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Флаг ЭКСПО официально передан Казахстану

вчера, 12:29
525 92

Флаг Всемирной выставки ЭКСПО официально передан Казахстану, передает корреспондент Tengrinews.kz со ссылкой на пресс-службу АО "Национальная компания "Астана ЭКСПО-2017".

Торжественная церемония передачи флага ЭКСПО состоялась на официальной церемонии закрытия Всемирной выставки EXPO MILANO-2015 в Италии. В ходе официальной церемонии передачи флага председатель правления АО "Национальная компания "Астана ЭКСПО-2017" Ахметжан Есимов и генеральный комиссар и комиссар ЭКСПО-2017 Рапиль Жошыбаев приняли флаг ЭКСПО от генерального секретаря МБВ Висенте Лоссерталеса и генерального комиссара ЭКСПО-2015 Бруно Паскуино.

Отмечается, что в ходе выступления президент Италии Серджио Матарелла поблагодарил всех участников выставки в Италии и выразил уверенность в успешности проведения ЭКСПО-2017 в Астане. Напомним, столица Казахстана была выбрана местом проведения Международной специализированной выставки ЭКСПО-2017 22 ноября 2012 года во время 152-й Генеральной Ассамблеи Международного бюро выставок (МБВ) в ходе тайного голосования представителей 161 государства-члена Международного бюро выставок.

Основная тема Международной специализированной выставки "Астана ЭКСПО-2017" - "Энергия будущего". Она отражает озабоченность международного сообщества проблемой энергопотребления, которое оказывает все большее влияние на планету. Главная цель выставки: призыв к ответственности, стимулирование дискуссий и формирование знаний с тем, чтобы люди научились планировать и контролировать энергопотребление на планете, минимизируя ущерб для природы.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Home/News/News KazakhstanFlag of EXPO officially handed over to KazakhstanToday, 12:29525 92Flag of the World Expo officially handed over to Kazakhstan, the correspondent of Tengrinews.kz with reference to the press-service of JSC national company "Astana-EXPO 2017".The transfer ceremony was held at the EXPO flag the official closing ceremony of the EXPO MILANO 2015 in Italy. During the official ceremony flag of Chairman of the Board of JSC national company "Astana-EXPO 2017" Akhmetzhan Yesimov and the Commissioner and Commissioner of Expo 2017 Rapil Zhoshybaev adopted the flag of the EXPO from BIE Secretary-General Vicente Lossertalesa and the Commissioner General of Expo 2015 Bruno Pasquino. It is noted that the Italian President Sergio Matarella thanked all participants of the exhibition in Italy and expressed confidence in the success of Expo-2017. As we have informed, the capital of Kazakhstan was chosen as the venue for the international exhibition EXPO-November 22, 2012 year 2017 during 152-th General Assembly of the international exhibitions Bureau (BIE) in a secret vote of the representatives of the 161 Member States of the international exhibitions Bureau.The main theme of the international specialized exhibition "Astana-EXPO 2017"-"future energy". It reflects the concern of the international community to the problem of energy consumption, which has had an increasing impact on the planet. The main goal of the exhibition: a call to responsibility, stimulating discussions and knowledge creation, so that people have learned to plan and control power on the planet, while minimizing damage to the environment.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Home / News / Kazakhstan
flag Kazakhstan EXPO officially handed over yesterday, 12:29 525 92 Flag of the World Expo officially handed over to Kazakhstan, Tengrinews.kz reports citing the press service of JSC "National Company" Astana EXPO-2017 ". The ceremony transmission flag Expo was held at the official closing ceremony of the World Exhibition EXPO MILANO-2015 in Italy. During the official ceremony of handing over the flag Chairman of the Board of JSC "National Company" Astana EXPO-2017 "Akhmetzhan Yesimov and the Commissioner General and the Commissioner of the EXPO-2017 Rapil Zhoshybayev took the flag EXPO Secretary General of the BIE Vicente Loscertales and the Commissioner General of EXPO-2015, Bruno Pasquino. It is noted that in his speech the President of the Italian Sergio Matarella thanked all participants of the exhibition in Italy and expressed confidence in the success of the EXPO-2017 in Astana. Recall, the capital of Kazakhstan has been chosen to host the International specialized exhibition EXPO-2017 November 22, 2012 during the 152nd General Assembly of the International Exhibitions Bureau (BIE) in a secret ballot of representatives of 161 Members of the International Exhibitions Bureau. The main theme of the International specialized exhibition " Astana EXPO-2017 "-" Energy of the Future. " It reflects the concern of the international community to the problem of energy, which is having an increasing impact on the planet. The main objective of the exhibition: a call for accountability, stimulate discussion and creation of knowledge, so that people have learned to plan and control power on the planet, while minimizing damage to the environment.

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
home / news / news of kazakhstan kazakhstan flag expo officially handed over to the

yesterday, 12: 29
525 92

flag world expo officially transferred to kazakhstan, transmits the correspondent Tengrinews.kz, with reference to the press service of jsc national company "astana expo 2017."

the solemn ceremony of the expo was held at the official flag of the closing ceremony of the world expo MILANO 2015 in italy.during the official ceremony of the flag and chairman of the board of jsc national company "astana expo 2017" ахметжан akhmetzhan and the commissioner and commissioner of the expo 2017 рапиль жошыбаев took the flag from the expothe secretary мбв vicente лоссерталеса and commissioner general of expo 2015 bruno паскуино.

it is noted that during the speech, president of italy, sergio матарелла thanked all the participants of the exhibition in italy and expressed his confidence in the success of the expo 2017 in astana. thethe capital of kazakhstan was chosen as the venue for the international exhibition expo 2017 on november 22, 2012, during the general assembly of international bureau of 152. exhibitions (мбв) in the secretof the 161 member states of the international exhibitions.

the main theme of the international specialized exhibition "expo 2017." - "energy future." it reflects the concern of the international community energy consumptionwhich has a growing impact on the planet. the main purpose of the exhibition: a call to responsibility, to stimulate discussion and knowledge creation in orderthat the people have learned how to plan and control of energy consumption in the world, while minimizing the damage to the nature.
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