Любой продукт надо как-то хранить. Газ не исключение. Индустрия подзем перевод - Любой продукт надо как-то хранить. Газ не исключение. Индустрия подзем английский как сказать

Любой продукт надо как-то хранить.

Любой продукт надо как-то хранить. Газ не исключение. Индустрия подземного хранения газа имеет уже почти столетнюю историю. ПХГ (подземные хранилища газа) в значительной мере способствуют надежности снабжения потребителей газом. Они позволяют выравнивать суточные колебания газопотребления и удовлетворять пиковый спрос в зимний период. Особенно важны ПХГ в Казахстане с его климатическими особенностями и удаленностью источников ресурсов от конечных потребителей. Подземные хранилища позволяют гарантированно обеспечивать потребителей природным газом независимо от времени года, колебаний температуры, форс-мажорных обстоятельств.
На месторождении Бозой Актюбинской области есть все необходимые благоприятные условия для создания подземного хранилища газа.
ПХГ, как правило, сооружают вблизи трассы магистрального газопровода и потребителей
Общий объем газа в подземном хранилище делится на две части: активный (рабочий) и буферный (остаточный). Активный газ — объем, ежегодно закачиваемый и отбираемый из ПХГ. Буферный газ — объем, который постоянно находится в ПХГ во время его эксплуатации
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Any product it is necessary to somehow store. Gas is no exception. Underground gas storage industry has for almost a century. UGS (underground gas storages) contribute significantly to security of supply of gas to consumers. They allow the wintermonths and meet the peak demand in the winter. UGS are especially important in Kazakhstan with its climatic features and remoteness of sources of resources from consumers. Underground stores, you are guaranteed to provide consumers with natural gas, regardless of the time of year, temperature fluctuations, force majeure.Bozoi on Aktyubinsk oblast has all the necessary enabling environment for creating underground gas storage.UGS tend to construct near the route of the pipeline and consumersThe total volume of gas in underground storage is divided into two parts: active (working) and buffer (residual). Active gas — volume injected annually and selected from UGS. Buffer gas is the volume that resides in UGS during its operation
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Any product must somehow store. Gas is no exception. Industry UGS has almost a century. UGS (underground gas storage facilities) contribute significantly to security of supply of gas to consumers. They allow you to align the daily fluctuations in gas consumption and to meet peak demand in the winter. Especially important UGS in Kazakhstan, with its climatic features and remote sources of resources from end-users. Underground storage can guarantee to provide consumers with natural gas, regardless of the time of year, temperature fluctuations, force majeure.
The field Bozoi Aktobe region has all the necessary conditions for the creation of an underground gas storage facility.
UGS is usually built next to main gas pipeline route and consumers
General the volume of gas in underground storage is divided into two parts: the active (working) and a buffer (residual). Active gas - volume annually injected and withdrawn from UGS. The buffer gas - the volume of which is constantly in the underground storage facilities during its operation
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
any product you need to get something to keep. gas is no exception. the underground gas storage is almost a centenary history.пхг (underground storage of gas) is contributing significantly to the reliability of gas supply to consumers. they allow another circadian fluctuations газопотребления and to meet the peak demand during the winter period.the most important пхг in kazakhstan with its climatic features and the development of resources of the end users.underground storage are guaranteed to provide users of natural gas, regardless of seasons, temperature fluctuation, force majeure.
from бозой aktyubinsk area has all the necessary conditions for the establishment of underground gas storage. пхг typically build motorway trunk gas pipeline and the consumers.the total amount of gas in the underground vault is divided into two parts: active (working) and the buffer (residual). active gas volume, every year закачиваемый and selected from the пхг. buffer gas volumewho is constantly in пхг during its operation.
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