Неученье - светАмериканцы твердо убеждены, что высшее образование - за перевод - Неученье - светАмериканцы твердо убеждены, что высшее образование - за английский как сказать

Неученье - светАмериканцы твердо уб

Неученье - свет

Американцы твердо убеждены, что высшее образование - замечательная вещь, поскольку позволяет получить работу получше, особенно если при этом еще и ничему не надо учиться.
Начальное образование в Америке состоит из детского сада, до шестилетнего возраста, и начальной школы, до двенадцати лет. Среднее образование - из еще двух ступеней и заканчивается лет в восемнадцать. Эти ступени проходят все, хочешь не хочешь. Американские городские школы славятся тем, что особо выдающиеся их выпускники не умеют ни читать, ни считать. Государственные школы еще называются "общественными", потому что они общедоступны; платные школы называются "частными". В частные школы отдают своих детей родители, которые сообразили, что' общественные школы никуда не годятся. Частные школы бывают разные, от элитарных, готовящих к поступлению в университет, до отщепенских, основанных расистами или религиозными фанатиками.
Университетское образование доступно любому американцу, который в состоянии за него заплатить (в крупных университетах это выливается тысяч в двадцать в год), а также тем, кто достаточно беден, атлетически подготовлен или башковит, чтобы получить стипендию, а еще тем, кому удается взять ссуду в банке. Все больше и больше студентов выбирает последнее и после выпускного экзамена выходит в жизнь с дипломом в одной руке и долговой распиской на сумму, равную закладной на дом, в другой.
Около трети американцев, получив среднее образование, поступают в университет, но они не слишком доверяют тому, чему их там учат. Строго говоря, с точки зрения американской широкой публики, любой человек, который слишком много знает, выглядит подозрительно.
Книг американцы не читают, разве что романчик-другой Джона Гришэма или Роберта Ладлэма. Да и зачем? Единственное, что должен твердо знать каждый американский работник умственного труда, - это футбольные правила.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Ignorance-the lightAmericans firmly believe that higher education is a wonderful thing because it allows you to get a better job, especially if you also do not need to learn. Primary education in America consists of kindergarten, up to the age of six, and elementary school, up to twelve years. Secondary education-from two more stages and finishes in eighteen years. These steps are all, like it or not. American urban schools are famous for that particularly outstanding graduates can neither read nor considered. Public schools are still referred to as "public", because they are publicly available; fee-paying schools are called "private". Private schools give their children parents who thought that ' public schools are no good. Private schools are different from the elitist, preparing for University, to otŝepenskih based racist or religious fanatics. University education is accessible by any American who can pay for it (at major universities is poured thousands into twenty per year), as well as those who are poor enough athletically prepared or baškovit to get a scholarship, and even those who manage to take out a loan. More and more students chooses the latter and after the final examination comes out in life with a diploma in one hand and a debt a receipt for an amount equal to the mortgage on the House in the other. About a third of Americans receiving secondary education, enrol in University, but they are not too likely to trust what they are taught. Strictly speaking, from the perspective of the American public, anyone who knows too much, looks suspicious. Americans don't read books, except that romančik is another John Grisham or Robert Ludlum. Yes and why? The only thing that should firmly know every American worker intellectuals, is the football rules.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Unlearned - Light Americans firmly believe that higher education - a wonderful thing, because it allows you to get a better job, especially if it is also nothing to learn. Primary education in the US consists of kindergarten until the age of six, and an elementary school, to twelve years. Secondary education - from two more stages and ends at eighteen years. These steps are all, like it or not. American urban schools are famous for the fact that their particularly outstanding graduates do not know how to read or count. Public schools are also called "civil society" because they are publicly available; fee-paying schools are called "private". In private schools the parents send their children to realize that "public schools are worthless. Private schools are different from the elite, preparing for university, to otschepenskih based racists and religious fanatics. University education is available to any American who is able to pay for it (in the major universities of this translates into thousands of twenty per year), as well those who are poor enough, athletically prepared or Bashkova to get a scholarship, but also to those who are able to borrow from banks. More and more students chose the latter, and after the final exam comes to life with a diploma in one hand and an IOU for the amount equal to the mortgage on the house to the other. About a third of Americans who have received secondary education, go to university, but they do not trust Moreover, there is what they are taught. Strictly speaking, from the point of view of the American public, any person who knows too much, looks suspicious. Books Americans do not read, except that the affair or two of John Grisham or Robert Ludlum. And why? The only thing that has to be fully aware every American knowledge worker - is football rules.

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
неученье light

the americans believe that higher education is a wonderful thing, because it allows you to get a better job, especially if it is never to learn. "primary education in america consists of kindergarten, before the age of six years, and primary school, and 12 years. secondary education - from the two steps and ends in eighteen years.these steps are all you want. american city schools are the most prominent of their graduates can neither read nor considered. public schools are called "public"because they are accessible and fee paying schools are called "private". private schools give their children parents, who figured out that 'public schools are no good. private schools are different from the elite.preparing for university, before отщепенских based racist or religious fanatics. "the university education available to every american.who can pay for it (in major universities, there is a $20 per year), as well as those who are quite poor, атлетически prepared or башковит to get a scholarship, and thepeople can get a loan from the bank. more and more students choose the latter and after graduation exam comes in with a degree in one hand and a debt receipt by an amount equal to the mortgage on the house, on the other.about a third of americans, with secondary education, enter the university, but they have little confidence in what they teach. strictly speaking, from the perspective of the american public, any personwho knows too much, it looks suspicious. "americans don't read books but fling - another john grisham or robert ludlum novel. yeah, and why? the only thingwhat should hold to every american employee of mental work, is the football rules.
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