(1)Существует несколько теорий причин преступлений. Самая старая из них – преступники совершают преступления умышленно, либо по напущению дьявола. Она распространена и до сих пор.
(2) С 18-го века, много теорий было выдвинуто для объяснения преступления. Галль пытался объяснить преступные наклонности строением черепа. Ломброзо объяснял преступления наследственными факторами. Геринга утверждал, что врожденных преступных наклонностей не существует.
(3) Монтескье предлагал другой подход, и связывал преступные наклонности с окружающей средой. Согласно его подходу, убивают больше в теплых странах, а воруют – в холодных.
(4) Криминологи-коммунисты объясняли преступления нищетой и безработицей. С этим согласны и многие современные криминологи. Они считают, что на уровень преступности сильно влияет уровень жизни населения. Также, преступность объясняется нестабильностью и чувством социальной незащищенности.
(5) Криминолог Бернар Глюк и психиатр Уильям Хили обясняли склонность к преступности невротическими и психическими состояниями. Они считали, что эмоциональные нарушения могут привести к преступлениям.
(6) С середины 20-го века эксперты склоняются к множественным факторам, Они рассуждают так, что преступность исходит из множества факторов - биологических, психологических, культурных, экономических и политических. Многочисленные объяснения преступности кажутся более достоверными, хотя понять все причины до сих пор трудно.
Результаты (
английский) 1:
(1) there are several theories of the causes of crime. The oldest of them are criminals commit crimes deliberately, either by napuŝeniû the devil. It extended so far. (2) with the 18-th century, many theories have been advanced to explain the crime. Halle an der Saale tried to explain criminal inclinations of the structure of the skull. Lombroso explained crime hereditary factors. Göring argued that the innate tendencies of the criminal does not exist. (3) Montesquieu proposed a different approach, and connected criminal inclinations with Wednesday. Under his approach, kill more in warm countries and steal-in the cold. (4) Criminologists Communists attributed the crime to poverty and unemployment. Agree and many modern criminologists. They believe that the crime rate greatly affects the population's standard of living. Also, crime is due to instability and a sense of social insecurity. (5) Mr. Bernard Gluck and psychiatrist William Healy obâsnâli propensity to crime, neurotic and psychiatric conditions. They believed that emotional disturbances can lead to crimes. (6) since the mid-20 century experts incline to multiple factors, so they reason that crime stems from many factors-biological, psychological, cultural, economic and political. Many explaining crime seem more credible, although understand all the causes are still difficult.
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Результаты (
английский) 2:
(1) There are several theories of the causes of crime. The oldest of them - the criminals commit crimes intentionally or self-inflicted by the devil. She extended until now.
(2) Since the 18th century, many theories have been put forward to explain the crime. Gall tried to explain the structure of the criminal tendencies of the skull. Lombroso explained the crime by hereditary factors. Goering argued that the innate criminal tendencies do not exist.
(3) Montesquieu proposed a different approach, and criminal tendencies linked to the environment. According to his approach, killing more in warm countries, and steal - in the cold.
(4) Criminologists Communists explained the crime by poverty and unemployment. With this agreement, and many modern criminologists. They believe that the level of crime is strongly influenced by the level of living. Also, the crime is due to instability and a sense of social insecurity.
(5) The criminologist Bernard Glueck and psychiatrist William Healy are explained neurotic tendency to crime and mental states. They believed that emotional disorders can lead to crimes.
(6) Since the mid-20th century, experts are inclined to multiple factors, They reason that crime is based on a number of factors - biological, psychological, cultural, economic and political. Numerous explanations of crime seem to be more reliable, although to understand all the reasons why it's still hard.
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Результаты (
английский) 3:
(1) there are several theories of the causes of crime. the oldest of them criminals commit crime intentionally or напущению devil. it was and still is.(2) from the 18th century, a lot of theories put forward to explain the crimes. gall tried to explain criminal tendencies the human skull. ломброзо explained the crime of hereditary factors. goering argued that congenital criminal tendencies do not exist.(3) montesquieu proposed another approach, and related the criminal tendencies of the environment. according to this approach, kill more in warm countries, and steal in the cold.(4) the criminologists communists to crime, poverty and unemployment. agree with that many modern criminologists. they believe that the crime rate has a strong impact on the standard of living of the population. also, the crime is due to the instability and the sense of insecurity.(5) криминолог bernard glitch and psychiatrist william healy обясняли propensity to crime невротическими and mental conditions. they felt that emotional disorders can lead to crimes.(6) since the middle of 20th century, the experts tend to multiple factors, they judge that crime comes from many factors biological, psychological, cultural, economic and political. numerous explanations for the crime seem more credible, though to understand all the reasons is still difficult.
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