Семейные традиции в странах Европы и США в основном из римской патриар перевод - Семейные традиции в странах Европы и США в основном из римской патриар английский как сказать

Семейные традиции в странах Европы

Семейные традиции в странах Европы и США в основном из римской патриархальной семьи. В римской семье власть целиком принадлежала главе семьи – мужчине. Его авторитет был неограничен: считалось, что власть дарована ему богом. Он мог по собственному усмотрению распоряжаться жизнью детей и жены – наказывать, продавать в рабство, а детей даже убить.
С возникновением и ростом влияния христианства такая патриархальная семья в целом сохранилась, но положение женщины несколько улучшилось. Стало уделяться больше внимания ее материнской роли. Но мужчина по-прежнему являлся главой семьи. В духе принципов римской империи составлен и Нью-Йоркский брачный сертификат 1848г. В нем есть такие слова: «Жена вручает себя мужу во Владение»
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Family tradition in Europe and the United States mainly from the Roman patriarchal family. The Roman family belonged to the entire power family-man. His authority was unlimited: it was believed that the power granted him by God. It may, in its sole discretion, dispose of the life of the children and wife-punished, sold into slavery, and even kill.With the emergence and growing influence of Christianity such a patriarchal family as a whole survived, but the position of women has improved somewhat. More attention has been given to her maternal role. But the man continued to be head of the family. In the spirit of the principles of the Roman Empire established and New York marriage certificate begun since 1848. It includes the words: "my wife presents herself to her husband in possession"
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Family traditions in Europe and the United States mainly because the Roman patriarchal family. The whole power of the Roman family belonged to the head of the family - a man. His authority was unlimited: it was believed that the power given him by God. He may at its sole discretion to dispose of the life of his wife and children - to punish, to sell into slavery and even kill children.
With the advent of Christianity and the growing influence of this patriarchal family as a whole is preserved, but the status of women has improved somewhat. It began to pay more attention to her maternal role. But the man continued to be the head of the family. In the spirit of the principles of the Roman Empire and made ​​New York the marriage certificate of 1848. It has the following words: "The wife presents herself to her husband in possession"
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
family tradition in the countries of europe and the united states mainly from roman patriarchal family. in the roman dominion belonged to the head of the family is a family man. his authority was considered to be unlimited.the power given to him by god. he could, at their own discretion, to dispose of the life wife and children - to sell into slavery, and even to kill the children. "with the advent and growth of christianity that the patriarchal family in general condition, but the situation of women had improved somewhat. greater emphasis has been placed on her maternal role.but the man remained the head of the family. in the spirit of the principles of the roman empire established and new york 1848г marriage certificate. it has a such words: "the wife the husband puts himself in владение»
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