1.2. International LegislationПосле распада СССР водные кодексы бывших перевод - 1.2. International LegislationПосле распада СССР водные кодексы бывших английский как сказать

1.2. International LegislationПосле

1.2. International Legislation

После распада СССР водные кодексы бывших союзных республик 1970 - 1972 гг. были признаны утратившими силу. Новые водные кодексы (или водные законы) разрабатывались, принимались, вступали в действие в довольно сложных общественных и экологических условиях. По этим и другим причинам новое водное законодательство имело свои недоработки. Например, в ряде законов не было перечня и определений основных понятий. Однако были и явные достоинства: более рельефное понимание такого важного термина, как "водный объект". Первой Водный кодекс приняла Армения (1992 г.), затем приняли свои кодексы Таджикистан (1993 г.), Казахстан (1993 г.), Молдова (1993 г.), Украина (1995 г.), Беларусь (1998 г.). В Узбекистане был принят Закон о воде и водопользовании (1993 г.), в Кыргызстане - Закон о воде (1994 г). Первыми по времени принимали свои законы государства с засушливым климатом и водным дефицитом. Это, видимо, продиктовано запросами водного хозяйства.
Нельзя сказать, что новое водное законодательство порвало с прежним правовым опытом и стало новаторским. Так, ввиду консервативности самого водного права были сохранены преимущественно государственная форма собственности на водный фонд, разрешительный характер водопользования. При этом законодатель исходил из понимания водных ресурсов как основы жизнедеятельности народов.
Не следует, однако, считать водные кодексы и законы государств Содружества идентичными друг другу: среди них есть и рыночные, и командно-административные. Приспособленный к государственной собственности на водный фонд Водный кодекс Казахстана 1993 г. искусственно разделяет водные объекты по ведомствам и не раскрывает финансового механизма водного хозяйства. В то же время водный закон Узбекистана 1993 г. допускал полную или частичную платность водопользования. В свою очередь, водный закон Кыргызстана с 1994 г. предусматривал
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
1.2. International LegislationAfter the collapse of the Soviet Union water codes of former Union republics 1970-1972 Gg. were abrogated. New water codes (or water laws) have been developed, adopted, entered into action in complex social and environmental conditions. For these and other reasons, the new water legislation had its drawbacks. For example, a number of laws had no list and definitions of the main concepts. However, there were clear advantages: more relief understanding this important term as "water body". First the water code adopted the Armenia (1992), and then adopted their codes of Tajikistan (1993), Kazakhstan (1993), Moldova (1993), Ukraine (1995), Belarus (1998). In Uzbekistan was adopted the law on water and water use (1993), in Kyrgyzstan-water law (1994). The first time took their state laws with the arid climate and water shortage. This apparently dictated by water management requests.It cannot be said that the new water law break with previous legal experience and become innovative. So, given the conservative water law were retained primarily State ownership on the water fund, the permissive nature of water. In so doing, the legislator has assumed understanding of water resources as a basis of vital activity of the peoples.It should not, however, consider water codes and laws of the States of the Commonwealth are identical to each other: among them there is a market, and command-and-control. Adapted to State ownership of water fund water code of Kazakhstan 1993 g. artificially divides the water objects by area and does not disclose financial mechanism of water resources. At the same time, the water law of Uzbekistan, 1993. allowed full or partial paid water use. In turn, the water law of Kyrgyzstan with 1994, envisioned
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
12. International Legislation After the collapse of the Soviet Union the water codes of the former Soviet republics 1970 - 1972 years. They were invalidated. New codes of water (or water laws) to develop, adopt, come into play in a rather complex social and environmental conditions. For these and other reasons, the new water legislation had its flaws. For example, a number of laws was not a list and definitions of basic concepts. However, there were obvious advantages: a relief of understanding of such important terms as "water body". First adopted Water Code of Armenia (1992), and then took their codes of Tajikistan (1993), Kazakhstan (1993), Moldova (1993), Ukraine (1995) Belarus (1998). Uzbekistan adopted the Law on Water and Water (1993), in Kyrgyzstan - Water Act (1994). The first time took on their state laws arid and water scarcity. This, apparently, is dictated by the demands of water management. We can not say that the new water law has broken with the previous legal experience and become innovative. So, because of the conservatism of the water rights were preserved predominantly state ownership in the water fund, permissive water. At the same time the legislator proceeded from the understanding of water resources as the basis of life of the peoples. It should not, however, consider the Water Code and the laws of the Commonwealth identical to each other, there are also market-based and command-and-control. Adjusted for state ownership of water fund of the Water Code of Kazakhstan in 1993 artificially divides the water bodies of departments and did not disclose the financial mechanism of the water industry. At the same time, Uzbekistan's water law in 1993 allowed full or partial payment for water use. In turn, the water law in Kyrgyzstan since 1994 provided

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
1.2. international legislation

after the collapse of the soviet union water codes of the republics of the former soviet union 1970 - 1972). were found to be null. new water codes (or water laws are developed.they act in a complex social and environmental conditions. for these and other reasons, the new water law has its shortcomings. for example,a number of laws were not the list and definitions of key concepts. however, there were obvious advantages: more vivid understanding of such an important term, as "the object". the first water code adopted in armenia (1992)then took their codes of tajikistan (1993), kazakhstan (1993), moldova (1993), ukraine (1995), belarus (1998). uzbekistan has adopted the law on water and water management (1993) in kyrgyzstan, the water act (1994).the first time take their laws of the state of dry climate and water shortage. this, apparently, is driven by the demands of water. - you can't tell methe new water law, tore the previous legal experience and become innovative. so,due to conservativeness, the water rights were retained predominantly state ownership in the fund, the authorisation of the use of water.with the principle of understanding the water resources as the foundation of peoples.
should not, however, consider water codes and laws of the commonwealth to be identical to each other.among them is the market, and command and control. corresponding to the state ownership of water the water code of kazakhstan, 1993.artificially separates the water facilities, departments and shall not disclose the financial mechanism for water management. at the same time, the water act of 1993. made a full or partial платность water.in turn, the water law of kyrgyzstan since 1994. included
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