В то же самое время Шрек был очень несчастлив. Он понимал, что он гоблин, а Фиона — принцесса и что никто не может изменить этого. Он решил найти у феи чудесную жидкость, чтобы стать красивым. Его друзья помогли ему в этом. Шрек выпил этот эликсир, но ничего не случилось. Остатки эликсира выпил ос¸л. Ш¸л сильный дождь, и они решили переночевать в лесу. В это время Фиона поняла, что она совершила ошибку и что ей не следовало привозить Шрека во дворец. Она объявила своим родителям, что они отправятся обратно на болото. Взошло солнце. Шрек и его друзья проснулись. Произошло чудо: Шрек превратился в сильного красивого молодого человека, а ос¸л стал великолепным белым кон¸м, которым он всегда мечтал стать. Шрек вскочил на коня, и они поскакали во дворец. Фиона в это время тоже превратилась в прекрасную девушку, какой она и была до встречи со Шреком. Злая фея делала вс¸, что могла, чтобы поженить своего сына, прекрасного Принца, и Фиону. Принц представился Фионе как Шрек, но она поняла, что он лж¸т, так как его голос не был голосом е¸ мужа. После многих приключений Шрек добрался до дворца и как раз вовремя, чтобы остановить свадебную церемонию. Он сказал, что не позволит Принцу и его матери разрушить сво¸ счастье. Злая фея решила уничтожить Шрека, но Король защитил его, и волшебная палочка (a wand) феи превратила его в лягушку. Король и Королева благословили молодых. Фиона сказала, что она хочет, чтобы Шрек остался тем гоблином, которого она полюбила.
Такой вот неожиданный и счастливый конец у этой истории.
Результаты (
английский) 1:
At the same time Shrek was very unhappy. He knew that he and Goblin, Fiona is the Princess and that no one can change that. He decided to find wonderful fairy liquid to become beautiful. His friends helped him in this. Shrek drank the elixir, but nothing happened. The remains of the elixir drank OS ¸ l. W-l rain, and they decided to spend the night in the forest. At this time Fiona realized she made a mistake and that she should not have been bringing Shrek to the Palace. She announced to his parents that they will go back to the swamp. The Sun rose. Shrek and his friends woke up. A miracle happened: Shrek has turned into a strong handsome young man, but OS-l has become a magnificent White con ... m, which he always dreamed of becoming. Shrek jumped on his horse, and they jumped into the Palace. Fiona during this time too, turned into a beautiful girl, what it was prior to meeting with Shrek. The wicked fairy did Sun ... that could, to marry his son, Prince charming, and Fiona. The Prince presented himself as's letter to Fiona Shrek, but she realized that it LV ¸ t, because his voice was not the voice of e-husband. After many adventures Shrek got to the Palace, and just in time to stop the wedding ceremony. He said that he would not allow the Prince and his mother destroy its ¸ happiness. The wicked fairy decided to destroy Shrek, but King defended him, and the magic wand (a wand) fairy turned him into a frog. The King and Queen blessed young. Fiona said she wants Shrek remained the Goblin, which she loved.This is unexpected and happy ending to this story.
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Результаты (
английский) 2:
At the same time, Shrek was very unhappy. He knew that he was a goblin, and Fiona - a princess, and that no one can change it. He decided to find in a wonderful fairy liquid, to become beautiful. His friends helped him in this. Shrek drank the elixir, but nothing happened. Remains os¸l drank the elixir. Sh¸l heavy rain, and they decided to spend the night in the forest. At this time, Fiona realized she had made a mistake and that she should not have to bring Shrek the palace. She announced to her parents that they would go back to the swamp. The sun rose. Shrek and his friends woke up. A miracle happened: Shrek has become a strong handsome young man and became a magnificent white os¸l kon¸m, which he has always dreamed of becoming. Shrek mounted his horse, and they rode to the palace. Fiona at this time, too, turned into a beautiful girl, as it was before the meeting with Shrek. The wicked fairy did vs¸ she could to marry his son, a handsome prince, and Fiona. Prince introduced as the Shrek Fiona, but she knew he lzh¸t, because his voice is not the voice of e¸ husband. After many adventures, Shrek got to the palace, and just in time to stop the wedding ceremony. He said he would not allow the Prince and his mother svo¸ destroy happiness. The wicked fairy decided to kill Shrek, but he defended his King, and a magic wand (a wand) fairy turned him into a frog. The King and Queen of blessed young. Fiona said that she wants to Shrek was the goblin, which she loved.
Such is the unexpected and happy ending to this story.
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