Based on Vanity Fair by W. Thackeray.
1. Бекки, гостившая некоторое время у своей подруги, поехала, наконец, в имение сэра Пнтта Кроули, предложившего ей место гувернатки. 2. Получив письмо, извещавшее (to announce) о приезде Бекки, сэр Питт поехал в город, чтобы встретить ее. 3. По дороге в город с Бекки не случилось ничего интересного, ничего заслуживающего упоминания. 4. Проехав большую площадь, карета остановилась у большого мрачного дома. 5. Дверь открыл старик, одетый в грязный сюртук. Не зная, кто это, Бекки велела ему взять ее вещи. 6. Когда Бекки спросила, где сэр Питт, старик рассмеялся и сказал, что он и есть сэр Питт Кроули. 7. Войдя в столовую, Бекки с любопытством оглянулась вокруг. Это была большая мрачная комната с окнами на улицу (to overlook the street). 8. Покрытые коричневой бумагой портреты и картины, засунутый под буфет ковер, сдвинутые в угол стулья (to put all in a heap in a corner) — все это говорило о том, что семья Кроули не живет здесь. 9. Сэр Питт начал с того, что выразил надежду, что Бекки уже пообедала. 10. Он был очень доволен, что Бекки отказалась принять участие в его скудной трапезе. И. Разговаривая с Бекки, сэр Питт не делал ни малейшей попытки (to make an attempt at) исправить первое впечатление, которое он произвел на нее. 12. Ее присутствие не помешало ему вступить в пререкания (to start an argument) с миссис Тинкер по поводу какого-то пропавшего фартинга. 13. Сэр Питт настаивал на том, чтобы фартинг был ему немедленно возвращен. 14. Приказав Бекки быть готовой в 5 часов утра, сэр Питт пожелал ей спокойной ночи. 15. На рассвете они тронулись в путь. Когда они ехали в дилижансе (to drive in. the coach), Бекки несколько раз слышала, как упоминалось имя сэра Питта Кроули. 16. Скоро они доехали до ворот Королевского Кроули (Queen's Crawley), и Бекки увидела длинную аллею, ведущую к дому. 17. Она заметила церковь, возвышавшуюся над старыми вязами парка, и красный дом, покрытый плющом, с сверкавшими на солнце окнами. 18. Мистер Ходсон, встретивший баронета у ворот парка, рассказал ему обо всем, что случилось в имении в его отсутствие. 19. Сэр Питт был очень доволен, что его старого арендатора отправили в работный дом. 20. Увидев, что два маленьких мальчика собирают хворост в парке, сэр Питт велел мистеру Ходсону наказать их. 21. Слушая разговор сэра Питта с мистером Ходсоном, Бекки была удивлена, что баронет говорит, как неграмотный человек. 22. Ночью, когда Бекки писала письмо Эмилии, она услышала стук в дверь. 23. В комнату вошел сэр Пигг. Схватив свечу, он приказал девушке немедленно ложиться спать. 24. Сэр Питт требовал (to insist), чтобы все свечи гасились не позднее одиннадцати часов. 25. Чувствуя, что спорить с ним бесполезно, Бекки не произнесла ни слова. 26. Очень скоро Бекки удалось завоевать расположение сэра Питта (to win somebody's favour). 27. Когда баронет сделал ей предложение, она поняла, что совершила ошибку, выйдя замуж за Родона. Она жалела, что упустила случай сделаться леди Кроули.
Результаты (
английский) 1:
(In) Based on Vanity Fair by w. Thackeray. 1. Becky, staying for some time with his girlfriend, went last in the estate of Sir Pntta Crowley, who offered her a place guvernatki. 2. upon receiving a letter informing (to announce) to visit Becky, Sir Pitt went into the city to meet her. 3. on the road to the town with Becky happening anything interesting nothing worth mentioning. 4. After passing a large area, the coach stopped at the big dark House. 5. The door was opened by an old man, dressed in a dirty frock coat. Not knowing who it is, Becky had told him to take her stuff. 6. When Becky asked, where Sir Pitt, the old man laughed and said that he is Sir Pitt Crawley. 7. After entering the dining room, Becky looked around curiously. It was a large dark room facing the road (to overlook the street). 8. Covered with brown paper portraits and paintings, zasunutyj under the sideboard carpet shifted into a corner chairs (to put all in a heap in a corner), all indications were that the Crawley family does not live here. 9. Sir Pitt began by expressed hope that Becky had already dined. 10. He was very pleased with that Becky has refused to take part in its scant meal. And talking with Becky, Sir Pitt did not make the slightest effort (to make an attempt at) correct first impression that it made on her. 12. her presence did not prevent him enter into bickering (to start an argument) with Mrs. Tinker about a missing farting. 13. Sir Pitt insisted that the Farthing was immediately returned. 14. Ordering Becky to be finished in 5:0 am, Sir Pitt wished her good night. 15. At dawn they were on the way. As they were driving in sleighs (to drive in. the coach), Becky's repeatedly heard mentioned the name of Sir Pitt Crawley. 16. Soon they reached the gates of the Royal Crawley (Queen's Crawley), and Becky saw a long Avenue leading to the House. 17. She saw the Church, vozvyšavšuûsâ over the old ELMS Park, and Red House covered with Ivy, with sverkavšimi on Windows. 18. Mr. Hodson organised a baronet at the gates of the Park told him about everything that happened in the estate in his absence. 19. Sir Pitt was very pleased that his old tenant was sent to the workhouse. 20. When two little boys collect wood in the Park, Sir Pitt told Mister Hodsonu punish them. 21. While listening to the conversation Sir Pitt with Mister Hodsonom, Becky was surprised that Baronet says, as an illiterate man. 22. At night, when Becky wrote a letter to Emily, she heard a knock at the door. 23. In the room became Sir Pigg. Grabbing a candle, he ordered the girl to go to bed immediately. 24. Sir Pitt demanded (to insist) that all candles order no later than eleven hours. 25. Feeling that is useless to argue with him, Becky has not uttered a Word. 26. Pretty soon Becky managed to gain the location of Sir Pitt (to win somebody's favor). 27. When a baronet her, she realized that a mistake by marrying of Rodon. She omitted to mention that the case had become Lady Crawley.
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Результаты (
английский) 2:
(B) Based on Vanity Fair by Thackeray W.. 1. Becky, guests some time with her friend, went, finally, to the estate of Sir Pntta Crowley, who offered her a place guvernatki. 2. Upon receipt of letters announcing (to announce) the arrival of Becky, Sir Pitt went to the city to meet her. 3. On the way into town with Becky did not happen nothing interesting, nothing worth mentioning. 4. After passing a large area, the carriage stopped at the big dark house. 5. The door was opened by an old man, dressed in a dirty coat. Not knowing who it is, Becky told him to take her things. 6. When Becky asked where Sir Pitt, the old man laughed and said that he is Sir Pitt Crawley. 7. Entering the dining room, Becky looked around curiously. It was a great gloomy room with windows to the street (to overlook the street). 8. The coated brown paper portraits and paintings, tucked under the rug buffet shifted into a corner chair (to put all in a heap in a corner) - All of this suggests that Crowley family does not live here. 9. Sir Pitt began by saying that he hoped that Becky had already had lunch. 10. He was very pleased that Becky refused to take part in his meager meal. I. Talking to Becky, Sir Pitt did not make the slightest attempt (to make an attempt at) correct the first impression he made on her. 12. Her presence did not prevent him to enter into a dispute (to start an argument) with Mrs. Tinker about some missing farthing. 13. Sir Pitt insisted that he was a farthing immediately returned. 14. Ordering Becky to be ready at 5 am, Sir Pitt wished her goodnight. 15. At dawn they set off. When they went to the coach (to drive in. The coach), Becky several times heard the name mentioned by Sir Pitt Crawley. 16. Soon they reached the gates of the Royal Crawley (Queen's Crawley), and Becky saw a long avenue leading to the house. 17. She saw the church towering over the old elms of the park, and the red house covered with ivy, with the sun shining on the windows. 18. Mr. Hodson, who met the baronet at the gate of the park, told him everything that had happened in the estate in his absence. 19. Sir Pitt was very pleased that his old tenant was sent to the workhouse. 20. Seeing that the two little boys collecting firewood in the park, Sir Pitt told Mr. Hodson punish them. 21. Listening to the conversation with Sir Pitt Mr. Hodson, Becky was surprised that the baronet said, as an illiterate person. 22. At night, when Becky wrote a letter Emilia, she heard a knock at the door. 23. Sir Piggy entered the room. Grabbing a candle, he ordered the girl to go to bed immediately. 24. Sir Pitt demanded (to insist), to all the candles were extinguished no later than eleven hours. 25. Feeling useless to argue with him, Becky did not say a word. 26. Very soon Becky managed to win the favor of Sir Pitt (to win somebody's favour). 27. When Baronet proposed to her, she realized that she had made a mistake by marrying Rawdon. She regretted that she missed the event to become Lady Crawley.
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Результаты (
английский) 3:
based on on which Klebnikov by W. Thасkerаy.
1. Becky, European celebrities for some time with his friend, handbag, finally, the name sir Пнтта Crowley, who offered her a place гувернатки. 2. Having received a letter dated, informing (to usual) on arrival Becky,Sir Pitt went to the city, to meet it. 3. On the road to the city with Becky has not happened (nothing, nothing credible references. 4. After driving a large surface area, modern view highlighted a large dark at home. 5.The door was opened by old man, dressed in a dirty an allegory. Not knowing who this, Becky little boys to take her things. 6. When Becky asked, where Sir Pitt, old man laughed and said that he and there is Sir Pitt Crawley. 7. By entering the dining room,Becky dreadfulness rushed. It was a large dark room with windows overlooking the street (to оverlооk the street). 8. Coated with a brown paper portraits and paintings, засунутыи buffet under carpet,Pushed in the corner chairs (to put all in a heap in a corner) - all of this speaks of the fact that the family Crowley does not live here. 9. Sir Pitt began with that expressed the hope that Becky had already пообедала. 10. He was very satisfied,That Becky had refused to participate in its sparse candlelight. And. talking with Becky, sir Pitt had made no slightest attempts (to make an attempt at) to correct the first impression, which he had made to it. 12.Its presence is not prevented him to enter the moving (to start an because mount only works on filesystems) with Mrs Tinker about a missing shrill wail. 13. Sir Pitt, insisted that Lovitt was wearing her spectacles he was immediately returned. 14.Ordering Becky be finished in the 5 o'clock in the morning, sir Pitt wished her good night. 15. At dawn they common prayer in the path. When they were traveling in nearly (to drive in. The with 'instrumental minimalist'), Becky several times heard,As mentioned the name sir subspace Crowley. 16. Soon they have a good trip up to the gate of the Royal Crawley (Queen's Crawley), and Becky saw a long alley, leading to the house. 17. She observed the church, возвышавшуюся over old elm trees along park,
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