Я не сказала, что батарея старая или пустая, я говорю, что её ёмкости 1200 mAh хватает менее, чем на сутки в режиме ожидания... и спрашиваю, нет ли у вас аналога или подходящей для данной модели телефона батареи,но большей ёмкости, скажем, 2200mAh
I didn't say the battery is old or empty, I say its 1200 capacity mAh missing less than 24 hours in standby mode. and ask whether you have an analogue or a suitable for this model phone battery, but greater capacity, say, 2200mAh
I did not say that the battery is old or empty, I say that her capacity 1200 mAh enough for less than twenty-four hours in the standby mode ... and ask whether you have an analog or a suitable battery for this phone model, but larger capacity, say, 2200mAh
i did not say that the old or the empty, i"m saying that her volume 1200 mAh missing less than 24 hours in standby mode. and ask if you have any analogue or suitable for this model phone batteries, but most of them, say, 2200mAh