Сейчас покупки делают с целью наградить себя или почувствовать себя хо перевод - Сейчас покупки делают с целью наградить себя или почувствовать себя хо английский как сказать

Сейчас покупки делают с целью награ

Сейчас покупки делают с целью наградить себя или почувствовать себя хорошо.Купить вещь потому, что она действительно нужна, стало самой последней причиной похода в магазин.При выборе товара, мы обращаем внимание лишь на несколько факторов. Первый фактор, это первичные потребности такие как еда,крыша над головой, и одежда. Следующее на что мы обращаем внимание ,это удобство - в определенный момент человек понимает что ему чего-то не хватает и идет приобретать необходимый ему товар.Или покупка как средство самовыражения,способ выразить свое "я". По тому, как, где и что человек покупает, окружающие могут судить о его желаниях, потребностях и личных качествах.Есть прекрасный пример особого чувства, которое порождает процесс покупки. Многие люди, особенно подростки, приносят домой только что купленную одежду и ходят в ней по дому. Они настолько влюблены в свою обновку, что не могут отложить ее в сторону ,им хочется тут же примерить новую вещь и еще раз испытать удовольствие от ее приобретения. Такое распространенное поведение доказывает: процесс совершения покупок имеет большое психологическое значение.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Purchase now make with the aim to reward yourself or feel good. Buy thing because it really need, has become the latest cause campaign. When choosing a product, we focus only on a few factors. The first factor is the primary needs such as food, shelter, and clothing. Next to that we pay attention, this convenience-at a certain point a person realizes that it lacks something and goes to acquire needed goods or buying as a means of self-expression, a way to express his "I". How, where and what people buy, the surrounding can judge its desires, needs and personal qualities Is an excellent example. Special senses, which gives rise to the buying process. Many people, especially teens, brought home just purchased clothes and go to her home. They are so in love with their new outfits that can't wait aside, they want immediately to try new thing and once again experience the pleasure of its acquisition. Such common behavior proves: the process of shopping has great psychological significance.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Shop now done with the aim to reward yourself or feel horosho.Kupit thing because it is really necessary, was the cause of the most recent hike in magazin.Pri choosing a product, we pay attention to only a few factors. The first factor is the primary needs such as food, shelter, and clothing. Next to that we pay attention, it's easy - at a certain moment a person understands what he is missing and is required to purchase it tovar.Ili purchase as a means of self-expression, a way to express his "I". By the way, where and what a person buys, others may judge his desires, needs and personal kachestvah.Est perfect example of a special feeling, which gives rise to the buying process. Many people, especially young people, bring home just bought clothes and walk around the house in it. They are so in love with their new clothes, they can not put it to the side, they want to immediately try new thing and once again experience the pleasure of its acquisition. This common behavior proves that the process of shopping is of great psychological importance.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
now purchases do to give yourself or feel хорошо.купить thing because she really need, has become the latest led going into the магазин.при selecting the product, we pay attention to just a few factors. the first factor is the basic needs such as food, shelter and clothing. next what we pay attention, it's easy to point the man realizes that he is missing something, and acquire the necessary товар.или buying him as a means of expression, a way to express their "i". by the way, where and what people buy, people can judge his desires, needs, and personal качествах.есть excellent example of special feelings, which creates the buying process. many people, especially teenagers, brings home just bought clothes and goes to her house. they're so in love with her by and get it, can't put it in the side, they want to try new thing here and once again experience the pleasure of its acquisition. this common behavior proves: the shop has a lot of psychological importance.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
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