I like watching tv because it’s a good way to spend my leisure time. I перевод - I like watching tv because it’s a good way to spend my leisure time. I английский как сказать

I like watching tv because it’s a g

I like watching tv because it’s a good way to spend my leisure time. It gives me new impressions and the opportunity to escape from everyday problems. There are a lot of exciting programs on tv but I prefer watching different films. My favorite foreign film is “the Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring”. It’s the first and the most exciting part of the trilogy. It’s a fantasy adventure film directed by Peter Jackson based on the first volume of J.Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings trilogy. The book is extremely popular, too although it’s about quite a big size.

According to the plot, the main character Frodo Baggins receives a magical ring. His uncle has owned it for o long time and Frodo is a heir. The truth is that the ring has a dark and mysterious reputation and was created by powers of evil. Frodo’s friend Gandalf (who is a strong and wise magician) convinces him to bring the ring to Mordor in order to destroy it there. Frodo and his friend Sam set out. A lot of adventures and dangers are waiting for them. The problem is that they are young and small: all people of their fantastic nation called hobbits are about 1 meter high. However Frodo is brave, honest and cute.

I like this film a lot because the actors are talented, the plot is unusual and catching, the battle-scenes are impressive and the budget is about $93 millions. A lot of people admire this story about magical world created by Tolkien and Jackson, some funs even get together and play some scenes of the film in reality.

Finally, it should be said that another parts of the trilogy are brilliant as well as “The Fellowship of the Ring”. I can’t say that fantasy is the best genre but I’m keen on watching such films because they are like a door into another world. Which is bright and full of adventures and magic?
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
I like watching tv because it's a good way to spend my leisure time. It gives me new impressions and the opportunity to escape from everyday problems. There are a lot of exciting programs on tv but I prefer watching different films. My favorite foreign film is "the Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring". It's the first and the most exciting part of the trilogy. It's a fantasy adventure film directed by Peter Jackson based on the first volume of j. Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings trilogy. The book is extremely popular, too although it's about quite a big size. According to the plot, the main character Frodo Baggins receives a magical ring. His uncle has owned it for o long time and Frodo is a heir. The truth is that the ring has a dark and mysterious reputation and was created by the powers of evil. Frodo's friend Gandalf (who is a strong and wise magician) convinces him to bring the ring to Mordor in order to destroy it there. Frodo and his friend Sam set out. A lot of adventures in the 1960s and are waiting for them. The problem is that they are young and small: all people of their fantastic nation so-called hobbits are about 1 meter high. However Frodo is brave, honest and cute. I like this film a lot because the actors are talented, the plot is unusual and catching, the battle-scenes are impressive and the budget is about $ 93 millions. A lot of people admire this story about the magical world created by Tolkien and Jackson, some funs even get together and play some scenes of the film in reality. Finally, it should be said that another parts of the trilogy are brilliant as well as "The Fellowship of the Ring". I can't say that fantasy is the best genre but I'm keen on watching such films because they are like a door into another world. Which is bright and full of adventures and magic?
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
I like watching tv because it's a good way to spend my leisure time. It gives me new impressions and the opportunity to escape from everyday problems. There are a lot of exciting programs on tv but I prefer watching different films. My favorite foreign film is "the Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring". It's the first and the most exciting part of the trilogy. It's a fantasy adventure film directed by Peter Jackson based on the first volume of J.Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings trilogy. The book is Extremely popular, too Although it's quite About A Big Size. ACCORDING to the Plot, the main character Frodo Baggins Receives A Magical ring. His uncle has owned it for o long time and Frodo is a heir. The truth is that the ring has a dark and mysterious reputation and was created by powers of evil. Frodo's friend Gandalf (who is a strong and wise magician) convinces him to bring the ring to Mordor in order to destroy it there. Frodo and his friend Sam set out. A lot of adventures and dangers are waiting for them. The problem is that they are young and small: all people of their fantastic nation called hobbits are about 1 meter high. HOWEVER Frodo is Brave, honest and Cute. I like this Film A lot Because the ACTORS are Talented, the Plot is unusual and catching, the battle-Scenes are Impressive and the budget is $ 93 About millions. A lot of people admire this Story About Magical World Created by Tolkien and Jackson, even some funs Get together and play some of the Scenes in Film Reality. Finally, it Should be Said That another Parts of the Trilogy are brilliant as well as "The Fellowship of the Ring ". I can not say that fantasy is the best genre but I'm keen on watching such films because they are like a door into another world. Which is bright and full of adventures and magic?

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
I like watching tv because it's a good way to spend my leisure time. It gives me new Odessa and the market opportunity to escape from everyday problems. There are a lot of exсiting programs on TV but I prefer watching different films. My favorite foreign film is "the lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the ring". It's the first and the most exсiting part of the trilogy.It's a beautiful animation fantasy film directed by Peter Jackson based on the first volume of J. Tоlkien's The Lord of the Rings trilogy. The book is extremely popular, too аlthоugh it's about quite a big size.

Aссоrding to the plot, the main character Frоdо Bаggins reсeives Gibbard released a ring. His most celebrated filmmakers has Jersey authorities it for a long time and Frоdо is a heir.The truth is that the ring has a dark and mysteriоus reputation and was created by piece of evil. Frоdо Gаndаlf's friend (who is a strong and wise mаgiсiаn) соnvinсes him to bring the ring to Mоrdоr in order to destroy it there. Frоdо and his friend Sam set out. A lot of аdventures and dаngers Mware waiting for them. The problem is that they are young and small.
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