Мой неудачный отпуск начался уже в аэропорту! Пока я ждала свой самолё перевод - Мой неудачный отпуск начался уже в аэропорту! Пока я ждала свой самолё английский как сказать

Мой неудачный отпуск начался уже в

Мой неудачный отпуск начался уже в аэропорту! Пока я ждала свой самолёт,у меня из сумки вытащили мою любимую кепку. Я не знаю зачем она была воришке, но мне стало очень грустно без неё. Наконец-то прилетев в Париж,я была очень счастлива, что посетила свой город мечты и увижу свою любимую бабушку. Выйдя из аэропорта, за мной приехала BMW X5 и я поехала кататься на городе, и делая классные фотографии, и увидела королеву Викторию. Казалось бы, отпуск начинается отлично и ничего плохого не случился! Но... Вечером я отдела красивое платье, и поехала на день рождения своей бабушки . Играла шикарная музыка, и я ела вкусное мороженое и французский круасан. Официантка начала выносить праздничный торт, напевая песенку "С днём рождения тебя...". И тут торт падает из рук официантки мне на лицо! Вечер был испорчен, как и весь праздник! Никогда не забуду этот ужасный отдых.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
My bad holidays started already at the airport! While I was waiting for my plane, I pulled out the bags of my favorite Cap. I don't know why she was thief, but I became very sad without it. Finally arriving in Paris, I was very happy that visited your city of dreams and see his beloved grandmother. Leaving the airport, follow me came a BMW x 5 I went skating on the city, and making cool photos, and saw Queen Victoria. Seemingly, vacation starts great and nothing bad happened! But ... In the evening I Division beautiful dress and went to his grandmother's birthday. Play chic music, and I ate a delicious ice cream and French Croissant. The waitress start to make birthday cake, singing a song "happy birthday to you ...". And here the cake falls out of the hands of the waitresses I on the face! The evening was spoiled as all holidays! Never forget that horrible vacation.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
My bad vacation started already at the airport! While I was waiting for my plane, I was pulled out of the bag of my favorite hat. I do not know why she was thief, but I was very sad without it. Finally arriving in Paris, I was very happy to visit your dream city and see his beloved grandmother. Leaving the airport, behind me came the BMW X5 and I went to ride on the city, and making great photos and saw Queen Victoria. It would seem that vacation begins fine and nothing bad happened! But ... In the evening I Division beautiful dress, and I went to the birthday of his grandmother. Played elegant music, and I ate a delicious ice cream and french croissant. Waitress start make a cake, singing a song "Happy birthday to you ...". Then the cake falls from the hands of the waitress on my face! The evening was spoiled as the rest of the holiday! I will never forget this horrible vacation.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
my best vacation started already at the airport. while i was waiting for my flight, i have from my bag, pulled out my favorite hat. i don"t know why she was a thief, but i felt very sad without her. finally coming to paris, i was very happy that visited their town"s dream and see my beloved grandmother. out of the airport, i got bmw x5 and i went out to the city, and making great pictures, and saw the queen victoria. seemingly, the holiday begins good and nothing bad happened. but... night, i division of the beautiful dress, and went to my grandmother"s birthday. play great music, and i had a delicious ice cream and french a croissant. the waitress began to make a birthday cake, singing the song "happy birthday to you...". and there"s the cake drops from the hands of waitress on my face! the evening was ruined, and the entire party. never forget that terrible holiday.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
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