have all taken "family Council" and sister stepfather did not allow me to adopt, to give his name. and mom wrote a letter to the Barricades the friends, someone helped and I have a birth certificate on mom's maiden name and his father in the graph "dash". The following year I went to school as "Belarusian." Although those years I understood little. German, Belorussian, Kazakh-all you know as a kid I quickly forgot. Ten years of the school in Mariupol was not simple. And I didn't realize I didn't know why.But my mother said that the father and his relatives a healthy strong people, discreet and hardworking. His grandfather was a respected engineer. And among relatives were scientists, artists, and architects. We have a House was a great book "Peredvizhniki, there were a few pictures with my grandmother is a redheaded Lady in a hat with an umbrella. But I was so afraid of any mention about relatives, though I don't remember why it was so scared. I was 15-17 years. I did not want to know and remember that told ... This is so stupid and unfair. I'm so sorry ...Friends of my father's wandering — aunt Lyusya and Uncle Joe were spouses and my godparents. They came to mom's guests (my mom gave me married at 18), told that took father Rose in Germany, and then they planned in the United States. Remember that my godparents loved my dad and were upset by my reluctance to talk about it. As a result, I don't know anything more. My mother died a long time ago, and my mistakes are no longer correct.And with Nina I have not developed relationships. She dreamed to work in Artek, and my ' dad '. I don't understand why she is so angry, "veberiška" obzyvala, and good memories I have of it. No, not one. An unpleasant person. Oddly enough I have a wonderful niece beauty and clever, and nephew (I have never seen him) talented, finished school in 13 years. Nina educator and poet. He lives in the town of Kanash (Chuvashiya) and 26 years we have not met. The last time she came to the funeral of their mother, and I was in Warsaw, Lodz 10 days on business. 30 August, my friends organized and buried. and I returned 4-5th September and sister have already left.All resented her arrogance and brutality. It was very embarrassing. But everybody understood why I don't talk. Although if the niece visited or wrote-I would be happy.It happened a very long letter.Fault-wrong translation online translator phrases and my ignorance.But I'm working on it.Now you know all about my origins.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
In those years, badly treated "children of enemies of the people". My "German father" harm the career of my sister (she is from the 1st marriage mothers, older than me by 15 years). Mama talked a lot about the life, but I remember little. We had to write! Already adult I myself was looking for information about the virgin soil, lifestyles and practices. Searched relatives and father. Mom pressurized sister (Nina, she enrolled in the Mogilev Pedagogical (written in the questionnaire "orphan, brought up by grandmother") threw his father and took me to my grandmother. In those years, many had certificates instead of passports, and that would move needed permission. Perhaps This is one reason why in Belarus, I went to school as "Weber, a German," and a year later in Ukraine ... there must be more precise to talk ..
My mother worked at the post office in the village of Lobkowicz, near Krichev. But not for long. I was there liked it. A lot of relatives and friends, a wonderful grandmother, beautiful places, river, garden, water lilies in the river, birch grove behind the house, the river Sozh, and the river Strawberry Fields and hazel. And much warmer than in Kazakhstan! I was 5 years old, and I was happy. And went to school in kindergarten. I loved to learn, remember school desks, school garden and the smell of books in the school library.
My grandmother has given my mother married a Ukrainian who at that time worked with "shabashniki" in their farm. He was 22 years older than my mother. A good hard-working people. He was a good father. So "corrected biography" for the student's sister. And 11 October 1970 we arrived in Mariupol.
I do not remember going to school here. Blondes with blue eyes in children were not. The Germans were even more so. I was severely beaten by the children in the early days. In memory were a couple of scars. (I grew up, they are almost invisible). But I do not remember anything. Quite a bit, just something my mother said. School head teacher advised me to change the name. We all decisions were made ​​"family council" and sister would not let her stepfather to adopt me, to give his last name. Mom and wrote a letter to the barricades to friends who had helped and I had a birth certificate at the maiden name of mother and father in the column "dash." The following year I went to school already as "Belarusian" .Although those years, I understood little. German, Belarusian, Kazakh - all I knew as a child, I quickly forgot. Ten years of school in Mariupol were not simple. And I did not understand, did not know why.
But my mother said that my father and his family healthy strong people, discreet and hardworking. My grandfather was a respected engineer. And among the family members were scientists, artists, architects. Our house was a large book, "Wanderers", there were a couple of pictures from my great-grandmother - a red-haired lady in a hat with an umbrella. But I was so afraid of any mention of relatives, although I do not remember why there was so intimidated. I was 15-17 years old ... I do not want to know and remember that telling ... this is so stupid and unfair. I'm so sorry ...
Friends of my father's orphanage - Aunt Lucy and Uncle Bob had spouses and my godparents. They came to visit my mother (my mother to marry me off to 18), he said that Rose's father was taken away to Germany, and then they were planning to leave the United States. I remember that my godparents love my dad, and were upset by my reluctance to talk about it. In the end - I do not know anything. My mother died long ago, and my error is not corrected.
And Nina I did not have a relationship. She wanted to work in Artek, and I "is not the Pope." I did not understand why she was so angry, "veberishka" name-calling, and good memories from it I have not. No one. Unpleasant person. Oddly enough, I have a wonderful niece beautiful and clever, and nephew (I never saw him again) talented, graduated from high school in 13 years. Nina educator and poet. He lives in the town of Kanash (Chuvashia) and 26 years, we have not met. Last time she came to the funeral of my mother, and I was in Warsaw, Lodz, 10 days on business. August 30 my friends organized and buried. I returned 4-5go September and sister had already left.
All resented her arrogance and rudeness. It was very uncomfortable. But everyone understood why I do not talk to her. While here if niece visited or wrote - I would be happy. It was very long letter. The reason for that - an incorrect translation online translator and phrases my ignorance. But I'm working on it. Now you know all about my origins.

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
In those years, poorly treated to "children enemies of the people". My "father german" career detriment my sisters ( it from 1st marriage dad, older than me by 15 years). His Mom talked a lot about the life, but I am little memorize current. It was record!I already adult itself biased information about broken new ground, the life of and orders. Looking relatives and his father. Mum under pressure sisters (Nina, she citation in Mogilev pedagogical, (writing on the form "Sirota,Nurture grandmother") had abandoned his father and nobody was allowed me to grandmother. In those years, many were help instead of passports, and that would be required to move to resolution. Perhaps this is one of the reasons for,
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