1. Так как он хорошо знал английский язык, он перевел статью без слова перевод - 1. Так как он хорошо знал английский язык, он перевел статью без слова английский как сказать

1. Так как он хорошо знал английски

1. Так как он хорошо знал английский язык, он перевел статью без словаря. 2. Прожив в этом городе всю свою жизнь, он знал его очень хорошо. 3. Потеряв адрес своего старого друга, я не смог навестить его, когда был в командировке в его городе. 4. Так как товары были упакованы в прочные мешки, они прибыли в хорошем состоянии. 5. Не понимая этого правила, она попросила преподавателя объяснить ей его еще раз. 6. Поскольку она была умной и доброй, все любили и уважали ее. 7. Проработав весь день на солнце, я чувствовал себя уставшим. 8. Я не смог переодеться, так как оставил свои вещи на вокзале. 9. Так как я сам раньше некоторое время работал в этой области, я понимал его. 10. Не видев ее много лет, он не узнал ее сначала. 11. Так как профессор был болен, он не смог прочитать лекцию в понедельник. 12. Не зная, что делать, она села на диван и уставилась на картину, висевшую на стене напротив. 13. Имея много времени, мы решили пойти на вокзал пешком. 14. Так как мы очень устали, мы моментально уснули. 15. Они смогли принять активное участие в обсуждении доклада, так как хорошо знали данный вопрос.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
1. Because he knew English well, he translated the article without a dictionary. 2. Having lived in this city all his life, he knew him very well. 3. Having lost the address of his old friend, I have not been able to visit him when he was on a business trip in the city. 4. Because the goods were packed in sturdy bags, they arrived in good condition. 5. not understanding the rules, she asked the teacher to explain it again. 6. Because she was smart and good, all loved and respected her. 7. After working all day in the Sun, I was feeling tired. 8. I have not been able to change clothes because left his belongings at the station. 9. As I have previously worked for some time in this area, I knew it. 10. Not having seen her for many years, he did not recognize her at first. 11. Because the professor was sick, he was not able to give a lecture on Monday. 12. Not knowing what to do, she sat down on the couch and stared at the picture, visevšuû on the wall opposite. 13. Having a lot of time, we decided to go to the station on foot. 14. Since we are very tired, we instantly fell asleep. 15. They were able to take an active part in the discussion of the report, since the matter was well known.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
1. Because he knew English, he translated an article without a dictionary. 2. Having lived in this town all his life, he knew him very well. 3. Having lost the address of his old friend, I could not see him when he was on a business trip in his city. 4. Since the goods were packed in strong bags, they arrived in good condition. 5. Not understanding this rule, she asked the teacher to explain it to her again. 6. Because she was smart and kind, all loved and respected her. 7. After working all day in the sun, I felt tired. 8. I could not change, so I left my things at the station. 9. Since I myself had worked for some time in this area, I knew it. 10. Not having seen her for many years, he did not recognize her at first. 11. Since the professor was ill, he was unable to give a lecture on Monday. 12. Not knowing what to do, she sat on the couch and stared at the picture hanging on the wall opposite. 13. Having a lot of time, we decided to go to the station on foot. 14. Since we were very tired, we instantly fell asleep. 15. They were able to take an active part in the discussion of the report, as well know this issue.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
1. As it is well-known English language, he has translated article without dictionary. 2. After having lived in the city all his life, he knew him very well. 3. Losing address of your old friend, I was not able to visit him,When he was on a business trip to the city. 4. Because the items were packed in sturdy bags, they have arrived in good condition. 5. Not knowing the rules, she asked teacher to explain it to him again. 6.Because she was smart and good, all loved and respected it. 7. After the whole day in the sun, I felt being constantly stolen. 8. I was not able to change clothes, as left their things at the station. 9.As I have previously has been working for some time in this area, I knew it. 10. If you can't it for many years, he didn't recognize her at first. 11. As professor was sick, he had not been able to give a lecture on Monday. 12. Not knowing what to do,It is seated on the sofa, and уставилась on picture, afterwards her old disease reappeared on the wall opposite. 13. Having a lot of time, we have decided to go to the station on foot. 14. As we are very tired, we will immediately fall asleep. 15.They have been able to take an active part in the discussion of the report of, as well-known this issue.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
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