11. Королевская кобраСтатус: уязвимый.Угрозы: Королевская кобра – одна перевод - 11. Королевская кобраСтатус: уязвимый.Угрозы: Королевская кобра – одна английский как сказать

11. Королевская кобраСтатус: уязвим

11. Королевская кобра
Статус: уязвимый.
Угрозы: Королевская кобра – одна из самых крупных ядовитых змей в мире. Обитает по всей Южной Азии, Юго-Восточной Азии и в южных районах Восточной Азии (южный Китай).
Основной причиной вымирания популяции королевской кобры является браконьерство с целью получения кожи для производства одежды и аксессуаров, добычи змеиного яда, ценимого народной медициной, а также ради получения змеиного мяса и крови, считающихся в некоторых странах деликатесом. В наши дни, серьезную опасность для вида представляет широкая сельскохозяйственная деятельность человека, которая приводит к масштабному сокращению мест обитания королевской кобры – тропических лесов.
Ленивец, фото
12. Ленивец ошейниковый
Статус: уязвимый.
Угрозы: Как обитатели тропиков, ленивцы несомненно страдают от неконтролируемой вырубки лесов. Кроме того, на них охотятся ради мяса. К счастью, в последнее время эта практика идет на спад.
Когда-то ленивцы водились даже в Северной Америке. Теперь они обитают только в Центральной и Южной Америке, в основном на Бразильском плоскогорье и в Патагонии.
Фото льва
13. Африканский лев
Статус: уязвимый.
Угрозы: В течение последних двух десятилетий наблюдается быстрое снижение популяции африканского льва. По оценкам специалистов оно составляет от 30 до 50% от общей численности.
В 1950 году число африканских львов составляло около 400 000 , в начале 1990-х годов – 100 000, в 2002 – 2004 годах — 47 000– 16 500 особей.
Основными причинами снижения численности африканского льва являются инфекционные болезни, трофейная охота и потеря среды обитания. Основная угроза – конфликты с человеком. Люди, пытаясь защитить домашних животных и собственные жизни, часто беспощадно уничтожают львов (отравленные приманки – обычная практика для их уничтожения).
Кроме того, львы Западной Африки изолированы от львов, населяющих Центральную Африку. Этот аспект негативно сказывается на размножении и, в конечном итоге, на генетическом разнообразии вида.
Большую роль в сохранении популяции африканского льва играет создание национальных парков и заказников. Наиболее известные из них – Национальный парк Этоша в Намибии, Национальный парк Серенгети в Танзании, а также Национальный парк Крюгера в Южной Африке.
Фото орангутана
14. Орангутан
Статус: находится под критической угрозой исчезновения (суматранский орангутан), находится под угрозой исчезновения (борнейский орангутан).
Угрозы: Потеря среды обитания из-за чрезмерной рубки лесов и ее преобразования для ведения сельского хозяйства и строительства дорог – основные проблемы, являющиеся критическими для обоих видов орангутанов. В настоящее время, несмотря на создание национальных парков, леса продолжают вырубать нелегально. Кроме того, серьезную опасность представляет браконьерский отлов детенышей с целью их дальнейшей продажи.
За последние 75 лет количество населяющих Суматру орангутанов снизилось более чем на 80% и продолжает неумолимо сокращаться. На Борнео в течение последних 60 лет численность популяции снизилась более чем на 50%.
Носорог, фото
15. Носорог
Статус: белый носорог — близкий к угрозе вымирания, суматранский, черный и яванский носороги — находятся под критической угрозой исчезновения.
Угрозы: В дикой природе у взрослого носорога практически нет врагов, кроме человека. Главной угрозой для всех видов носорога является браконьерство. Рог носорога – очень ценный товар на черном рынке, его используют как в декоративных, так и в лечебных целях. В китайской медицине рог носорога считают хорошим средством против лихорадки и эффективным афродизиаком. На черном рынке стоимость килограмма рогов носорога доходит до 30 000 $.
2009 год ознаменовался небывалым ростом браконьерства, меры по защите носорогов были признаны неэффективными. Несмотря на призывы южноафриканских чиновников к борьбе с браконьерством, статистика национальных парков показала следующее: 2010 год – было убито 333 носорога, в 2012 году – 633.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
11. King CobraStatus: vulnerable.Threats: King Cobra is one of the largest venomous snake in the world. Found throughout South Asia, Southeast Asia and South East Asia (southern China).The main cause of the extinction of populations of King Cobra is poaching for skins for the production of clothing and accessories production of snake venom, valued folk medicine, as well as for the sake of getting snake meat and blood, considered a delicacy in some countries. Nowadays, the danger to the species presents broad human agricultural activity, which results in a massive reduction in Habitat King Cobra-tropical forests.Sloth, photo12. Sloth collaredStatus: vulnerable.The threat: The Tropics, sloths undoubtedly suffer from uncontrolled logging. In addition, they are hunted for their meat. Fortunately, this practice is declining.The sloths were found even in North America. They are now found only in Central and South America, primarily in the Brazilian Highlands and in Patagonia.Photo lion13. African lionStatus: vulnerable.The threat: over the last two decades there has been a rapid decline in the population of the African lion. According to experts it is from 30 to 50% of the total.In 1950, the number of African lions was about 400000, in the early 1990-ies-100000 in 2002-2004 years-47000-16500 individuals.The main reasons for the decline of African lions are infectious diseases, trophy hunting and Habitat loss. The main threat to conflict with man. People trying to protect pets and their own lives, often ruthlessly destroy Lviv (poisoned bait is a common practice to destroy them).In addition, Lions in West Africa are isolated from the lions that inhabit Central Africa. This aspect has a negative impact on reproduction and, eventually, at the genetic diversity of the species.A great role in maintaining populations of the African lion is the creation of national parks and nature reserves. The most famous of them is the Etosha National Park in Namibia, Serengeti National Park in Tanzania, and Kruger National Park in South Africa.Photo of the Orang-Utan14. The orang-utanStatus: is the critically endangered (Sumatran orang-utan), is endangered (Sunda orang-utan).Threats: Habitat loss due to excessive logging and forest conversion for agriculture and road building are key issues that are critical for both types of orang-utans. At present, despite the creation of national parks, forests are cut down illegally. In addition, serious danger is the illegal capture of pups for sale.Over the past 75 years, the number of inhabitants of Sumatra orangutans has fallen by more than 80% and continues to decline inexorably. In Borneo for the past 60 years, the population has fallen by more than 50%.Rhino, photo15. RhinocerosStatus: white rhino — close to the threat of extinction, Sumatran and Javanese rhinos, black — are critically endangered.The threat: in the wild, an adult Rhino practically no enemies except man. The main threat to all types of rhino poaching is. Rhinoceros horn is a very valuable commodity on the black market, it is used as a decorative and medicinal purposes. In Chinese medicine, rhinoceros horn feel good remedy against fever and effective aphrodisiac. On the black market price of a kilogram of rhino horns reaches 30 000 $.2009 year was marked by an unprecedented rise in poaching, measures for the protection of rhinos were found to be ineffective. Despite calls by South African officials to combat poaching, statistics showed the following national parks: the year 2010 is rhino, 333 were killed in 2012 year-633.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]

11. King Cobra
Status: Vulnerable.
Threats: King Cobra - one of the largest venomous snake in the world. Dwells throughout South Asia, Southeast Asia and southern Asia (southern China).
The main reason for the extinction of the population of the king cobra is poaching to obtain skin for clothing and accessories, production of snake venom, valued in folk medicine, as well as for getting snake meat and blood, are considered a delicacy in some countries. Nowadays, a serious threat to the species is extensive agricultural activities of man, which leads to a massive reduction in habitat king cobra - tropical forests.
slothful, photo
12. Sloth collared
Status: Vulnerable.
Threats: How the inhabitants of the tropics, sloths undoubtedly suffer from uncontrolled deforestation. Furthermore, they are hunted for their meat. Fortunately, in recent years, this practice is declining.
Once sloths were carried out even in North America. Now they are found only in Central and South America, mainly in the Brazilian Highlands and in Patagonia.
Photo Lion
13. African Lion
Status: Vulnerable.
Threats: In the past two decades, there is a rapid decline in the population of the African lion. According to experts, it is 30 to 50% of the total population.
In 1950, the number of African lions was about 400,000 in the early 1990s - 100,000 in 2002 - 2004 - 47 000 to 16 500 individuals.
The main reasons reduce the number of African lion is an infectious disease, trophy hunting and habitat loss. The main threat - conflicts with humans. People are trying to protect pets and their own lives, often ruthlessly destroy lions (poisoned bait - a common practice to destroy them).
In addition, the West African lion isolated from lions inhabiting Central Africa. This aspect has a negative impact on reproduction and, ultimately, on the genetic diversity of the species.
A major role in maintaining the population of African lions playing the creation of national parks and game reserves. The most famous of them - Etosha National Park in Namibia, Serengeti National Park in Tanzania, and Kruger National Park in South Africa.
Photo orangutan
14. Orangutan
Status: is critically endangered (Sumatran orangutan), endangered (Bornean orangutan).
Threats: Loss of habitat due to excessive deforestation and conversion for agriculture and road construction - the main problems that are critical to both species of orangutans. Currently, despite the creation of national parks, forests continue to cut down illegally. In addition, a serious threat is poaching young for their further sale.
Over the past 75 years the number of orangutans living in Sumatra has decreased by more than 80% and continues to steadily decline. Borneo over the past 60 years the number of population decreased by more than 50%.
Rhino, photo
15. Rhinoceros
Status: white rhino - close to the threat of extinction, Sumatran, black and Javan rhinos - are critically endangered.
Threats: In the wild, adult rhino almost no enemies except man. The main threat to all species of rhino poaching is. Rhino horn - a very valuable commodity on the black market, it is used as a decorative and medicinal purposes. In Chinese medicine, rhino horn is considered a good remedy for fever and effective aphrodisiac. On the black market cost of a kilogram of rhino horns up to 30 000 $.
2009 was marked by an unprecedented increase in poaching measures to protect rhinos were found to be ineffective. Despite appeals from South African officials to combat poaching, statistics showed the following national parks: 2010 - killed 333 rhino in 2012 - 633.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]

11. The Royal cobra
Status: vulnerable.
threat: the Royal Cobra - one of the most large poisonous snakes in the world. Spawning takes place in the entire South Asia, South-east Asia and in the southern areas of eastern Asia (southern China) .
The main reason for species populations of royal creations is a poaching with a view to obtain a skin for the production of clothing and accessories, poison snake-bean production, institution which traditional medicine,As well as to obtain snake-bean meat and blood, considered in some countries underworld. In our days, a grave danger for the view represents the broad agriculture human activities,Which leads to widespread reduction of habitats royal creations - tropical forests.
abhorred, photo
12. Idler Wheel ошеиниковыи
Status: vulnerable.
threat: as Bactria tropics,Idler Wheels will undoubtedly suffer from the uncontrolled exploitation of the forests. In addition, they hunted for meat. Fortunately, in recent years, this practice was the recession.
the idler wheels seen even in North America.Now they dwell only in Central and South America, mainly in the Brazilian highlands and in Patagonia.
Photo lion
13. The African lion
Status: vulnerable.
threat:In the past two decades there has been a rapid decline in populations of African lions. It is estimated that it is 30 to 50% of the total.
In 1950, the number of African lions stood at 400 000, in the early 1990s - 100 000, in 2002 - 2004 - 47 000- 16 500 species.
the main reasons for the fall in the number of African lions are infectious diseases,Balaklava hunting and loss of habitat. The main threat - conflicts with the man. People, in an attempt to protect domestic animals and their own life,Often mercilessly destroy lions (bailed out lures - normal practice for their destruction) .
In addition, lions Western Africa are isolated from lions, inhabiting Central Africa.This aspect has a negative impact on reproduction and, ultimately, the genetic diversity type.
a greater role in maintaining populations of African lion is playing the creation of national parks and reserves.The most known of them - Etosha National Park in Namibia, Serengeti National Park in Tanzania, as well as Kruger National Park in South Africa.
Photo орангутана
14. Орангутан
Status:The hotel is located under the critical endangered species (Sumatran tiger named Karuna орангутан), was threatened with extinction (борнеискии орангутан) .
threat:Loss of habitats due to the excessive logging and forest conversion for agriculture and construction of roads, the main problems, which are critical for both types of orang-utan.At the present time, in spite of the establishment of national parks, forests continue to cut illegally. In addition, serious danger is unreported fishing "whelping" with a view to their further sale.
Over the past 75 years, the number of constituent orang-utan multivector foreign policy has decreased more than 80% of the and continues inexorably to decline. In Borneo during the last 60 years the population has decreased more than 50 % .
15. Joint Stock Company Volga Shipping :
Status: white poachers - close to extinction threat, Sumatran tiger named Karuna, black, and javanese albums - are under critical endangered species.
threat:In the wild, adult rhinoceros horn in virtually no enemies, in human rights. The main threat to all types of rhinoceros horn is poaching. Rhinoceros horn is a very valuable commodity on the black market,It is used as the decorative, and in therapeutic purposes. In the Chinese medicine rhinoceros horn is a good tool for against fever and effective афродизиаком.On the black market cost per kilogram Rogov rhinoceros horn reaches 30 000 $ .
2009 year has been marked by unprecedented growth in poaching, measures for the protection of birds have been shown to be ineffective.In spite of the appeals made by South African officials to combat poaching, statistics national parks has revealed the following: year 2010 - was killed 333 rhinoceros horn, in the year 2012 - 633.
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