ECONOMICS OF EDUCATIONEducation for young people has always been a lea перевод - ECONOMICS OF EDUCATIONEducation for young people has always been a lea английский как сказать



Education for young people has always been a leading social task. In all industrial societies young people from the age of 5 to 16 and sometimes older go to school. A lot of young adults then take jobs, but some — like you — go to college and a few more take advanced studies.

Education varies from country to country but it has the same economic characteristics in all countries. It improves skills which make people more productive. By means of education people are made stable members of society. Some teachers also do creative research which helps to improve technology. So education creates large economic values varying from technical productivity in factories and offices to progress of knowledge.

Various values of education are of two classes: private and social. Each student gets private benefits when he or she learns new skills which will allow them to get higher pay on the job.

Besides, the job will probably be more pleasant and the person will cope with problems of modern life better.

There are also public benefits of education. First, it provides more productive workers for society, economy becomes more efficient and profitable. Without education many people do not cope with difficulties of life and turn to crime1 or require public support. Second, people understand social life better and they will deal with public problems more intelligently and avoid extremism. Third, greater productivity of population provides more taxes in order to pay for public needs.

The task of economics of education is to evaluate public and private benefits and make decisions how much a government is going to invest in every type of school and how the government is going to do it. As productivity and stability of population is mainly increased at school level, total public subsidies for schools are justified. For education at the college level, however, the public benefits are weaker than private benefits and full public subsidies are considered less justified than at the school level.

Education is being financed by subsidies or scholarships. Which of them are more effective is also a problem studied by economics of education.

Technologies are becoming more complex and demand for education as well as a number of qualified specialists will grow in future. With it, the role of economics of education and the scope of problems studied by it is growing in the years to come2.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
ECONOMICS OF EDUCATIONEducation for young people has always been a leading social task. In all industrial societies young people from the age of 5 to 16 and sometimes older go to school. A lot of young adults then take jobs, but some — like you — go to college and a few more take advanced studies.Education varies from country to country but it has the same economic characteristics in all countries. It improves skills which make people more productive. By means of education people are made stable members of society. Some teachers also do creative research which helps to improve technology. So education creates large economic values varying from technical productivity in factories and offices to the progress of knowledge.Various values of education are of two classes: private and social. Each student gets private benefits when he or she learns new skills which will allow them to get higher pay on the job.Besides, the job will probably be more pleasant and the person will cope with problems of modern life better.There are also public benefits of education. First, it provides more productive workers for the society, the economy becomes more efficient and profitable. Without education, many people do not cope with difficulties of life and turn to crime1 or require public support. Second, people understand social life better and they will deal with public problems more intelligently and avoid extremism. Third, greater productivity of population provides more taxes in order to pay for public needs.The task of the economics of education is to evaluate public and private benefits and make decisions how much a government is going to invest in every type of school and how the government is going to do it. As productivity and stability of population is mainly increased at school level, total public subsidies for schools are justified. For education at the college level, however, the public benefits are weaker than private benefits and full public subsidies are considered less justified than at the school level.Education is being financed by subsidies or scholarships. Which of them are more effective is also a problem, studied by economics of education.Technologies are becoming more complex and demand for education as well as a number of qualified specialists will grow in the future. With it, the role of economics of education and the scope of problems studied by it is growing in the years to come2.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
EDUCATION OF ECONOMICS Education for young people has the always Been a leading a social task. In all industrial societies young people from the age of 5 to 16 and sometimes older go to school. Lot of young A adults to take the then jobs User, But some - like you -! Go to college and to take a FEW more advanced studies. Education Varies from country to country But IT has the Same Economic Characteristics in all Countries. It improves skills which make people more productive . By means of education people are made ​​stable members of society. Some teachers also do creative research which helps to improve technology. Creates large education for So Economic values ​​varying from Contents Technical productivity in factories and offices to a progress of Knowledge. Various values ​​of education are of to two two classes directory: the private and social. Each student Have the gets the private Benefits the when he or she Learns new skills the which will of the allow Them to the get Higher a pay on the the job. Besides the, the the job will of Probably the BE more pleasant and the person will of COPE with Problems view of modern life: better. There are Also the public Benefits of education. First, it provides more productive workers for society, economy becomes more efficient and profitable. Without education many people do not cope with difficulties of life and turn to crime1 or require public support. Second, people understand social life better and they will deal with public problems more intelligently and avoid extremism. Of Third, is greater productivity of population Provides more Taxes in order to a pay for the public Needs. Of The task of economics ACTUALITY of education is to the evaluate the public and the private Benefits and the make Decisions' how of much a Government is going to invest in every of the type of A school of and how of the Government is going to do it. As productivity and stability of population is mainly increased at school level, total public subsidies for schools are justified. AT the education For college: level, HOWEVER, the the public Benefits are weaker than the private Benefits and the public full Subsidies are Considered less See Justified than the AT A school of: level. Education is financed by being of Subsidies or scholarships. Of Them are the Which more is effective is Also a problem studied by economics ACTUALITY of education. Technologies' are Becoming more complex and a demand for education as with a well as with a number of qualified Specialists will of grow in future. With it, the role of economics of education and the scope of problems studied by it is growing in the years to come2.

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
ECONOMICS of producingeducation for young people has always been a leading social task. in all industrial societies young people from the age of 5 to 16 and older than go to school. a lot of young adults and take jobs, but some - like you - go to college and a few more for advanced varies from country to country, but it has the same economic characteristics in all countries. it improves skills which make people more productive. by means of education people are made stable members of society. some teachers also do creative research which helps to improve technology. so education creates large economic values varying from technical productivity in factories and offices to the progress of knowledge.various values of education are of two classes: private and social. each student gets private benefits when he or she learns new skills which will allow them to get higher pay on the job.besides, the job will probably be more pleasant and the person will cope with problems of modern life better.there are also public benefits of education. first, it provides more productive workers for the society, the economy becomes more efficient and profitable. without education many people can not cope with difficulties of life and turn to crime1 or require public support. second, people understand social life better and they will deal with public problems more intelligently and avoid extremism. third, greater productivity of population provides more taxes in order to pay for public services.the task of economics of education is to evaluate public and private benefits and make decisions how much a government is going to invest in every type of school and how the government is going to do it. the productivity and stability of population is mainly increased at school level, total public subsidies for schools are appointed. for education at the college level, however, the public benefits are weaker than private benefits and full public subsidies are considered less appointed than at the school is being financed by subsidies or scholarships. which of them are more effective is also a problem set by the economics of education.technologies are becoming more complex and demand for education as well as a number of qualified specialists will grow in the future. with it, the role of economics of education and the scope of problems set by it is growing in the years to come2.
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