Образование в России людей в нашей стране имеют право на образование.  перевод - Образование в России людей в нашей стране имеют право на образование.  английский как сказать

Образование в России людей в нашей

Образование в России людей в нашей стране имеют право на образование. Это наше конституционное право. Но это не только право, это обязанность, тоже. Каждый мальчик и каждая девочка в России должны ходить в школу, то есть, они должны получить полное среднее образование. Так что когда они 6 или 7 лет они начинают ходить в школу. Есть тысячи школ в России. Есть школы общего образования, где ученики изучают русский (или родной язык), литература, математика, история, биология, география, музыка, искусство, иностранные языки. Существует также ряд специализированных школ, где ученики получают хороший глубокий усадеб, иностранных языков, математики или физики. После окончания 9 классов средней школы молодые люди могут продолжить свое образование в различные виды профессионально-технических школах или колледжах. Они не только учиться общеобразовательным предметам, но получить специальность там. Окончив среднюю школу, техникум или колледж молодые люди могут начать работать, или они могут ввести институт или университет. Профессиональные тренинги делает его легче получить высшее образование. Что касается средних школ есть много из них в нашей стране. Некоторые из них преподавателей, другие - врачей, инженеров, архитекторов, актеров и т.д. Многие институты имеют вечерние и заочное отделения. Что дает студентам возможность учиться в институте, не покидая своих рабочих мест.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Education in Russia people in our country have the right to education. It is our constitutional right. But it's not just right, it's an obligation, too. Every boy and every girl in Russia must go to school, that is, they should get a complete secondary education. So when they are 6 or 7 years, they begin to go to school. There are thousands of schools in Russia. There are schools of general education, where students are studying Russian (or native language), literature, mathematics, history, biology, geography, music, art, and foreign languages. There are also a number of specialized schools, where pupils get good deep farmsteads, foreign languages, mathematics or physics. After graduating from secondary school, 9 young people can continue their education in various types of vocational schools or community colleges. They not only learn general subjects, but get a specialty there. After graduating from high school, technical school or College, young people can begin to work, or they may enter a college or University. Professional training makes it easier to get a higher education. As regards secondary schools, there are plenty of them in our country. Some of them teachers, other doctors, engineers, architects, actors, etc., many institutions have evening and correspondence departments. That gives students the opportunity to study at the Institute, without leaving their jobs.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Education in the Russian people in our country have a right to education. It is our constitutional right. But it is not only a right, a duty, too. Every boy and every girl in Russia must go to school, that is, they need to get a complete secondary education. So when they are 6 or 7 years old they start school. There are thousands of schools in Russia. There are schools of general education, where students learn Russian (or native language), literature, mathematics, history, biology, geography, music, art, foreign languages. There are also a number of specialized schools where pupils receive good deep estates, foreign languages, mathematics or physics. After the end of 9 years of secondary school, young people can continue their education in different types of vocational schools or colleges. They not only learn general subjects, but there he specialized. After graduating from high school, technical school or college, young people can start working, or they can enter college or university. Professional training makes it easier to get a higher education. As for secondary schools have a lot of them in our country. Some of them are teachers, others - doctors, engineers, architects, actors, etc. Many institutes have evening and correspondence departments. What gives students the opportunity to study at the institute, without leaving their jobs.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
education in russia, people in our country have the right to education. this is our constitutional right. but it's not just the right, duty, too. every boy and every girl in russia have to go to schooli mean, they should receive a full secondary education. so when they are 6 or 7 years, they begin to go to school. there are thousands of schools in russia. there are schools of general education, where students studying russian (mother tongue)literature, mathematics, history, biology, geography, music, art, foreign languages. there are also a number of specialized schools, where students receive a good deep manors, foreign languagesmathematics or physics. after the end of 9 secondary schools young people to continue their education in various vocational schools or colleges.they not only learn the educational subjects, but to do it. the high school, college or college young people can begin to work, or they can enter the institute or university.professional training makes it easier to get higher education. as for secondary schools, there are many of them in our country. some of them are teachers, doctors, engineers, architects,the cast and so on. many institutions have evening and distance separation. that gives students the opportunity to study at the institute, without leaving their jobs.
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