Первая запись игр датируется 776 г. до н.э. в Греции. Важные виды спор перевод - Первая запись игр датируется 776 г. до н.э. в Греции. Важные виды спор английский как сказать

Первая запись игр датируется 776 г.

Первая запись игр датируется 776 г. до н.э. в Греции. Важные виды спорта в оригинальной Олимпийских игр были бег, прыжки, борьба, метание дискос и метание копья. Только мужчины соревновались, и они не носили одежду, чтобы иметь большую свободу передвижения. Первая современная Олимпиада проходила в Афинах в 1896 году С тех пор Олимпийские игры проводились каждые четыре года только с двумя исключениями из - за двух мировых войн , Там могут быть летние и зимние игры. В наше время олимпийское движение стало огромным и дорогим организацией. Зимние Олимпийские игры являются мульти-спортивное мероприятие проводится каждые четыре года. Зимние Олимпийские игры были организовано на трех континентах, но никогда в стране , в южном полушарии. Соединенные Штаты были хозяин три раза. Австрия, Канада, Италия, Япония, Норвегия и Швейцария принимала Игры дважды. В 2014 году Сочи станет первым городом в России пройдет зимнюю Олимпиаду. Наш Goverment, Олимпийские Пятна комитет и Spotsmen готовятся к этому событию с большим энтузиазмом. Наши спортсмены выйграли столько медалей , сколько смогли. Мы поддерживали нашу олимпийскую сборную.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
The first record dates back to 776 games BC in Greece. Important sports were running, jumping, wrestling, throwing the discus and javelin in the original Olympics. Only men competed, and they did not wear clothes, to have more freedom of movement. <br>The first modern Olympic Games held in Athens in 1896. Since then, the Olympic Games are held every four years, with only two exceptions - for the two world wars, there are summer and winter games. <br>In our time, the Olympic movement has become a huge and expensive organization. Winter Olympic Games are a multi-sport event held every four years.<br>Winter Olympic Games were organized on three continents, but never in a country in the southern hemisphere. The United States was the host three times. Austria, Canada, Italy, Japan, Norway and Switzerland take the game twice. <br>In 2014, Sochi will become the first city of the Winter Olympics will be held in Russia. Our Goverment, Stains Olympic Committee and Spotsmen preparing for this event with great enthusiasm. Our athletes Won so many medals as they could. We supported our Olympic team.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
The first recording of the games dates back to 776 BC in Greece. Important sports in the original Olympics were running, jumping, wrestling, throwing discos and javelin throwing. Only men competed and they didn't wear clothes to have more freedom of movement. <br>The first modern Olympics were held in Athens in 1896 Since the Olympic Games were held every four years with only two exceptions to - for two world wars , There can be summer and winter Games. <br>Nowadays, the Olympic movement has become a huge and expensive organization. The Winter Olympics are a multi-sport event held every four years. <br>The Winter Olympics were organized on three continents, but never in the country, in the southern hemisphere. The United States has been the master three times. Austria, Canada, Italy, Japan, Norway and Switzerland have hosted the Games twice. <br>In 2014, Sochi will become the first city in Russia to host the Winter Olympics. Our Goverment, Olympic Spots Committee and Spotsmen are preparing for this event with great enthusiasm. Our athletes won as many medals as they could. We supported our Olympic team.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
The first recorded date of the game is 776. Front In Greece. The important events of the original Olympic Games were: running, jumping, wrestling, disco dancing and javelin. Only men compete, they don't wear clothes, so they have more freedom of movement.<br>The first modern Olympic Games were held in Athens in 1896. Since then, the Olympic Games have been held every four years, with the exception of two world wars, It could be summer and winter games.<br>Nowadays, the Olympic movement has become a huge and expensive organization. The Winter Olympic Games is a multi-functional games, held every four years.<br>The Winter Olympic Games are held on three continents, but never in the southern hemisphere. The United States has owned it three times. Austria, Canada, Italy, Japan, Norway and Switzerland hosted two Olympic Games.<br>Sochi will become the first Winter Olympic City in Russia in 2014. Our government, the Olympic spot Committee and spotsmen are preparing this event with great enthusiasm. Our athletes won many medals. We support our Olympic Games.<br>
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