Сочинение по картине В.М. Васнецова «Алёнушка»Всемирно известный автор перевод - Сочинение по картине В.М. Васнецова «Алёнушка»Всемирно известный автор английский как сказать

Сочинение по картине В.М. Васнецова

Сочинение по картине В.М. Васнецова «Алёнушка»

Всемирно известный автор этого полотна создал много чудесных сказочных образов. Один из самых ярких и запоминающихся среди них - образ сестрицы Алены из знакомой нам с раннего детства народной сказки.

Пейзаж соответствует настроению сказочной героини и подчеркивает его. Темные краски, непроходимый хвойный лес на заднем плане картины. Васнецов использовал мрачные оттенки чтобы нарисовать лес. на переднем плане картины художник изобразил черную воду и жесткие листья осоки . все эти детали вызывают у зрителей ощущение тревоги, грусти, даже некоторого страха. Художник запечатлел конец лета или раннюю осень, потому что листья на деревьях еще совсем зеленые, а упавшие листочки изображены грязно-желтым цветом.

Аня вызывает сострадание у нас. грустная девушка сидит одиноко прямо в центре картины на сером камне . она одета очень бедно. На ней старый дырявый сарафан и бесцветная кофта. ее ноги босые, хотя уже, наверное, холодно. Аня задумчиво смотрит в омут, со слезами в ее темных глазах. ее лицо выражает глубокую печаль и горе. Длинные каштановые волосы перепутались и рассыпались по плечам. Тонкие Анины пальцы крепко сжаты. Худенькие руки обхватили колени.
"Алена" - очень русская картина. Она отражает душу нашего народа, его самые лучшие качества: умение любить, жалеть, заботиться и быть терпеливым.
Картина навевает грустное настроение.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
An essay on painting the Victor Vasnetsov "Volare"The world-famous author of this canvas has created many wonderful fairy images. One of the most vivid and memorable among them is an image of the sisters Alona from familiar folk tale from early childhood.Landscape matches the mood of the fabulous heroine and emphasizes it. Dark colours, an impassable coniferous forest in the background picture. Vasnetsov was using dark shades to paint the wood. in the foreground of the painting the artist depicted a black water and rigid leaf sedge. all these details make the audience a feeling of anxiety, sadness, even some fear. The artist captures the end of summer or early autumn, because the leaves on the trees are green, and fallen leaves are a dirty yellow.Anya is compassion for us. sad girl sitting alone in the Centre of the painting on a gray stone. She dressed very poorly. The old leaky sundress and colorless jacket. her feet are bare, although probably already cold. Anya thoughtfully looks at Slough, with tears in her dark eyes. her face expressed deep sorrow and grief. Long brown hair messed up and scattered on the shoulders. Thin Aniny fingers tightly compressed. Slender arms enclose her knees. "Alain"-a Russian painting. It reflects the soul of our nation, its best qualities: ability to love, to feel sorry, take care and be patient. Painting casts a sad mood.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
The composition of the painting VM Vasnetsov "Alyonushka" The world-famous author of the paintings created many wonderful fairy-tale images. One of the most memorable among them - the image of sister Alena familiar to us since childhood fairy tale. The landscape fits the mood fairy tale heroine and emphasizes it. Dark colors, impenetrable pine forest in the background of the picture. Vasnetsov used the darkest shades to paint the forest. in the foreground of the painting the artist has depicted the black water and tough leaves of sedges. all these details evoke the audience a feeling of anxiety, sadness, even some fear. The artist captures the end of summer or early autumn, because the leaves of the trees still quite green and fallen leaves are depicted dirty yellow. Anya is compassion for us. sad lonely girl sitting right in the center of the picture on a gray stone. She dressed very poorly. In her old leaky sundress and colorless jacket. her feet bare, though it's probably cold. Anya looks pensively into the maelstrom, with tears in her dark eyes. her face expresses deep sorrow and grief. Long brown hair messed up and spilled over her shoulders. Thin Anya fingers clenched. Skinny arms wrapped around her knees. "Alena" - very Russian painting. It reflects the soul of our nation, its best qualities: the ability to love, to pity, to care and be patient. The picture evokes a sad mood.

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
Long dark-brown hair in disorder and on the shoulders. Thin Анины fingers firmly compressed. Худенькие hands the claws grip the knees.
"Alain" - a very new picture. It reflects the per capita income of our people,An Essay on picture.m. Apollinariy Vasnetsov "Today it"lord's world-famous the author of the web has created many wonderful antiquities images.One of the most vivid and memorable among them - the image from a familiar сестрицы Severinets us in early childhood unhappyness.lord Art print on canvas --- agniart.ru is elated mood friskiness and stresses it. Dark paint,Impassable coniferous forest at the rear of the picture. Vasnetsov used dark colors to draw a forest. in the foreground, his painting feigned black water and hard leaves favored summer pastures.All of these parts are the viewers feel alarm, sadness, even some fear. Artist captures the late summer or early autumn, because the leaves on the trees are still green,A fallen surprised me shows dusty yellow.lord Anh is compassion for us. The sad girl sitting alone directly in the center of the gray stone . She dressed very tired.The old presumably sleeveless dress and colorless shirt. its feet barefoot, although already, I think, very cold. Anh looks perfectly true in misuse, with tears in her dark eyes. Its a person expresses its deep sorrow and grief.Long dark-brown hair in disorder and on the shoulders. Thin Анины fingers firmly compressed. Худенькие hands the claws grip the knees.
"Alain" - a very new picture. It reflects the per capita income of our people,
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