Недавно я бы в командировке в Англии. Я поехал туда, чтобы обсудить пр перевод - Недавно я бы в командировке в Англии. Я поехал туда, чтобы обсудить пр английский как сказать

Недавно я бы в командировке в Англи

Недавно я бы в командировке в Англии. Я поехал туда, чтобы обсудить предложение фирмы с мистером Брауном, президентом этой фирмы. Я долетел до Лондона за три с половиной часа. Мне понадобилось немного времени, чтобы пройти таможенный досмотр.
В аэропорту меня встретил мой друг он работает сейчас at the Trade Delegation и находится в Лондоне уже год. Я был рад снова увидишь его.
Мы сели в машину и поехали в гостиницу. Это был небольшой отель со всеми современными удобствами.
В гостинице администратор попросил меня заполнить бланк и дал ключ от моей комнаты. Пришел портье, взял мой багаж, и мы поднялись в лифт на третий этаж в мой номер. Это был одноместный номер с ванной. В комнате был телефон, мини-бар и телевизор.
Мы с другом выпили по чашечке кофе и поехали в офис фирмы
Источник: -
Цель: -
Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Recently I would travel in England. I went there to discuss the proposal, firms with Mr Brown, the President of this company. I flew to London for three and a half hours. It took me a little time to go through customs inspection.At the airport I was met by my friend it works now at the Trade Delegation and is in London for a year. I was glad to see him again.We sat in the car and drove to the hotel. It was a small hotel with all modern comforts.In the hotel an administrator asked me to fill in the form and gave the key to my room. Came to Porter, picked up my luggage and we went up in the elevator to the third floor in my room. It was a single room with a bath. The room had a telephone, mini bar and tv.My friend and I drank a cup of coffee and drove to the Office
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Recently, I have a business trip to England. I went there to discuss the proposal of the company to Mr. Brown, the president of this company. I flew to London for three and a half hours. It took me a little time to go through customs inspection.
At the airport I was met by my friend, he is now working at the Trade Delegation and is in London for a year. I was glad to see him again.
We got into the car and drove to the hotel. It was a small hotel with all modern amenities.
The hotel manager asked me to fill in the form and gave the key of my room. Porter came and took my luggage and we went up the elevator to the third floor in my room. It was a single room with a bathroom. The room had a phone, minibar and TV.
We drank another cup of coffee and went to the office of the company
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
recently i had a tour in england. i went there to discuss the proposal of mr. brown, president of the firm. i flew to london for three and a half hours. it took me some timeto go through customs inspection.
in the airport i met my friend, he is now working at the trade delegation and is in london for a year. i was glad to see him. - we got in the car and drive to the hotel.it was a small hotel with modern amenities.
in the hotel manager asked me to fill in the form and give the key to my room. came to the doorman, took my luggageand we went up in the elevator to the third floor in my room. it was a single room with a bath. the room was a telephone, mini bar and television.
we had coffee with a friend and went to the office of the company
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
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