Увидеть Барака Обаму или его семейство здесь практически невозможно, а перевод - Увидеть Барака Обаму или его семейство здесь практически невозможно, а английский как сказать

Увидеть Барака Обаму или его семейс

Увидеть Барака Обаму или его семейство здесь практически невозможно, а вот резиденцию президента США - хоть и через забор - можно разглядеть во всех подробностях. Правда, чего-то особенного от американского особняка №1 ждать не стоит. Это только на картинках Белый дом выглядит пышно и величественно. В реальности же The White House - совсем небольшое строение, смахивающее на один из районных дворцов культуры, разбросанных на просторах нашей страны.

Монумент в честь Джорджа Вашингтона, первого президента США, был открыт в 1888 году и некоторое время оставался самым высоким сооружением на планете, пока его не перегнала парижская Эйфелева башня. Главный символ американской столицы выстроен из гранита, снаружи облицованного мрамором.
Монумент Вашингтона полый, внутри него находятся девять сотен ступеней, и раньше любой желающий мог подняться на расположенную на его верхушке смотровую площадку. После землетрясения в Вирджинии летом 2011 года монумент был закрыт для посещений. На обелиске появилась трещина, и пока специалисты не решат, что с ней делать, монумент можно будет осматривать только снаружи.

Национальная аллея (или «Нэшнл Молл») - это длинный парк с памятниками и фонтанами. Он начинается у Мемориала Линкольна - впечатляющей статуи 16-го президента США - и заканчивается у Капитолия, самого красивого и высокого здания в американской столице. В центре аллеи высится Монумент Вашингтона - мощная четырехгранная колонна, внутри которой работает лифт: можно подняться на смотровую площадку и в деталях рассмотреть аккуратные городские улицы с невысокими домами и симпатичными кафе.

Здание Конгресса США - это не только место работы Сената и Палаты представителей, но и музей, где хранится впечатляющее количество картин, статуй, фресок, исторических документов, редких фотографий и прочих интересных вещей. Попасть в Капитолий гораздо легче, чем в Белый дом. Нужно забронировать тур через сайт Центра посещений (visitthecapitol.gov), а в назначенный день прийти в здание Конгресса налегке, без больших сумок, еды и напитков. С собой обязательно нужно иметь паспорт.
Один из символов Соединенных Штатов, Капитолий, находится в восточной части Национальной аллеи. Правда, строение повернуто к "Нэшнл Молл"... задом. Чтобы увидеть фасад Капитолия, нужно его обойти. Строительство пышного здания (смахивающего на Собор Святого Петра в Ватикане) велось много лет, начиная с конца XVIII века. Здание Конгресса несколько раз перестраивалось, расширялось и "меняло" купол.

Мемориальный комплекс в память о 16-м президенте Соединенных Штатов строился восемь лет и был полностью завершен к 1922 году. Внешне мемориал (он находится на Национальной аллее) напоминает классический греческий храм с колоннадой. Многие детали в нем наполнены глубоким символическим смыслом - так, например, мемориал окружают 36 колонн – ровно столько штатов были объединены перед убийством Авраама Линкольна. Над колоннадой выгравированы названия всех 50 штатов Америки с датами их вступления в союз. Внутри мемориала находится статуя Линкольна. По легенде, автор скульптуры - Даниэль Честер – изобразил руки президента таким образом, что на языке жестов они показывают инициалы А.Л.

музей естественной истории. Место, которое нельзя пропустить: громадный музей с десятками окаменелых скелетов динозавров, заспиртованных морских гадов (среди них - исполинский кальмар, размером с боеголовку), коллекциями редких насекомых и чучелами целой армии млекопитающих - от слонов и бегемотов до кротов и крохотных степных мышей.

Great Falls находятся в 30 км от Вашингтона, Отличный природный аттракцион, куда можно выбраться на целый день, - цепь мощных водопадов и порогов на реке Потомак, шум которых слышен на много миль вокруг. Сами водопады небольшие, но из-за того, что их много, река буквально на глазах «проваливается» вниз. Разница в перепаде высот между первыми и последними порогами достигает 20 метров.

National Cathedral / Cathedral Church of Saint Peter and Saint Пауль. При взгляде на этот громадный собор, кажется, будто он сохранился со Средневековья, но на самом деле ему нет и полсотни лет, что по меркам европейского храмостроительства - сущий пустяк. Зато он - шестой по величине в мире и самый красивый в Америке. Здесь был похоронен Вудро Вильсон, и здесь же проходила церемония прощания с Рональдом Рейганом. Внутри Национального кафедрального собора - несколько залов, две сотни витражей, огромный орган, статуи святых и множество нефов. Снаружи - симпатичный сад (Bishop's Garden) с резными скамейками, увитыми плющом беседками, каменными барельефами, чайными розами и целой коллекцией лекарственных растений. Ежегодно, в первую пятницу мая, здесь проводится цветочный фестиваль - важное культурное событие в Вашингтоне.

Мемориал Томаса Джефферсона выглядит как классический пантеон. Строительство белоснежного мемориала с мраморными ступенями, портиками, круговой колоннадой и куполом, завершилось в 1943 году - к двухсотлетию со дня рождения «отца-основателя» Соединенных Штатов. Автором проекта стал известный американский архитектор Джон Поуп, который, к сожалению, скончался, так и не увидев свое детище: комплекс был построен спустя шесть лет после его смерти. Внутри пантеона, помимо статуи Джефферсона, можно увидеть выгравированные на стенах отрывки из знаменитых речей и писем президента.

В адрес старейшего района Вашингтона можно наговорить много комплиментов. Он элитный и степенный, но при этом оживленный и до отказа заполненный молодежью. Такой "микс" в Америке бывает возможен, если где-то неподалеку прячется учебное за
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
See Barack Obama or his family here is almost impossible, and the residence of the President of United States-albeit over a fence, you can see all the details. However, something special from the American House No. 1 is not worth waiting. It is only on the pictures of the White House is magnificently and majestically. In reality, The White House-a very small build, close to one of the regional cultural palaces, scattered across the country.A monument in honor of George Washington, the first President of the United States, was opened in 1888, and remained the tallest building in the world until overtook Paris Eiffel Tower. The main symbol of the American capital city built of granite, the outside coated with marble.Washington Monument hollow, inside it are nine hundred steps, and before anyone could climb to the top of the observation deck. After the earthquake in Virginia in the summer of 2011, the monument has been closed to the public. The crack appeared on the obelisk, and while experts decide what to do with it, the monument will be examined only from the outside.National Mall (or "National Mall") is a long Park with monuments and fountains. It begins at the Lincoln Memorial-an impressive statue of the President of the United States 16-and ends near the Capitol, the most beautiful and highest building in the American capital. In the center of the Mall is the Washington Monument-the powerful Colonna square, inside the elevator: you can climb to the observation deck and consider in detail the neat streets with low houses and nice cafes.United States Congress is not only a place of work of the Senate and House of representatives, but the Museum, which houses an impressive number of paintings, statues, murals, historical documents, rare photos and other interesting things. To get into the Capitol is much easier than in the White House. Need to book a tour through the site visits (visitthecapitol.gov) and on the appointed day to come in Congress light, without the big bags of food and beverages. You must have a passport.One of the symbols of the United States, the Capitol, is located in the eastern part of the National Mall. However, the building turned to the National Mall to ... backwards. To see the facade of the Capitol, you'll need to get around. The construction of magnificent buildings (smahivaûŝego at St. Peter's Basilica in the Vatican) was carried out for many years, beginning in the late 18th century. The building was reconstructed several times, Congress has "changed" dome.Memorial in memory of the 16th President of the United States was eight years old and was fully completed in the year 1922. Externally, the Memorial (it is located on the National Mall) is reminiscent of the classic Greek temple with a Colonnade. Many of the details in it are filled with deep symbolic meaning-for example, the Memorial is surrounded by 36 columns-exactly as many States have been combined before the assassination of Abraham Lincoln. Above the Colonnade are engraved the names of all 50 States with dates of their entry into the Union. Inside the Memorial is a statue of Lincoln. According to legend, the author of the sculpture-Daniel Chester depicted the President in such a manner that the sign language they show the initials A. L.Museum of natural history. A place not to be missed: huge Museum with dozens of fossilized dinosaur skeletons, zaspirtovannyh marine reptiles (among them-the giant squid, the size of the warhead), collections of rare insects and stuffed an entire army of mammals, from elephants and hippos to moles and tiny steppe mice.Great Falls are in the 30 miles from Washington, is an excellent natural attraction, where you can get out on a day-a chain of powerful waterfalls and Rapids on the Potomac River, the noise that can be heard for miles around. The waterfalls are small, but because of the fact that a lot of them, literally in front of the river falls down. The difference in the heights between the first and the last Rapids reaches 20 metres.National Cathedral/Cathedral Church of Saint Peter and Saint Paul. When looking at this huge Cathedral, it seems as if it has been preserved from the middle ages, but in reality it is not, and fifty years, which by the standards of the European--I am nothing. But it is the sixth largest in the world and the most beautiful in America. Woodrow Wilson was buried here, and hosted the ceremony of farewell with Ronald Reagan. Inside the National Cathedral-several halls, two hundred stained glass Windows, huge body, statues of Saints and a multitude of aisles. Outside-a lovely garden (Bishop's Garden) with carved benches, gazebos, Ivy stone bas-reliefs, tea roses and a whole collection of medicinal plants. Every year, on the first Friday of may, here is the Flower Festival is an important cultural event in Washington.Jefferson Memorial looks like the classic pantheon. Construction of the white marble steps of the Memorial, porticos, circular colonnade and a dome, was completed in 1943 year-to the bicentennial of the birth of the "founding father" of the United States. The author of the project was the famous American architect John Pope, who sadly passed away without seeing his creation: the complex was built six years after his death. Inside the Pantheon, in addition to the statues of Jefferson can be seen engraved on the walls of excerpts from famous speeches and letters to the President.The oldest district in Washington you can slander many compliments. He is an elite and sedate, but lively and filled to bursting youth. The "mix" in America is possible if somewhere nearby is training for
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
See Barack Obama or his family is almost impossible, but the residence of the US president - though over the fence - you can see all the details. However, something special from the American house №1 expected. It is only in pictures White House looks magnificent and majestic. In reality, The White House - very small building, looks like one of the district cultural centers scattered across the expanse of our country. The monument in honor of George Washington, the first president of the United States, was opened in 1888 and for some time remained the tallest building on the planet, until it was surpassed the Eiffel Tower. The main symbol of the American capital was built of granite, marble exterior. Washington Monument hollow inside it there are nine hundred steps before anyone could climb to its top located on the observation deck. After the earthquake in Virginia in the summer of 2011 the monument has been closed to the public. On the obelisk there was a crack, and while experts do not decide what to do with it, the monument will be inspected only from the outside. National Mall (or "National Mall") - is a long park with monuments and fountains. It begins at the Lincoln Memorial - an impressive statue of the 16th president of the United States - and ends at the Capitol, the most beautiful and tallest building in the US capital. In the center of the avenue stands the Washington Monument - a powerful four-sided column, inside which a lift: you can climb to the observation deck and see the details of neat streets with low houses and cute cafes. The building of the US Congress - is not just a place of work of the Senate and House of Representatives, but and the museum, which houses an impressive number of paintings, statues, murals, historical documents, rare photos and other interesting things. To get to the Capitol is much easier than the White House. It is necessary to book a tour through the website of the Center visits (visitthecapitol.gov), and on the appointed day to come to the Congress building light, no large bags, food and beverages. With a necessarily need to have a passport. One of the symbols of the United States Capitol, located in the eastern part of the National Mall. However, the structure turned to the "National Mall" ... ass. To see the facade of the Capitol, you need to work around it. Building gingerbread houses (smacks of St. Peter's Basilica in the Vatican) was carried out for many years, since the end of the XVIII century. Congress building was rebuilt several times, expanded and "me," the dome. The memorial complex in memory of the 16th president of the United States was built eight years and was completed in 1922. Externally Memorial (located on the National Mall) resembles a classic Greek temple with a colonnade. Many details in it are full of deep symbolic meaning - for example, the memorial is surrounded by 36 columns - just enough states were united before the assassination of Abraham Lincoln. Above the colonnade are engraved the names of all 50 states of America with the dates of their entry into the Union. Inside the memorial is a statue of Lincoln. According to legend, the author of the sculpture - Daniel Chester - hand painted President so that sign language, they show the initials AL Museum of Natural History. A place not to be missed: a huge museum with dozens of fossilized dinosaur skeletons, preserved in alcohol marine reptiles (among them - the giant squid, the size of the warhead), collections of rare insects and stuffed the whole army of mammals - from elephants and hippos to the moles and tiny steppe mice. Great Falls are located 30 km from Washington, a great natural attraction, where you can get out for the day - a chain of powerful waterfalls and rapids on the Potomac River, the noise that can be heard for miles around. Waterfalls themselves are small, but because of the fact that many of them, the river before our eyes "falls" down. The difference in the height difference between the first and last rapids reaches 20 meters. National Cathedral / Cathedral Church of Saint Peter and Saint Paul. Looking at the huge cathedral, it seems as if it has been preserved since the Middle Ages, but in fact it is not and fifty years, by the standards of the European hramostroitelstva - a mere trifle. But he - the sixth largest in the world and the most beautiful in America. Here he was buried Woodrow Wilson, and here took place the ceremony of farewell to Ronald Reagan. Inside the National Cathedral - several halls, two hundred stained-glass windows, a huge body, statues of saints and many aisles. Exterior - lovely garden (Bishop's Garden) with carved benches, gazebos overgrown with ivy, stone reliefs, tea roses and a whole collection of medicinal plants. Every year on the first Friday of May flower festival is held here - an important cultural event in Washington, DC. Thomas Jefferson Memorial looks like a classic pantheon. Construction of a memorial to the white marble steps, porches, a circular colonnade and dome, completed in 1943 - the bicentenary of the birth of "founding father" of the United States. The author of the project was the famous American architect John Pope, who, unfortunately, died without seeing their offspring: the complex was built six years after his death. Inside the Pantheon, in addition to the statue of Jefferson can be seen engraved on the walls of excerpts from famous speeches and letters to the president. The address of the old district of Washington, you can tell a lot of compliments. It is an elite and sedate, but lively, and filled to overflowing youth. This "mix" in America is possible, if somewhere near hides training for

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
See meritocracy or his family here is virtually impossible, and that is the residence of the President of the USA - and through the fence - you can see in all details. It is true thatSomething from the American townhouse 1 to wait for it. It is only in the graphic White house looks lush and majestic. In reality, the White House - just a small structure,Смахивающее at one of the district palaces of culture, scattered across our country.Lord the monument to honor George Washington, the first president of the United States,Opened in 1888, and for some time has remained the highest construction in the world, as long as it is not investigations have established that aero the Paris Eiffel Tower. The main character the American capital meat from granite,
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