Мой день
Я обычно просыпаюсь около шести часов утра и сразу выбираюсь из кровати. По утрам я, как правило, принимаю душ, а по вечерам ванну. Я готовлю себе очень крепкий кофе и сажусь на кухне с газетами и журналами. Я люблю читать их, мне нравится узнавать, что радует людей и что их огорчает, что их сердит и удивляет. В 8.30 я начинаю приводить дом в порядок, потому что экономка приходит в 9 часов, а я слишком воспитан, чтобы оставлять дом в беспорядке. Я заканчиваю все до того, как она приходит. Затем я сажусь в машину, и в 9.30 я уже в офисе. Моя секретарша Эмма Томсон также приходит в это время. И именно теперь начинается настоящая жизнь. Эмма – очаровательная женщина, очень энергичная и доминантная по характеру. Моя сестра считает, что в прошлой жизни Эмма была сержантом. Она обычно говорит: "Мистер Картер, Вы должны подписать это, согласиться с этим, отказаться от этого и так далее". И если она начинает слишком командовать (to get bossy), я говорю: "Эмма, мы встретимся через час". Мой рабочий день заканчивается в 6 часов вечера. Вечером я могу делать все, что хочу. Иногда я встречаюсь с друзьями, хожу в театр, навещаю родителей. Иногда провожу спокойный вечер дома: смотрю те- левизор, читаю книги.
Результаты (
английский) 1:
My day I usually wake up around 6 a.m. and immediately go out of bed. In the morning, I usually take a shower and bath. I am preparing myself very strong coffee and sit down in the kitchen with newspapers and magazines. I love to read them, I like to know what pleases people and upset that their angry and surprised. At 8: 30 I start to lead House in order, because the housekeeper comes in 9:0, and I too brought up, leaving the House in disarray. I finish everything before she comes. Then I sit down in the car, and at 9: 30 I have in the Office. My Secretary Emma Thomson also comes in this time. And now begins the real life. Emma is a charming woman, very energetic and dominant in nature. My sister thinks that in a past life, Emma was a sergeant. It is commonly said: "Mr. Carter, you should sign it, accept it, reject it, and so on." And if it starts too bossy (to get bossy), I say "Emma, we meet in an hour". My work day ends at 6:0 pm. In the evening, I can do whatever I want. Sometimes I meet up with friends, go to the theater, my parents. Sometimes spend a quiet evening at home: Watch the levizor, read the book.
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Результаты (
английский) 2:
My day
I usually wake up around six o'clock in the morning and immediately get out of bed. In the morning, I usually take a shower and a bath in the evening. I am preparing myself very strong coffee and sit in the kitchen with newspapers and magazines. I love to read them, I like to find out what pleases the people, and that they upset that their angry and surprised. At 8:30 I start to bring the house in order, because the housekeeper comes at 9 o'clock, and I too was brought up, to leave the house in a mess. I finish everything before it comes. Then I get in the car, and at 9:30 I was in the office. My secretary Emma Thomson also comes at this time. And it now begins the real life. Emma - a charming woman, very energetic and dominant in nature. My sister thinks that in a past life Emma was a sergeant. It usually says, "Mr. Carter, you have to sign it, agree with it, abandon it and so on." And if it starts too command (to get bossy), I say: "Emma, we'll meet in an hour." My working day ends at 6:00 pm. In the evening, I can do whatever I want. Sometimes I meet with friends, go to the theater, visit my parents. Sometimes I spend a quiet evening at home: look of the TV, read a book.
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Результаты (
английский) 3:
My day
I usually wake up around six o'clock in the morning and as soon as usually sit out of bed. In the morning I have, as a rule, i agree with shower and bath in the evening. I'm cooking a very strong coffee and forget it in the kitchen with newspapers and magazines.I love to read them, I like to learn, that there are people and that they are saddened that their angry and surprised. In 8.30 i begin lead house in order, because the migrating comes in 9 hours, and I am too educated,To leave the house in disorder. I conclude all prior to, as it comes. And then I forget it in the machine, and at 9.30 i have already in the office. My boy close Emma Thomson also comes in this time.And it is precisely this life begins now. Emma - this is a very nice woman, is a very strong and dominant in nature. My sister believes that in the past life of Emma was under investigation. It is usually said: "Mister Carter,You will be required to sign it, to agree with this, to abandon this and so on". And if she starts too command (to get bоssy), i say: "Emma, we meet in an hour". My work day ends at 6 o'clock in the evening.
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