Эпилепсия CОДЕРЖАНИЕ1. Понятие эпилепсии2. Частота встречаемости и воз перевод - Эпилепсия CОДЕРЖАНИЕ1. Понятие эпилепсии2. Частота встречаемости и воз английский как сказать

Эпилепсия CОДЕРЖАНИЕ1. Понятие эпил


1. Понятие эпилепсии

2. Частота встречаемости и возвраст начала эпилепсии

3. Самопроизвольное прекращение приступов эпилепсии

4. Причины эпилепсии

5. Правила для людей с эпилепсией


ЭПИЛЕПСИЯ - хроническое заболевание головного мозга, характеризующееся повторными приступами, которые возникают в результате чрезмерной нейронной активности и сопровождаются различными клиническими и параклиническими проявлениями.

В основе эпилепсии лежит повышенная нейронная активность с высоковольтными гиперсинхронными разрядами (эпилептический очаг). Наиболее часто эпилептические приступы встречаются в детском возрасте. Приступы у детей характеризуются не только высокой частотой, но и большей степенью выраженности. Именно в период, когда идет интенсивное развитие мозга, приступы могут привести к вторичным изменениям со стороны психики ребенка. Отсюда становится ясным необходимость наиболее ранней специализированной медицинской и социальной помощи таким детям.

К сожалению, общество негативно настроено к людям с эпилептическими приступами и их проблемам, что выражается в словах, обычно употребляемых по отношению к ним: - "припадок", "припадочный" , "эпилептик", а также существованию целого ряда неоправданных социальных ограничений. Эти проблемы довольно успешно решаются в мире. В большинстве стран имеются региональные организации общественного или государственно-общественного типа, занимающиеся вопросами социальной помощи людям с эпилептическими приступами.

У детей различные судорожные состояния встречаются в 5-10 раз чаще, чем у взрослых, что, очевидно, связано с особенностями строения и функции головного мозга, с напряженностью и несовершенством регуляции метаболизма, лабильностью и тенденцией к иррадиации возбуждения, с повышенной проницаемостью сосудов, гидрофильностью мозга и пр. В происхождении эпилепсии основное значение имеет взаимодействие наследственной предрасположенности и поражения головного мозга. При большинстве форм эпилепсии отмечается полигенная наследственность, причем в одних случаях она имеет большую, в других - меньшую значимость. При анализе наследственности нужно учитывать прежде всего явные признаки болезни, придавая определенное значение и таким ее проявлениям, как заикание, учитывать характерологические особенности личности (конфликтность, злобность, педантизм, назойливость). К предрасполагающим факторам относятся органические церебральные дефекты перинатального или приобретенного (после нейроинфекций или черепно-мозговой травмы) характера.

Патогенез эпилепсии включает ряд механизмов. Это прежде всего фокальность, которая характерна не только для парциальной эпилепсии, но и для первично генерализованных приступов. Наиболее часто генерализованные приступы возникают при очаговых поражениях медиобазальной височной и орбитофронтальной локализации. По мере прогрессирования заболевания формируется эпилептическая система и процесс распространяется на весь мозг.
Биохимические механизмы эпилепсии связаны с расстройством ионных, медиаторных и энергетических процессов, Так, ионные сдвиги ведут к повышению мембранной проницаемости и усилению в результате этого деполяризации нейронов, их сверхвозбудимости. Снижение запасов глюкозы и накопление молочной кислоты в ткани головного мозга во время приступа являются причиной ацидотических сдвигов; усугубляющих гипоксию и снижающих уровень фосфатных соединений. Перед приступом часто обнаруживается метаболический алкалоз. Имеют значение и иммунологические реакции с образованием при повторных приступах противомозговых антител, циркуляторные расстройства и другие факторы, расширяющие зону поражения. Специфических патологоанатомических изменений при эпилепсии не находят. Вместе с тем эпилептический процесс может вызывать тяжелые дистрофические изменения и уменьшение количества ганглиозных клеток, прогрессирующий глиоз, особенно - в височных долях.

Клиническая картина эпилепсии у детей имеет некоторые характерные особенности. К ним можно отнести полиморфизм и возрастную трансформацию приступов, высокий удельный вес, частоту абортивных форм, наличие синдромов, не встречающихся у взрослых, нередкое развитие послеприступных симптомов очагового поражения мозга.


Независимо от этнических и географических признаков эпилепсия встречается у 1-2% людей. Это значит, что в России эта цифра равна 1,5-3 млн. Однако судорожные состояния бывают гораздо чаще. Примерно 5% людей имеют в своей жизни хоть один эпилептический приступ. Эти состояния наступают в результате провоцирующих причин, например при высокой температуре, при длительном хроническом алкоголизме судорожные абстинентные приступы, или при хронической наркомании - судороги, вызванные дефицитом наркотиков. Отсюда делаем вывод, что только 20% всех людей, которые в своей жизни имели хоть один приступ, заболевают эпилепсией. Получить точные цифры распространения эпилепсии очень сложно в связи с отсутствием единого учета, a также с тем что этот диагноз часто специально или ошибочно не устанавливается и проходит под видом других диагнозов (эписиндром, судорожный синдром, различные пароксизмальные состояния, судорожная готовность, некоторые виды фебрильных судорог и т.п.), которые не учитываются общей статистикой эпилепсии.

Примерно у 75% людей с эпилепсией приступы появились в первые 20 лет жизни.

В течение первых двух лет жизни - 17%
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Epilepsy CONTENTS1. the notion of epilepsy2. Frequency of occurrence and age does the beginning of epilepsy3. cessation of Spontaneous bouts of epilepsy4. the causes of epilepsy5. rules for people with epilepsy THE NOTION OF EPILEPSYEPILEPSY is a chronic brain disease characterized by recurrent seizures, which occur as a result of excessive neural activity and accompanied by various clinical and parakliničeskimi manifestations.In the basis of epilepsy increased neural activity lies with gipersinhronnymi high-voltage discharges (epileptic hearth). The most frequent epileptic seizures occur in childhood. Seizures in children are not only characterized by high frequency, but also a greater degree of severity. It was in the period when there is intensive development of the brain, seizures may lead to secondary changes on the part of the psyche of the child. From here it becomes clear the need for the earliest specialized medical and social assistance to such children.Unfortunately, society stigmatised people with epileptic seizures and their problems, that is expressed in words, usually used against them:-"fit", "pripadočnyj", "are epileptic," as well as the existence of a number of unnecessary social restrictions. These problems are being solved quite successfully in the world. In most countries there are regional organizations public or public-public type, dealing with social assistance, people with epileptic seizures.Children have different apnoea found in 5-10 times more often than adults, which is obviously due to the peculiarities of the structure and function of the brain, with tensions and shortcomings of metabolic regulation, lability and tendency to irradiation of arousal with increased permeability of blood vessels, a hydrophilic brain etc. The origins of epilepsy essential interaction between hereditary predisposition and brain injury. In most forms of epilepsy is marked poligennaâ heredity, and in some cases it has greater, in other-less importance. In the analysis of heredity to consider above all the telltale signs of the disease, giving a certain value and its manifestations, such as stuttering, take into account the temperament personality characteristics (conflict, spitefulness, pedant, quality). The predisposing factors include organic cerebral defects perinatal or acquired (after a neuro or traumatic brain injury).Pathogenesis of epilepsy includes a number of mechanisms. This is primarily a fokal′nost′, which is not only for partial epilepsy, but for primary generalized seizures. Most often generalized seizures occur when focal lesions mediobazal′noj temporal and orbitofrontal localization. As the illness progresses, formed the epileptic process and system extends to the entire brain. Biochemical mechanisms of epilepsy associated with disorder of ion, mediator and energy processes, ionic developments lead to increased membrane permeability and enhance the resulting depolarization of neurons, their sverhvozbudimosti. Declining stocks of glucose and the buildup of lactic acid in the brain tissue during the attack are the cause of acidotičeskih developments; contributing to hypoxia and decreasing level of phosphate compounds. Before the attack is often found metabolic alkaloz. Have value and immunological reactions with formation in repeated attacks of protivomozgovyh antibodies, circulatory disorders, and other factors that extend the kill zone. Specific pathological changes in epilepsy are not. However, the epileptic process can cause severe Dystrophic changes and reduction of ganglionic cells, progressive glioz, especially in the temporal lobes.The clinical picture of epilepsy in children has some distinctive features. These include the polymorphism and the age transformation attacks, high specific weight, frequency of abortivnyh forms, the presence of syndromes, not occurring in adults, frequent development of poslepristupnyh symptoms of localized lesions of the brain.FREQUENCY OF OCCURRENCE AND AGE OF ONSET OF EPILEPSYRegardless of ethnic and geographical signs of epilepsy occurs in 1-2% of people. This means that in Russia this figure is 1.5 million -3. However, apnoea condition are much more common. Approximately 5% of people have in their lives at least one epileptic attack. These conditions occur as a result of provocative reasons, e.g. at high temperature, with long-term chronic alcoholism convulsive seizures or withdrawal symptoms in chronic drug-seizures caused by shortage of drugs. Hence we conclude that only 20% of all people who in their lives had at least one bout of disease epilepsy. To obtain precise figures spread epilepsy is very difficult due to the lack of a single account, (a) the fact that this diagnosis is often specially or wrongly is not installed and runs under the guise of other diagnoses (spasms, sudorozhny syndrome, various paroxysmal State readiness to cramping, some types of seizures, febril′nyh, etc.), which do not take into account the overall statistics of epilepsy.Approximately 75% of people with epilepsy attacks appeared in the first 20 years of life.During the first two years of life-17%
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Epilepsy CONTENTS 1. The concept of epilepsy 2. The incidence of epilepsy and vozvrast start 3. Spontaneous cessation of epilepsy 4. Causes of epilepsy 5. Rules for people with epilepsy CONCEPT OF EPILEPSY Epilepsy - a chronic disease of the brain characterized by recurrent seizures that result from excessive neuronal activity and are accompanied by a variety of clinical and paraclinical manifestations. At the heart of epilepsy is increased neural activity with high-voltage discharges gipersinhronnymi (epileptic focus). The most frequent epileptic seizures occur in childhood. Seizures in children characterized not only by high frequency, but also a higher degree of severity. It was at a time when there is an intensive development of the brain, seizures can lead to secondary changes on the part of the child's psyche. From this it is clear the need for the earliest specialized medical and social care for these children. Unfortunately, society negatively disposed towards people with epileptic seizures and their problems, which is expressed in words, is commonly used in relation to them: - "fit", "epileptic" "epileptic" as well as the existence of a number of unwarranted social constraints. These problems are solved rather successfully in the world. In most countries, there are regional organizations, public or public-public type, dealing with social care for people with epileptic seizures. Children have different convulsive conditions occur 5-10 times more frequently than in adults, which is obviously due to the peculiarities of the structure and function of the brain the brain, the tensions and imperfections in the regulation of metabolic lability and the tendency to irradiation of excitation, increased permeability of blood vessels, brain, etc. hydrophilic. The origin of epilepsy primary importance is the interaction of genetic predisposition and brain damage. In most forms of epilepsy noted polygenic inheritance, and in some cases, it has a greater, in others - less importance. In the analysis of heredity must be considered first of all obvious signs of disease, giving a certain value, and its manifestations such as stuttering, take into account the character traits of the person (conflicts, malice, pedantry, molestation). By the predisposing factors include organic cerebral defects in perinatal or acquired (after neuroinfections or traumatic brain injury) character. The pathogenesis of epilepsy includes a number of mechanisms. This is primarily focal, which is typical not only for partial epilepsy, but also for primary generalized seizures. The most common generalized seizures occur when focal lesions mediobasal temporal and orbitofrontal localization. As the disease progresses formed epileptic systems and processes apply to the whole brain. Biochemical mechanisms of epilepsy associated with ion disorder, mediator and energy processes So, ionic changes lead to an increase in membrane permeability and increased as a result of depolarization of neurons, their hyperexcitability. Reduced glucose reserves and accumulation of lactic acid in the tissues of the brain during a seizure cause acidotic shifts; exacerbate hypoxia and reduces phosphate compounds. Before an attack is often detected metabolic alkalosis. Matter and immunologic reaction to form the repeated attacks protivomozgovyh antibodies, circulatory disorders and other factors that enhance the affected area. Specific pathological changes in epilepsy are not. However, the epileptic process can cause severe degenerative changes and a decrease in the number of ganglion cells, progressive gliosis - especially in the temporal lobes. The clinical picture of epilepsy in children has certain characteristics. These include polymorphism and age transformation attacks, high specific gravity, frequency of abortive forms, the presence of syndromes are not common in adults, often develop poslepristupnyh symptoms of focal brain lesions. The incidence and age at onset of epilepsy Regardless of ethnic and geographical features of epilepsy occurs in 1 -2% of people. This means that in Russia the figure is 1.5-3 million. However, convulsive conditions are much more common. Approximately 5% of people have in their lives at least one epileptic seizure. These conditions occur as a result of precipitating causes, such as high temperatures, long-term chronic alcoholism withdrawal convulsive seizures or chronic drug abuse - convulsions caused by the shortage of drugs. Hence we conclude that only 20% of all people who in their lives have had at least one attack, sick with epilepsy. Get the numbers accurate dissemination of epilepsy is very difficult due to the lack of uniform accounting, a well as the fact that the diagnosis is often intentionally or mistakenly not installed and runs under the guise of other diagnoses (episyndrome, convulsions, various paroxysmal states, convulsive readiness, some types of febrile seizures etc.), which are not considered the overall statistics of epilepsy. In about 75% of people with epilepsy seizures appeared in the first 20 years of life. In the first two years of life - 17%

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]

1. the concept of epilepsy

2. the frequency of occurrence and возвраст early epilepsy

3. spontaneous cessation of attacks of epilepsy

4. the causes of epilepsy

5. the rules for people with epilepsy

the concept of epilepsy

epilepsy is chronic disease of the brain, characterized by repeated seizures.that result from excessive neuronal activity and is accompanied by a variety of clinical manifestations and параклиническими.

in the basis of epilepsy is heightened neural activity with высоковольтными гиперсинхронными bits (epileptic center). the most frequent epileptic seizures occur in childhood.seizures in children is not only a high frequency, but also a greater degree of manifestation. in the period, when is the intensive development of the brain.seizures can lead to secondary changes of the psyche of the child. there is a clear need for the earliest specialized medical and social assistance to such children.

unfortunatelythe society has set up for people with эпилептическими attacks and their problems, what is expressed in words usually used against them: "seizure", "spastic", "epilepsy"as well as the existence of a number of unreasonable social restrictions. these problems are successfully solved in the world.in most countries there are regional organizations, public or public public type involved in social assistance for people with эпилептическими condition.

children have different судорожные condition occur in 5 to 10 times more frequently than in adults, which is clearly linked to the characteristics of the structure and function of the brain, the tensions and the deficiencies in the regulation of metabolism.лабильностью and trend of иррадиации excitation with high porous receptacles гидрофильностью brain and so on.in the origin of epilepsy essential interaction of the hereditary predisposition to this disease and lesions of the brain. in most forms of epilepsy has полигенная heredity.in some cases, it is more, others less important. in the analysis of heredity must take into account the first signs of the disease, with a certain significance and its manifestations,as stuttering, take into account the характерологические identities (конфликтность, bitchen, pedantic, intrude).the predisposing factors included organic церебральные defects of perinatal or acquired (after нейроинфекций or traumatic brain injury) nature.

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