1. Австралийцы по законодательству обязаны голосовать на выборах. Авст перевод - 1. Австралийцы по законодательству обязаны голосовать на выборах. Авст английский как сказать

1. Австралийцы по законодательству

1. Австралийцы по законодательству обязаны голосовать на выборах. Австралийскому гражданину, не явившемуся на выборы без уважительной причины, грозит штраф.

2. Дома в Австралии плохо изолированы от холода. именно из Австралии пошла мода на «угги» . Австралийцы носят их прямо дома.

3. Австралия – единственный континент планеты, полностью занятый одним государством.

4. Австралийцы почти никогда не оставляют чаевых.

5. Своих родственников – англичан – австралийцы иногда называют словечком «pome» — аббревиатурой «Prisoners of Mother England» — «Пленники матушки Англии».

6. Канберра стала столицей Австралии в результате компромисса между Сиднеем и Мельбурном: австралийцы никак не могли решить, какому из этих городов отдать пальму первенства, и в итоге расположили столицу между двумя городами — конкурентами.

7. Мясо кенгуру легко можно найти в австралийских супермаркетах и ресторанах.

8. В Австралии обитает самая ядовитая змея в мире: прибрежный тайпан, яд от одного укуса которого может убить 100 человек сразу!

9. В Австралии проживает огромное количество эмигрантов со всего мира.

10. в Австралийских Альпах лежит больше снега, чем во всей Швейцарии!

11. На Большом Барьерном рифе есть свой почтовый ящик.

12. Самая грандиозная футбольная победа в истории принадлежит Австралийской сборной, которая в 2001 году обыграла сборную Американского Самоа со счетом 31:0.

13. Через Австралийскую равнину Наалларбор пролегает самая прямая дорога в мире. 146 километров без единого поворота!

14. Австралийцы без ума от азартных игр.

15. население Австралии является самым законопослушным в мире.

16. Самая длинная в мире стена – «Собачий забор». разделяющий австралийский материк на две части. Забор был построен, в первую очередь, с целью защитить пастбища Южного Квинсленда от прожорливых динго. Его общая протяженность составляет 5614 километров.

17. В Австралии очень низкая плотность населения. Более 60% ее жителей обитают в пяти городах: Аделаиде, Брисбене, Сиднее, Мельбурне и Перте.

18. Самое первое подразделение австралийской полиции состояло из 12 человек.

19. В Южной Австралии находится ферма Anna Creek Cattle Station, которая по площади своей превосходит Бельгию.

20. Воздух в Тасмании считается самым чистым на всей планете.

21. Одним из национальных символов Австралии является веджимайт (Vegemite) — употребляемая в пищу натуральная смесь на основе дрожжей.

22. В Австралии водятся дикие верблюды.

23. По австралийским дорогам передвигаются самые длинные в мире автопоезда: мощные тягачи везут 2—4 груженых прицепа.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
1. the Australians on the legislation are required to vote in the election. Australian citizen, not appearing before the election without reasonable excuse, to a fine.2. at home in Australia badly insulated from the cold. from Australia came the fashion for "ugg boots". The Australians wore them right home.3. Australia is the only continent on the planet, fully occupied by one State.4. the Australians almost never leave a tip. 5. your relatives-English-Australians are sometimes called cum "pome" is short for "Prisoners of Mother England" — "Prisoners of mother England". 6. Canberra became the capital of Australia as a result of a compromise between Sydney and Melbourne: Australians could not decide which of these cities to give away the Palm, and as a result was placed between the two capital cities — competitors.7. Kangaroo meat can be easily found in Australian supermarkets and restaurants.8. Australia's most venomous snake in the world: the coastal Taipan, poison from a single bite can kill 100 people at once! 9. in Australia, home to many immigrants from all over the world. 10. in the Australian Alps is more snow than in the whole of Switzerland!11. on the great barrier reef has its own mailbox. 12. the most formidable football victory in history belongs to the Australian national team, which in 2001, beat American Samoa 31-0 victory. 13. through the Australian plain Naallarbor is the most direct route in the world. 146 kilometres without a single rotation!14. the Australians are crazy about gambling. 15. the population of Australia is the most law-abiding in the world. 16. the world's longest wall-"the Dingo fence". separates the Australian Mainland in two. The fence was built, first and foremost, to protect the pastures of Southern Queensland from ravenous Dingo. Its total length is 5614 kilometers. 17. Australia has a very low population density. More than 60% of its inhabitants are found in five cities: Adelaide, Brisbane, Sydney, Melbourne and Perth.18. The first division of the Australian police consisted of 12 people.19. in South Australia is the Anna Creek Cattle farm Station, which by its square beats Belgium.20. the Tasmanian air is considered to be the cleanest on the planet.21. a national symbol of Australia is Vegemite (Vegemite) is used in food to natural yeast-based mix.22. wild camels are found in Australia. 23. On the Australian roads travel the longest road in the world: the powerful tractors driven 2-4 loaded trailer.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
1. The Australians have been legally obliged to vote. Australian citizen who is not appearing before the elections without a good reason, face a fine. 2. Houses in Australia poorly insulated from the cold. Australia is the fashion to "ugg boots". Australians have them right at home. 3. Australia - the only continent of the planet, a full-time one state. 4. Australians are almost never leave a tip. 5. Their relatives - English - Australians are sometimes referred to by the word «pome» - an acronym for «Prisoners of Mother England» - «Prisoners of Mother England." 6. Canberra became the capital of Australia as a result of a compromise between Sydney and Melbourne: Australians could not decide which of these cities to give the palm, and the result is the capital between the two cities - competitors. 7. Kangaroo meat can be easily found in Australian supermarkets and restaurants. 8. In Australia, home to the most venomous snake in the world: Coastal Taipan venom from a single bite can kill 100 people at once! 9. Australia is home to a huge number of immigrants from around the world. 10. in the Australian Alps is more snow than in the whole of Switzerland! 11. The Great Barrier Reef has a mailbox. 12. The most grandiose football victory in the history belongs to the Australian team, which in 2001 defeated the team of American Samoa with a score of 31: 0. 13. Through the Australian Naallarbor plain lies the most direct route to the world. 146 miles without a single turn! 14. Australians are crazy about gambling. 15. Australia's population is the most law-abiding in the world. 16. The longest wall in the world - "Dingo Fence". separating the Australian continent into two parts. The fence was built primarily to protect the pastures of Southern Queensland hungry dingoes. Its total length is 5614 km. 17. Australia has a very low population density. More than 60% of its residents live in five cities: Adelaide, Brisbane, Sydney, Melbourne and Perth. 18. The very first unit of the Australian police consisted of 12 people. 19. In South Australia, is the farm Anna Creek Cattle Station, which is on the area of its superior Belgium. 20. The air in Tasmania is considered the cleanest on the planet. 21. A national symbol of Australia is Vegemite (Vegemite) - used in food based on a mixture of natural yeasts. 22. In Australia, are found wild camels. 23. On Australian roads move the world's longest train: powerful tractors carry 2-4 laden trailer.

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
1. Australians under the law are obliged to vote in an election. An Australian citizen, and is not appearing before the elections without a valid reason, a fine.lord 2. At Home in Australia is not isolated from the cold.It is precisely from Australia went from fashion to "угги" . Australians are their homes.lord 3. Australia is the only continent of the world, fully occupied by one state.lord 4. Australians are almost never leave gratuities. Lord 5.Their relatives - British - Australians are sometimes referred to as recess "pоme" - an abbreviation "prisoners of Mother England" - "captives divinity England". Lord 6.Canberra is Australia's capital as a result of a compromise between Sydney and Melbourne: Australians could not decide which of these cities to Palma championship,
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