1. Во время осмотра больной вел себя спокойно. 2. Мы изучали поведение перевод - 1. Во время осмотра больной вел себя спокойно. 2. Мы изучали поведение английский как сказать

1. Во время осмотра больной вел себ

1. Во время осмотра больной вел себя спокойно. 2. Мы изучали поведение животных в разных условиях. 3. Ученый провел этот эксперимент в очень трудных условиях. 4. Психологи также имеют дело с субъективным человеческим опытом. 5. Трудно иметь с ним дело. 6. Лучше иметь дело с объективными фактами. 7. Ученый применил новый метод к своему исследованию. 8. Применение нового метода дало хорошие результаты. 9. Применяйте ваши знания на практике. 10. Я могу это сделать при одном условии. 11. Проблема «Человек и окружающая среда» очень важна. 12. Поведение зависит от окружающей среды. 13. Ученые получили новые свидетельства зависимости животных от окружающей среды. 14. Такой подход к проблеме очень интересен. 15. Новый подход к проблеме дал очень важные результаты. 16. Наши выводы будут зависеть от результатов этого эксперимента. 17. Есть ли здесь какая-нибудь зависимость? 18. Мы пытались выяснить зависимость между поведением животного и окружающей средой. 19. Опыт помогает нам приспособиться к условиям окружающей среды. 20. Эта дискуссия содействовала решению многих теоретических проблем. 21. Вклад Павлова в развитие физиологии хорошо известен. 22. Участие многих выдающихся ученых содействовало успешной работе конгресса. 23. Постепенно случайное поведение стшто целенаправленным. 24, Случайный отбор оказался удачным. 25. Инженеры называют случайную интерференцию «шумом». 26. Казалось, больной не сознавал, где находится. 27. Она сознавала, что ошиблась, но было уже поздно что-либо изменить. 28. Для нас было полной неожиданностью, что животные выжили в этих условиях. 29. Их единственной мыслью было выжить несмотря ни на что. 30. Способность приспосабливаться к окружающей среде находится в тесной зависимости от возраста. 31. Мне трудно приспосабливаться к его взглядам.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
1. During the examination of the patient has behaved calmly. 2. We have studied animal behavior under different conditions. 3. Scientist conducted this experiment under very difficult conditions. 4. Psychologists also deal with subjective human experience. 5. it is difficult to be with him. 6. Better deal with objective facts. 7. The Scientist applied the new method to its study. 8. the application of the new method has yielded good results. 9. Apply your knowledge in practice. 10. Can I do this on one condition. 11. the problem "man and environment" is very important. 12. conduct depends on the environment. 13. scientists have received new evidence of dependence of animals from the environment. 14. This approach to the problem is very interesting. 15. A new approach to the problem gave a very important results. 16. Our findings will depend on the results of this experiment. 17. Is there any addiction? 18. We were trying to figure out the relationship between animal behavior and the environment. 19. Experience helps us to adapt to environmental conditions. 20. This discussion contributed to many theoretical problems. 21. the contribution of Pavlov in the development of physiology is well known. 22. The participation of many eminent scientists contributed to the success of the Congress. 23. gradually, the random behaviour of the targeted stšto. 24, random selection proved to be successful. 25. The engineers called random interference "noise". 26. It seemed that the patient was aware, where is located. 27. She was aware that a mistake, but it was too late to change anything. 28. It was a complete surprise that the animals have survived in these conditions. 29. Their only thought was to survive no matter what. 30. the ability to adapt to the environment is heavily depending on age. 31. I find it difficult to adapt to his views.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
1. During the examination the patient was quiet. 2. We have studied the behavior of animals in different conditions. 3. The scientists conducted the experiment in very difficult conditions. 4. Psychologists also deal with the subjective human experience. 5. It is difficult to deal with him. 6. It is better to deal with objective facts. 7. The researchers used a new method to his research. 8. Application of the new method has yielded good results. 9. Apply your knowledge in practice. 10. I can do it on one condition. 11. The problem of "Man and the Environment 'is very important. 12. The behavior depends on the environment. 13. Scientists have new evidence of animals depending on the environment. 14. This approach to the problem is very interesting. 15. A new approach to the problem has given very important results. 16. Our findings will depend on the results of this experiment. 17. Is there any relationship? 18. We are trying to figure out the relationship between the behavior of the animal and the environment. 19. Experience helps us to adapt to the environmental conditions. 20. This discussion helped to solve many theoretical problems. 21. Pavlov's contribution to the development of physiology is well known. 22. The participation of many eminent scholars contributed to the success of the Congress. 23. Gradually random behavior stshto focused. 24 Random selection was successful. 25. Engineers call random interference "noise". 26. It seemed that the patient is not aware of where he is. 27. She realized that was wrong, but it was too late to change anything. 28. For us it was a complete surprise that the animals survive in these conditions. 29. Their only thought was to survive no matter what. 30. The ability to adapt to the environment is closely related to age. 31. I find it difficult to adapt to his views.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
1. During the inspection a vexed behaved in a calmly. 2. We studied animal behavior in different conditions. 3. The scientist held this experiment in very difficult circumstances. 4.Psychologists are also the case with the subjective human experience. 5. It is difficult to be with him in the past. 6. It is best to deal with the objective facts. 7. The scientist applied a new method to study. 8.The application of the new method had produced good results. 9. Apply your knowledge in practice. 10. I can't do that with a single condition. 11. The problem of the people and the environment" is very important. 12.The behavior depends on the environment. 13. Scientists have received new evidence depending on animals from the environment. 14. An approach to the problem is very interesting. 15.A new approach to the problem was very important results. 16. Our conclusions will depend on the results of this experiment. 17. Is there any relationship? 18.We have tried to find out the relation between animal behavior and the environment. 19. The experience helps us to adapt to the environmental conditions. 20. This discussion has helped to address many theoretical problems.21. Contribution to Pavlova in development physiology is well known. 22. Participation of many eminent scientists contributed successfully the work of the congress. 23. Gradually random стшто focused. 24,Random selection has proven to be successful. 25. Engineers RF interference is referred to as random "noise". 26. However, mentally ill person is not aware, where the hotel is located. 27. It had been realized that erred, but it was too late that in any change. 28.For us it was totally unexpected, that animals have survived in these conditions. 29. Their only thought was to survive in spite of everything. 30.The ability to adapt to the environment is in close depending on their age. 31. It is difficult for me to adapt to his or her views.
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