1.Ричард - один из печально известных коррумпированных политиков. 2. О перевод - 1.Ричард - один из печально известных коррумпированных политиков. 2. О английский как сказать

1.Ричард - один из печально известн

1.Ричард - один из печально известных коррумпированных политиков. 2. Озорной мальчишка нацелился камнем на собачонку, но его брат не позволил ему бросить камень в животное. 3. новое правительство начало бороться против коррупции в городе. 4 миссис Ричардсон унаследовала это поместье от своих бабушки и дедушки . 5 Их абсолютно не удовлетворяет представленное им обслуживание . 6 С ними трудно иметь дело . 7 вся нация сплотилась вокруг президента . 8 розовые кусты прекрасно растут в моём саду . 9 этот документ на самом деле имеет большое значение. 10 адамсы - очень дружная семья. 11 я знаю что не должна была выдавать твою тайну , но, к сожалению , я это сделала
12 луна появилась из-за облаков . 13 Чарли , почему ты так недоволен поведением своих племянников ? 14 в случае опасности позвонить по этому номеру. 15 я решила ограничить себя двумя пирожками или двумя булочками в день.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
1. Richard-one of notorious corrupt politicians. 2. Naughty boy set his sights to a small dog, but his brother didn't allow him to throw a rock into an animal. 3. the new Government began to fight against corruption in the city. 4 Mrs Richardson had inherited the estate from their grandparents. 5 their absolutely does not satisfy submitted by him to the service. 6 hard to deal with them. 7 the whole nation rallied around the President. 8 rose bushes grow perfectly well in my garden. 9 this document actually has a great importance. Adams 10-a very friendly family. 11 I know that should not issue your secrets, but unfortunately I did it12 Moon appeared from behind the clouds. 13 Charlie, why are you so unhappy with the behaviour of their nephews? 14 in case of emergency please call this number. 15 I decided to limit myself to two pies or two bread rolls a day.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
1.Richard - one of the notorious corrupt politicians. 2. Naughty boy aimed a stone at the little dog, but his brother would not let him throw a stone at the animal. 3. The new government began to fight against corruption in the city. 4 Mrs Richardson had inherited the estate from his grandparents. 5 They are absolutely not satisfied with services rendered to them. 6 With them, it is difficult to deal with. 7 the whole nation rallied around the president. 8 rose bushes grow well in my garden. 9 this document is really important. 10 Adams - a very friendly family. 11 I know that was due not to give your secret, but, unfortunately, I did
12 the moon appeared from behind the clouds. 13 Charlie, why are you so unhappy with the behavior of his nephews? 14 in case of emergency call the number. 15 I decided to limit myself two pies or two bread rolls a day.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
1.ричард - one of the notorious corrupt politicians. 2. the naughty boy falling rock at the little dog, but his brother didn't let him throw a rock in the animal. 3. the new government began to fight against corruption in the city. 4, mrs. richards inherited that estate from their grandparents. 5 it is not satisfy the service. 6 of them difficult to deal with. 7 the whole nation united around the president. 8 the rose bushes are growing in my garden. 9 this document really is of great importance. 10 addams is a very happy family. 11 i know don't have been to your secret, but, unfortunately, i did it12 the moon emerged from the clouds. 13, charlie, why are you so dissatisfied with the conduct of his nephews? 14 in the case of danger, call this number. 15 i decided to limit themselves to two pies or two rolls in a day.
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