Мой драгоценный Джон!Здравствуйте! Я пишу вам сейчас это письмо и таю  перевод - Мой драгоценный Джон!Здравствуйте! Я пишу вам сейчас это письмо и таю  английский как сказать

Мой драгоценный Джон!Здравствуйте!

Мой драгоценный Джон!
Здравствуйте! Я пишу вам сейчас это письмо и таю надежду в сердце, что вы прочитаете это письмо.
Почему я пишу вам? Я сейчас попытаюсь объяснить. Это довольно непросто сделать. Я на этом сайте совсем недавно. Внимания мужчин я еще не успела на себе ощутить. Я здесь только с одной единой целью – обрести свое счастье, найти настоящего мужчину, который станет поддержкой и создать семью.
Я очень обрадовалась когда встретила здесь вас! Мне сразу захотелось вам написать. Как у вас дела? Надеюсь у вас отличная погода? Я очень прошу вас, не отвергайте меня! Подарите нам шанс на общение!
Для меня очень важно быть с человеком, который понимает, поддержит. С которым можно и пошутить, и поплакать… И когда я встретила вас на этом сайте, я поверила в то, что вы серьезный мужчина, жаждущий любви, ищете серьезную женщину. Здесь наверное многие сидят ради удовольствия, здесь наверное очень много обмана. А я не смотря ни на что ищу искренность, добиваюсь сейчас вашего внимания.
Я уже думала себе, может вы уже не хотите детей. А может вы потом поменяете свое мнение? Я сейчас ловлю себя на мысли, что я смогу поддержать ваше желание каким бы оно не было. Но мы должны понимать, это жизнь. А что если в будущем, когда мы с вами будем вместе, я забеременею. Как вы поступите? Вы будете хотеть ребенка? Вы пошлете меня делать аборт? Это вопросы, которые для меня тоже важны. Я думаю, что только вместе можно всегда найти выход из сложных ситуаций. Что вы думаете об этом?
Я многое сделала чтоб прийти на этот сайт. Я поверила в себя, в то, что любовь есть. И как встретила вас, мое сердце мне шепнуло – давай попробуем. И вот таким образом я пишу вам сейчас. Влюбленные женщины способны на многое. Я готова жить с мужчиной там, где он будет считать нужным. Я верю, что вы сумеете поддержать меня в вашей стране, не оставите меня. Мне будет достаточно знать, что мой любимый есть рядом со мной, а все остальное мы сможем преодолеть вместе. Мы женщины должны стоять ниже своих мужчин и уметь слушать. Я такая. Я хочу принадлежать только одному мужчине. Я не вижу смысла врать, обманывать, ведь сдесь я ищу свою любовь. Дорогой, а вы хотите, чтоб ваша женщина вас умела слушать, поддержать? Что вы цените в отношениях?
Я также, как и вы хочу попробовать свою судьбу на этом сайте, найти своего любимого мужчину, который станет моим мужем. Я хочу, чтоб вы знали, что я есть, я та, которая так долго искала вас и нашла. Может мы поговорим с вами в видео чате? Я так хочу, чтоб вы видели меня! Это будет большое счастье для меня! Я буду ждать вас в видео чате в субботу в 7 часов вечером по киевскому времени. Я очень надеюсь, что вы будете меня ждать!
Я думаю, что у нас есть замечательная возможность построить хорошие отношения. Вы тоже так думаете?
Я верю в любовь с первого взгляда, мое сердце открыто для вас! Я теперь стучусь в ваше сердце!
Мой дорогой, только ваш ответ принесет мне улыбки, только ваш ответ сделает мне хорошее настроение! Я писала вам со всей искренностью, и очень надеюсь на то, что это может быть взаимно!
Я мечтаю о таком мужчине как вы, и хочу узнать вас лучше.
Только для вас Aliona
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
My precious John!Hello! I am writing you this letter now and melt the hope in your heart, that you read this letter. Why I write you? I'll try to explain. It's pretty hard to do. I am on this site recently. Attention men I had not yet had time to feel. I am here only for one single purpose-to find happiness, find a real man who will support and build a family. I was so glad when I met you here! I just want you to write. How are you doing? I hope you have great weather? I ask you, don't reject me! Give us a chance to communicate! It is very important for me to be with someone who understands will support. With which you can make a joke, and the cry of ... And when I met you on this website, I believe that you are a serious man, hungry for love, looking for a serious woman. There probably many sit just for fun, here are probably a lot of cheating. And I am no matter what I am looking for sincerity, now seeking to get your attention. I already thought myself, can you no longer want children. And can you then change my mind? I now find myself thinking that I would be able to support your desire for whatever it was. But we have to understand that's life. What if, in the future, when we will be together, I zaberemeneû. What are you going to do? You are going to want a child? You send me to have an abortion? These are issues that are important for me too. I think that only together we can always find a way out of difficult situations. What do you think about this? I have done much to come to this site. I believe in myself, in fact, that love is. And how I met you, my heart I šepnulo-let's try. And so I write to you now. Loving women are capable of much. I am ready to live with a man where he would take the fit. I believe that you will support me in your country, don't leave me. I just know that my favorite is next to me, and everything else we can overcome together. We women must stand below their men and to be able to listen to. I like that. I want to belong to only one man. I don't see any reason to lie, cheat, because here I am looking for love. Pricey, and you want your woman you could listen to, support? What do you value in a relationship?I also like and you want to try your luck on this site, find your favorite man who would become my husband. I want you to know that I am, I'm the one that you had been looking for so long and has found. Can we talk to you in a video chat? I so want you to see me! It will be a great happiness for me! I will wait for you in the video chat on Saturday in the evening 7:0, Kyiv time. I very much hope that you will wait for me!I think we have a great opportunity to build a good relationship. Do you also think so? I believe in love at first sight, my heart is open to you! I am now knocking at your heart!My dear, your response will bring me a smile, only your answer would make me a good mood! I wrote to you in all honesty, and I very much hope that this can be mutually!I dream of a man like you, and I want to get to know you better. Just for you Aliona
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
My precious, John!
Welcome! I am writing this letter to you now and hope melt in your heart that you read this letter.
Why am I writing to you? I'll try to explain. It's pretty easy to do. I'm on this site recently. The attention of men, I have not had time to yourself to feel. I am here with only one common goal - to find happiness, to find a real man who will support and create a family.
I am very happy when I met you here! I just wanted to write to you. How are you doing? I hope you have great weather? I beg you, do not reject me! Give us a chance to chat!
For me it is very important to be with someone who understands support. With whom you can and make a joke and cry ... When I met you on this site, I believe in that you are a serious man, hungry for love, looking for a serious woman. There probably many sit for fun, there is probably a lot of hype. And I do not matter what I am looking for sincerity, to seek your attention right now.
I've already thought yourself can you not want children. And can you then changed his mind? Now I find myself thinking that I can support your desire whatever it was. But we must understand, that's life. What if in the future when we will be together with you, I get pregnant. What do you do? You'll want a child? You send me to have an abortion? These are issues that are important to me, too. I think that only together can always find a way out of difficult situations. What do you think about this?
I did a lot to come to this site. I believed in myself, in what love is. And I met you, my heart whispered to me - let's try it. And so I write to you now. Women in Love are capable of much. I'm willing to live with a man, where he will see fit. I believe that you will be able to support me in your country, do not leave me. I will need to know what my favorite is, next to me, and everything else we can overcome together. We women should be lower than their men and to be able to listen. I like that. I want to belong to only one man. I do not see any reason to lie, to cheat, because I'm here to see prices looking for love. My dear, you want your woman you knew how to listen, to support? What do you value in a relationship?
I also, like you want to try your fate on this site to find your lover who will be my husband. I want you to know that I am, I'm the one that you have so long sought and found. Can we talk to you in video chat? I want you to see me! It will be a great happiness for me! I'll be waiting for you in video chat on Saturday at 7 pm Moscow time. I very much hope that you will wait for me!
I think we have a great opportunity to build a good relationship. Do you also think so?
I believe in love at first sight, my heart is open to you! Now I knock at your heart!
My dear, but your answer will bring me smile, only your response makes me a good mood! I wrote to you in all sincerity, and I hope that it can be mutually!
I dream of such a man as you, and I want to get to know you better.
Just for you Aliona
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
My treasured John!
Hello! I am writing this letter and bunraku hope in the heart, that you have read this letter.
Why I am writing to you? I will try to explain. This is not easy to do.I am on this site recently. Attention men i have not yet had been able to experience. I am here with one and only one aim in mind - to find their happiness, to find this man, who will support and create a family.
I was dreaming when met here you! I just wanted to write. How are you doing? I hope you have great weather? I kindly ask you, not отвергаите me! Give us a chance to chat!
For me, it is important to be with a man who understands, will support. With which you can and bantering, and an alcoholic ... and when I met you on this site, I believed in it, that you are a serious man, goalscorer love,Are you looking for a serious woman. I think many are sitting here for fun, here I am very much deception. And I do not come to that looking for a sincere, seeking now your attention.
I already thought itself,Can you already do not want children. And can you then swap their opinion? I am now fishing themselves on the thought, that I will be able to support your desire to how would it not have been. But we must realize that this is life. And that if, in the future,When we with you will be together, i забеременею. How do you do? You will want the child? Are you sending me to have an abortion? The issues that are important to me, too. I thinkThat, however, only you can always find a way out of difficult situations. What do you think about this?
I had done a great deal to let to come to this site. I alas, that love is. And as received you,My heart me шепнуло - let's try. And that is how I am writing to you now. They kiss women are able to done. I am ready to live with a man, where he would take it as desired. I believe,That you will be able to support me in your country, do not leave me. I will be it is sufficient to know that, my favorite is next to me, and all the rest, however, we will be able to overcome.We women must not be below their men and to be able to listen to it. I have such a. I want to belong to only one man. I do not see any sense lying, deceiving, but banquet i'm looking for my love. Expensive, and you want to,To let your woman you first stirred to listen, to support? What do you want in the relationship?
i also, as you will want to try their own destiny on this site, to find his beloved man, who will be my husband. I want to be you know,That i have, I am the one that you have so long sought and found. Can we talk to you in video chat? I so want to be you have seen me! This will be a great happiness for me!I will be waiting for you in the video chat with you on Saturday at 7 o'clock in the evening in Raiffeisen Bank Aval. I very much hope that you will have to wait!
I think that we have a great opportunity to build a good relationship.Do you think so?
I believe in love at first sight, my heart is open for you! I now стучусь in your heart!
My dear, only your response to bring me smiles, only your response to make me a good mood!I wrote to you in all sincerity, and I very much hope that this can be a mutually!
I dream of a man as you, and I want to know you better.
Just for you Aliоnа
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