Speaker A: Это не работа для тех, кто любит рутины, потому что вы нико перевод - Speaker A: Это не работа для тех, кто любит рутины, потому что вы нико английский как сказать

Speaker A: Это не работа для тех, к

Speaker A: Это не работа для тех, кто любит рутины, потому что вы никогда не знаете, что на следующий день будет походить. Это меня устраивает, потому что я не люблю планировать далеко вперед, так или иначе. Каждый день отличается, и каждый день включает в себя встречи с новыми людьми. Моя проблема заключается в том, что я быстро надоедает, так что это хорошо для меня, чтобы иметь работу, которая получает меня и о. Для того, чтобы сделать эту работу, вы должны быть коммуникативный человек и быть в состоянии говорить с кем-либо, потому что вы встретите самые разные люди. И вы должны быть спонтанными и реагировать на моменты, как это происходит. Я не думаю, что я мог стоять на работу, где вы сидите в офисе в течение всего дня. Мне нравится быть там, где происходит действие. Speaker B: Когда я говорю людям, что моя работа состоит в том, они говорят, что это должно быть очень трудным и удручает, но я не вещь так. Я думаю, это замечательная работа. Люди говорят, что она должна включать в себя много личных жертв, я имею в виду, есть все виды вещей, которые вы должны сделать, что большинство людей не хотели бы сделать, но лично я не вижу его таким образом на всех. На самом деле, я думаю, что я эгоист, потому что я делаю то, что я хочу сделать. Я всегда любил помогать другим. Это дает мне хорошее чувство и чувство цели. То, что поражает меня есть чувство оптимизма мои пациенты. Мы весело провести время вместе и играть в игры вместе. И, в отличие от других рабочих мест, вы не должны ставить на акт. Я имел обыкновение жалко таких людей, прежде чем я получил эту работу, но не больше. Я бы не изменить свою работу для мира. Спикер C: Многие люди вещь, что это скучно и скучная работа, но я думаю, что это интересно. Я знаю, что дело только с цифрами, но что важно, так это то, что означают эти цифры. Например, отчет о прибылях и убытках отстойник итоги работы бизнеса. Вы видите точно, насколько хорошо бизнес делает и то, что ему нужно сделать, чтобы улучшить его работу. И это очень сложная работа. Вы должны играть много внимания даже мельчайших деталей и быть очень систематическим и методическим в том, что вы делаете. Мне это нравится. Я не люблю хаос, но я, как наводить порядок. Это как делает головоломки. Начнем с того, вы только что получили различные биты, которые вам необходимо собрать, и в конце у вас есть полное представление о том, как компания делает. Я нахожу это очень приятно. Динамик D: Я люблю свою работу, потому что у меня есть много контактов с людьми. Дело в том, мне нравится помогать людям, и я упал хорошо, когда они уходят с тем, что они хотят. Я думаю, что вы должны быть дружественными, чтобы сделать эту работу хорошо. Иногда, конечно, я встречаюсь с людьми, которые находятся в очень плохом настроении, и это депрессия меня сначала. Но позже я узнал, что проблема не во мне, а в них. Таким образом, я делаю усилие, чтобы быть хорошим, и почти всегда они хороши назад и даже выйти с улыбкой на лице, что делает меня упал хорошо. Я не хотел бы быть в работе, где вы должны судить о людях или сказать им, что делать. Я просто хотел помочь. Динамик E: После школы я поступил в университет и изучал экономику, а затем получил работу в крупной корпорации. Я стоял его в течение нескольких лет, но потом я вышел. Я просто не укладывалось в. беда в том, что я не очень хорошо говорят, что нужно делать и как это сделать. Все вокруг меня были процедуры, которые я должен был следовать, и они часто не имеет смысла. Я мог часто видеть лучший способ делать вещи, но мой босс хотел, чтобы я придерживаться процедур, а не нарушать правила. Так что я оставил свою работу, а затем сделал мое хобби, моя карьера. Самое замечательное в моей работе является то, что я должен быть творческим. Я вижу кусок земли, будь то часть имущества или заднем дворе в городе, и думать, как сделать лучшее из этого в практических и художественном плане, и хотя я наслаждаюсь компанией людей, я люблю свободу работающих на земле.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Speaker a: this is not a job for those who like routine, because you never know what the next day will be like. This is fine by me, because I don't like to plan far ahead, anyway. Every day is different, and each day includes meetings with new people. My problem is that I am quickly bored, so it's good for me to have a job that gets me and in order to make this work, you must be a communicative person and be able to talk with anyone, because you will meet all kinds of people. And you must be spontaneous and respond to moments like this happens. I don't think I could stand to work where you sit in the Office all day. I like to be where the action is. Speaker b: when I tell people what my job is, they say, that this must be a very difficult and depressing, but I don't thing so. I think it's a great job. People say that it should include a lot of personal sacrifices, I mean, there are all kinds of things that you should do what most people do not like to do, but personally I don't see it that way at all. Actually, I think I'm selfish, because I'm doing what I want to do. I have always loved to help others. It gives me a good feeling and a sense of purpose. What amazes me is the optimism of my patients. We have fun together and play games together. And, unlike other jobs, you don't have to put on an act. I used to feel sorry for these people before I got this to work but not anymore. I wouldn't change my job for the world. Speaker C: many people thing that it's boring and tedious work, but I think it's interesting. I know that deal only with numbers, but what counts is what these figures mean. For example, the profit and loss statement sump outcome of the business. You see exactly how well the business is doing and what he needs to do to improve its performance. And it's a very complicated job. You have to play a lot of attention to even the smallest detail and is very systematic and methodical in what you do. I love it. I don't like chaos, but I like to put things in order. It's like doing a jigsaw puzzle. To begin with, you've just got different bits that you need to collect, and in the end you have a complete understanding of how the company does. I find it very nice. Speaker d: I love my job, because I have a lot of contact with people. In fact, I like helping people and I fell good when they go with what they want. I think you should be friendly to do this job well. Sometimes, of course, I meet with people who are in a very bad mood, and it's depression first. But later I found out that the problem is not in me, and in them. Thus, I make the effort to be good, and almost always they're back and even leave with a smile on his face that makes me fell good. I wouldn't want to be in a job where you have to judge people or tell them what to do. I just wanted to help. Speaker e: After school I went to University and studied economics and then got a job at a large corporation. I stood it for a few years, but then I went out. I just don't fit in. the trouble is that I am not very good at saying what to do and how to do it. All around me were the procedure that I had to follow, and they often don't make sense. I could often see the best way of doing things, but my boss wanted me to adhere to the procedures and did not break the rules. So I left my job and then made my hobby my career. The great thing about my job is that I have to be creative. I see a piece of land, whether part of the property or the back yard in the city, and to think how to make the best of it for practical and artistic terms, and while I enjoy the company of people I love freedom working on Earth.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Speaker A: This is not a job for those who love routine, because you never know what the next day will be like. That suits me, because I do not like to plan far ahead, anyway. Every day is different, and every day involves meeting new people. My problem is that I get bored, so that's good for to have my job that gets me out and about. To make this work, you must be a communicative person and be able to speak with someone because you meet all sorts of people. And you have to be spontaneous and react to things as it occurs. I do not think I could stand to work, where you sit in an office all day. I like to be where the action is. Speaker B: When I tell people that my job is, they say, that it must be very difficult and frustrating, but I do not thing so. I think it's a great job. People say that it should include a lot of personal sacrifice, I mean, there are all kinds of things that you should do what most people do not want to do, but I do not see it that way at all. In fact, I think I'm selfish because I'm doing what I want to do. I've always liked helping others. This gives me a good feeling and a sense of purpose. What strikes me there is a sense of optimism my patients. We have fun together and play games together. And, unlike other jobs, you do not have to put on an act. I used to feel sorry for these people, before I got the job, but no more. I would not change my job for the world. Speaker C: Many people thing that it's boring and tedious work, but I think it's interesting. I know that only deal with numbers, but what is important is what these numbers mean. For example, the profit and loss account the results of the sump business work. You can see exactly how well the business is doing and what it needs to do to improve its performance. And this is a very difficult job. You have to play a lot of attention to even the smallest detail and be very systematic and methodical in what you are doing. I like it. I do not like chaos, but I like to restore order. It's like doing a puzzle. To begin with, you've just got different bits that you need to collect, and at the end you have a complete picture of how the company is doing. I find it very pleasant. Speaker D: I love my job because I have a lot of contacts with people. The fact is, I like to help people, and I fell good when they leave with what they want. I think you need to be friendly, to make this work well. Sometimes, of course, I meet people who are in a very bad mood, and it depressed me first. But later I found out that the problem is not in me, but in them. So I make an effort to be good, and almost always they are good to go back and even with a smile on his face that makes me fell good. I would not want to be in a job where you have to judge people and tell them what to do. I just wanted to help. Speaker E: After school I went to university and studied economics and then got a job in a large corporation. I stood it for a few years, but then I went out. I just did not fit in. the trouble is that I do not very well say, what to do and how to do it. All around me were the procedures that I had to follow, and often does not make sense. I could often see the best way to do things, but my boss wanted me to stick to procedures and not to break the rules. So I quit my job, and then made my hobby, my career. The great thing about my job is that I have to be creative. I see a piece of land, whether it is part of the property or the backyard in the city, and to think how to make the best of it in a practical and artistic terms, and although I enjoy the company of people, I love the freedom of working on the ground.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
speaker a: this is not a job for those who love you, because you never know what the next day will be like. that"s fine with me, because i don"t like to plan far ahead anyway. every day is different, and every day involves meeting with new people. my problem is that i get bored with, so that"s good for me to have a job that takes me about. in order to make this work, you must be a communicative person and be able to talk to somebody, because you will meet all sorts of people. and you should be spontaneous and respond to points, how this is going on. i don"t think i could stand to work, where you are sitting in the office all day long. i like to be there, where is the. speaker b: when i tell people that my job is, they say, it must be very difficult and frustrating, but i"m not a thing. i think it"s a great job. people say that she should include many personal sacrifices, i mean, there are all kinds of things that you must do what most people do not want to do, but personally, i don"t see it that way at all. actually, i think i"m selfish, because i"m doing what i want to do. i always liked to help others. it gives me a good feeling and a sense of purpose. what strikes me is the optimism of my patients. we have fun together and play games together. and, unlike other jobs, you don"t have to put on an act. i used to feel sorry for those people before i got this job, but no more. i would not change my job for the world. the speaker c: many people thing, it"s boring and boring work, but i think it"s interesting. i know that it"s just numbers, but what"s important is what do these numbers mean. for example, the profit and loss account of the business of the septic tank. you can see just how well the business is doing and what he needs to do to make it work better. and this is a very difficult job. you have to play a lot of attention, even the smallest detail and be very systematic and methodic in what you do. i like it. i don"t like chaos, but i like to clean. it"s like doing puzzles. to start with, you just got different bats that you need to, and in the end you have a full understanding of how the company is doing. i find it very nice. speaker d: i love my job, because i have a lot of contact with people. the thing is, i like to help people, and i fell right when they leave with what they want. i think that you should be friendly to do this work well. sometimes, of course, i meet people who are in a very bad mood, and this depressed me first. but i later found out that
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