3.Феодальная раздробленность на Руси и ее последствия Феодальная раздр перевод - 3.Феодальная раздробленность на Руси и ее последствия Феодальная раздр английский как сказать

3.Феодальная раздробленность на Рус

3.Феодальная раздробленность на Руси и ее последствия 
Феодальная раздробленность- закономерный этап исторического развития гос-ва ,характеризующийся ослаблением государственной власти и усилением княжеств. 
Уже в 1054 году, после смерти Ярослава Мудрого , появились первые признаки раздробленности: вспыхнули междоусобицы между 5-ю сыновьями Мудрого, между которыми он разделил власть. Постепенно складывалась удельная система власти, когда каждый удельный князь обладал большой силой, стремился к самостоятельности от власти Киева. 
Русь слабеет, теряет политическое единство. В 1061 году появилась ещё одна беда- стали нападать половцы. Борьба с ними шла с переменным успехом. Тогда в 1097 в Любече, по инициативе В.Мономаха, был созван съезд князей, чтобы положить конец междоусобицам, дать совместный отпор половцам. Однако решение съезда «Каждый держит отчину свою»не остановило, а усилило процесс разъединения. 
1. Начальный этап, формирование раздробленности : 1054-1113 . Это период феодальных войн между князьями. В.Мономах и Мстислав Великий на время приостановили данный процесс. 
2. 1132- 40-е годы 13 века ( со смерти Мстислава Великого до захвата монголо-татарами Руси). Характеризовался наиболее сильными тенденциями князей к обособлению, хотя и делались попытки объединиться перед лицом врага. Установились границы между удельными княжествами. 
3. 1238- начало 16 века. Период монголо- татарского ига, собирания земель вокруг Москвы, формирование единого государства. 
Последствия феодальной раздробленности 
1. Отрицательные 
• Политическое ослабление Руси, её военной мощи из-за отсутствия единства, что привело к уязвимости страны пред лицом врагом. 
• Междоусобицы ослабляли экономическую и военную мощь страны. 
• Разорение и обнищание населения из-за бесконечных усобиц. 
• Утратил своё значение Киев , хотя и продолжал оставаться столицей. Постоянная смена власти в нём, стремление занять великокняжеский престол полностью ослабили его. 
2. Положительные 
• Появление новых городов - центров ремесла и торговли, дальнейшее развитие старых городов. 
• Образование крупных и сильных княжеств, в которых формировались новые династии. Власть в них переходила старшему сыну. 
• Дальнейшее развитие сельского хозяйства, освоенные новых пахотных земель. 
• Появление новых торговых путей. 
1. Развитие культуры. В период раздробленности созданы величайшие памятки архитектуры Возникали местные центры книжности, иконописания. Владимиро-Суздальское княжество 
Для Владимиро-Суздальского княжества характерна сильная княжеская власть, разрушение вечевых традиций, борьба с непокорным боярством. Именно здесь формировался тип правления, который станет на долгие столетия основным на Руси- авторитарное правление. В будущем именно отсюда начнётся процесс объединения государства. Яркие личности: Юрий Долгорукий(1125-1157), Андрей Боголюбский (1157-1174), Всеволод Большое Гнездо(1176-1212). 
2. Галицко-Волынское княжество 
Галицко-Волынское княжество отличалось тем, что власть в нём попеременно была в руках то князей, то бояр. Борьба между ними не утихала. Возможно, это и привело к ослаблению и полному исчезновению княжества в период нашествия Батыя (часть земель вообще перешла к Литве и Польше, а Киев престал иметь статус столицы).Яркие личности княжества: Ярослав Осмомысл(1153-1187), Роман Мстиславович(1199-1205), Даниил Романович (1221-1264) 
3. Новгородская республика 
Новгородская республика долгое время осталась независимой от власти князя. Князь здесь избирался на вече, и мог в любой момент быть переизбран. Полномочия его в основном сводились к военной защите княжества. Просуществовала Новгородская республика довольно долго: с 1136 до 1478 , когда Иван 3 окончательно присоединил Новгород к Московскому княжеству и была прекращена новгородская вольница.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
3. the feudal fragmentation for RUS ' and its consequences Feudal fragmentation is a natural stage of historical development of State, characterized by a weakening of State authority and strengthening of principalities. Already in the year 1054, after the death of Yaroslav the wise, the first signs of fragmentation: between 5 strife broke out ND sons Wise, between which he shared power. Gradually evolved specific power system when each autonomous Prince possessed great power, sought independence from the authorities of Kiev. RUS weakens, loses political unity. In 1061 year appeared another trouble-steel attack the Cumans. Control with varying degrees of success. Then in 1097, at the initiative of the lyubech b. Monomakh, was convened by the Congress of princes, to put an end to the fighting, give a joint rebuff polovtsy. However, the decision of the Congress "everyone keeps отчину its" has not stopped, and strengthened the process of separation. STAGES 1. The initial stage, the formation of fragmentation: 1054-1113. This is the period of feudal wars between Princes. B. monomials and Mstislav the great at the time suspended the process. 2.1132-40-ies 13 century (with the death of Mstislav the great to capture the Mongols Rus). Characterized by the most strong trends of princes to separation, although attempts to unite in the face of the enemy. Established the border between the autonomous principalities. 3.1238-the beginning of the 16th century. The period of the Mongol-Tatar yoke, gathering the lands around Moscow, forming a single State. Effects of feudal dissociation 1. Negative • Political weakening of Russia, its military power because of the lack of unity that led to the country's vulnerability in the face of the enemy. • Strife weakened the economic and military power of the country. • Ruin and impoverishment of the population due to the endless quarrels. • Lost its value, although Kiev remained the capital. Constant change of power, desire to take Grand throne completely weakened it. 2. positive • The emergence of new cities-centres of crafts and trade, further development of the old towns. • Formation of large and powerful principalities, which formed the new dynasty. Power they switched the eldest son. • Further development of agriculture, mastered the new arable land. • The emergence of new trade routes. 1. Development of a culture. During fragmentation created the greatest reminder of architecture Arose local centres, literary icons. Vladimir-suzdal Principality For the Vladimir-suzdal Principality is characterized by strong princely power, the destruction of the večevyh traditions, wrestling with recalcitrant nobles. Type of Government was formed here, which will be for centuries the main Russia-authoritarian rule. In the future this will begin the process of unification of the State. Bright personality: Yuri Dolgoruky (1125-1157), Andrei Bogolyubsky (1157-1174), Vsevolod the big nest (1176-1212). 2. The Galicia-Volyn principality Galicia-Volhynia differed so that power it alternately was in the hands of the Princes, boyars. The struggle between them did not abate. Perhaps this has led to the weakening and disappearance of the Principality during the invasion of Batu Khan (part of land generally turned to Lithuania and Poland, and Kiev prestal have the status of capital). Bright personality of the Principality: Yaroslav Osmomysl (1153-1187), Roman Mstislavovich (1199-1205), Daniil Romanovich (1221-1264) 3. The Novgorod Republic Novgorod Republic for a long time remained independent from the power of the Prince. Duke here was elected to the Assembly, and could at any moment be re-elected. Powers it basically boiled down to the military protection of the Principality. Novgorod Republic existed for quite a long time: from 1136 to 1478, when Ivan 3 Finally annexed to the Moscow Principality of Novgorod and Novgorod was stopped freemen.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
3.Feodalnaya fragmentation in Russia and its impact 
Feudal razdroblennost- natural stage of the historical development of state-va, characterized by the weakening of state power and gain principalities. 
Already in 1054, after the death of Yaroslav the Wise, the first signs of disintegration: civil strife broke out between the 5th sons wise, between which he shared power. Gradually, the specific power system, in which each feudal prince possessed great strength, sought independence from the authorities in Kiev. 
Russia weakens, it loses political unity. In 1061 there was another beda- began to attack the Polovtsy. Fighting them came with varying degrees of success. Then in 1097 in Lyubech, on the initiative of V.Monomaha, it was called princes Congress to put an end to strife, to jointly resist Polovtsy. However, the decision of the Congress "Everyone keeps his paternal" has not stopped, and increased separation process. 
1. The initial stage, the formation of disintegration: 1054-1113. This is the period of feudal wars between princes. V.Monomah and Mstislav the Great to suspend the process. 
2. 1132- 40-ies of the 13th century (with the death of Mstislav the Great to capture the Tatars of Russia). It was characterized by the most violent tendencies of princes to isolation, although attempts were made to unite in the face of the enemy. Set boundaries between autonomous principalities. 
3. 1238- beginning of the 16th century. The period of Mongol-Tatar yoke, collecting lands around Moscow, the formation of a single state. 
The consequences of feudal fragmentation 
1. Negative 
• The political weakening of Russia, its military power because of the lack of unity that led to the country's vulnerability in the face of the enemy. 
• Infighting weakened economic and military power of the country. 
• The ruin and impoverishment of the population due to the endless quarrels. 
• lost its importance, Kiev, although it continued to be the capital. The constant change of power in it, the desire to take the throne completely weakened him. 
2. Positive 
• The emergence of new cities -. Centers of handicrafts and trade, further development of old cities 
• Education of large and powerful principalities, which formed a new dynasty. Power in their eldest son passed. 
• Further development of agriculture, the development of new arable land. 
• The emergence of new trade routes. 
1. The development of culture. In the period of disunity created by the greatest architectural monument has local literacy centers, iconography. Vladimir-Suzdal 
to Vladimir-Suzdal principality is characterized by a strong princely power, the destruction of veche traditions, the struggle with the recalcitrant nobility. It is here that formed the type of government, which will be for many centuries the main Rusi- to authoritarian rule. In the future, it is here to begin the process of unification of the state. Bright personality: Yuri Dolgoruky (1125-1157), Andrew Bogolyubskii (1157-1174), Vsevolod the Big Nest (1176-1212). 
2. Galicia-Volyn principality 
of Galicia-Volyn principality distinguished by the fact that the government there was alternately in the hands of the princes, the boyars. Fighting did not cease between them. Perhaps this has led to the weakening and the complete disappearance of the principality during the invasion of Batu (part of the land in general has moved to Lithuania and Poland and Kiev ceases to have the status of capital) .Yarkie personality Principality: Jaroslav Osmomysl (1153-1187), Roman Mstislavovich (1199- 1205), Daniel R. (1221-1264) 
3. Novgorod Republic 
Novgorod Republic for a long time remained independent from the power of the prince. Prince is elected to the council, and could at any time be re-elected. Its powers were limited mostly to the military defense of the principality. Novgorod republic lasted for a long time: from 1136 to 1478, when Ivan 3 finally annexed Novgorod to Moscow principality and Novgorod freemen was discontinued.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
3.феодальная fragmentation in russia and its последствия feudal fragmentation is a natural stage of the historical development of the wa state, characterized by the erosion of state authority and the strengthening of княжеств. in 1054, after the death of yaroslav the wise, the first signs of fragmentation: feud broke out between the five sons of the wise, that he divided the kingdom. gradually add up the system power when each of the prince possessed a large force, sought independence from the authorities киева. russia is not the political unity. in 1061, appeared another trouble is turned on cuman people. control of walking with varying degrees of success. then in 1097 in любече, on the initiative of в.мономаха, was convened by the central committee of the communist party of princes, to put an end to междоусобицам, joint resistance половцам. however, the decision of "everyone keeps отчину свою»не stopped, and strengthened the process of разъединения. этапы 1. the initial stage, the formation of fragmentation: 1054 - 1113. this is the period of feudal war between princes. в.мономах and mstislav great at the time was the процесс. 2. 1132 - 40th years of the 13th century (since the death of mstislav great to capture the mongol tatars of russia). was characterized by the most powerful trends of princes trying to separate, although attempts have been made to unite in the face of the enemy. is the boundary between the unit княжествами. 3. 1238 - the beginning of the 16th century. the mongol tatar yoke, collecting the land around moscow, forming a single государства. the effects of feudal раздробленности 1. отрицательные - political weakening of her military power because of the lack of unity, which led to the country"s vulnerability in the face of врагом. - fighting weaken the economic and military power страны. the damage and the impoverishment of the population because of the endless усобиц. - lost its importance to kiev, although it continued to be the capital. the constant change of power in him the desire to take the throne великокняжеский completely weakened его. 2. положительные the new urban centres of trade and commerce, the further development of the old городов. the formation of large and strong princely states, which were formed by the new dynasty. they went to the сыну.  power- further development of agriculture, mastered the new arable земель. the emergence of the new trade путей. 1. the development of culture. during the fragmentation created the memo architecture emerged local centres книжности, иконописания. vladimir суздальское княжество vladimir suzdal principality for a strong sovereign power, the destruction of вечевых traditions, the rebellious боярством. this type of formation, which will be in the long centuries the russia"s authoritarian rule. in the future, and
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