Масленица - праздник, сохранившийся на Руси с древнейших времён. Обряд перевод - Масленица - праздник, сохранившийся на Руси с древнейших времён. Обряд английский как сказать

Масленица - праздник, сохранившийся

Масленица - праздник, сохранившийся на Руси с древнейших времён. Обряд празднования Масленицы связан с проводами зимы и встречей весны. После крещения Руси Масленица празднуется в последнюю неделю перед Великим постом, за семь недель до Пасхи. Люди всегда воспринимали весну, как начало новой жизни и почитали Солнце. В честь Солнца на масленицу принято печь блины. Древние считали блин символом Солнца, поскольку он, как и Солнце, жёлтый, круглый и горячий.
Последний день Масленицы — Прощёное Воскресенье. В последний день Масленицы сжигают соломенное чучело — символ зимы. Провожают зиму до следующего года. Все просят друг у друга прощения, освобождаясь от грехов перед Великим постом.
День защитника Отечества - праздник прежде всего военных. Этот праздник олицетворяет собой все то, что женщины ценят в мужчинах: мужество, силу, заботу и ответственность. День защитника Отечества ассоциируется в нашем сознании именно как мужской праздник.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Pancake week holiday, preserved in Russia since ancient times. Celebrate Pancake Day rite is associated with wires of winter and spring meeting. After the baptism of RUS ' Carnival is celebrated during the last week before Lent, seven weeks before Easter. People are always perceived as the beginning of spring, of new life and worshipped the Sun. In honor of the Sun taken bake pancakes on Shrove Tuesday. The ancient symbol of the Sun, the pancake was considered because he, like the Sun, yellow, round and hot. The last day of Carnival is Quinquagesima. In the last day of Carnival burn straw effigy is a symbol of winter. Escorted winter until next year. All asking each other forgiveness, clearing from sins before Lent. Fatherland Defender's day-holiday primarily military. This holiday embodies all the things that women are valued in men: courage, strength, care and responsibility. Defender of the fatherland day associated in our minds as a male holiday.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Carnival - a holiday that has been preserved in Russia since ancient times. Rite Maslenitsa celebrations connected with the wires of winter and beginning of spring. After the baptism of Rus' Carnival is celebrated in the last week before Lent, seven weeks before Easter. People have always perceived the spring as the beginning of a new life and worshiped the sun. In honor of the Sun Carnival made ​​pancakes. The ancients believed pancake symbol of the sun, because he, like the sun, yellow, round and hot.
The last day of Maslenitsa - Sunday before Lent. On the last day of Maslenitsa burned straw man - a symbol of winter. See off the winter until next year. Everyone is asking forgiveness of each other, free from sin before Lent.
Fatherland Defender's Day - a holiday primarily military. This holiday represents everything that women value in men: courage, strength, caring and responsible. Fatherland Defender's Day is associated in our minds is how man's holiday.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
maslenitsa is a preserved in russia since ancient times. the ritual celebration of the pancake day is connected to wires of winter and spring meeting.after the baptism of rus maslenitsa is celebrated in the last week before the great lent, for seven weeks before easter. people always think of spring as the beginning of a new life and worshipped the sun.in honor of the sun on the масленицу taken bake pancakes. the ancient thought, symbol of the sun, as he, like the sun, yellow, round and hot.
last day pancake day - quinquagesima.on the last day of соломенное stuffed pancake day burn is a symbol of winter. love the winter until the next year. all are each other's forgiveness of sins, leaving before the great lent.
defender of the fatherland day holiday primarily military. it represents what women appreciate men: courage, strength, care and responsibility.defender of the fatherland day is associated in our minds as a holiday.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
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