КВШифр дисциплины: OBZh 1103Название дисциплины: Основы безопасности ж перевод - КВШифр дисциплины: OBZh 1103Название дисциплины: Основы безопасности ж английский как сказать

КВШифр дисциплины: OBZh 1103Названи

Шифр дисциплины: OBZh 1103
Название дисциплины: Основы безопасности жизнедеятельности
Пререквизиты: Нет
Постреквизиты: Нет
Цель изучения: изучение основных законов Республики Казахстан и нормативных документов в области безопасности жизнедеятельности, опасностей среды обитания человека и защиты от них, способов повышения устойчивости объектов в чрезвычайных ситуациях (ЧС) и мер по ликвидации их последствий
Краткое содержание основных разделов: Влияние научно-технического прогресса на возникновение катастроф природного и техногенного характера. Особенности современного производства, зоны формирования опасных и вредных факторов. Негативные факторы производственной среды и их влияние на людей. Организационные и теоретические основы безопасности жизнедеятельности. Чрезвычайные ситуации. Опасности среды обитания человека. Характеристика очагов поражения. Защита населения. Устойчивость работы промышленных объектов, инженерно-технического комплекса. Спасательные работы в очагах поражения.
Ожидаемые результаты: студент знает общие характеристики, структуру и особенности факторов (биологических, химических, физических, психофизиологических) окружающей среды, оказывающих негативное воздействие на здоровье людей, а также критерии оценки анализируемых объектов в целях безопасности жизнедеятельности
Компетенции: умение анализировать вопросы обеспечения безопасности жизнедеятельности в сфере профессиональной деятельности, знание мер защиты от опасностей среды обитания
Источник: -
Цель: -
Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
KVCode of discipline: OBZh 1103Name of the discipline: FFIPrerequisites: NonePostrekvizity: NoThe aim of the study: the study of the fundamental laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan and normative documents in the area of safety, hazards of human habitation Wednesday and protection, ways to increase the sustainability of facilities in emergency situations (es) and measures for the Elimination of their consequences Summary of main sections: the impact of scientific and technological progress on the occurrence of disasters, natural and man-made disasters. Features of modern production, the formation of hazardous and harmful factors. Negative factors production Wednesday and their influence on people. Organizational and theoretical bases of safety of vital functions. Emergencies. Danger Wednesday human habitation. Characteristic lesions. Protection of the population. Sustainability of industrial objects of the engineering complex. Rescue work in areas of destruction. Expected results: the student knows the General characteristics, structure and features of factors (biological, chemical, physical, psycho-physiological) Wednesday with an adverse environmental impact on human health, as well as the criteria for the evaluation of the analyzed objects to life safetyCompetence: the ability to analyze issues of safety of vital functions in the sphere of professional activity, knowledge protection measures against the dangers of Habitat Wednesday
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Code of discipline: OBZh 1103
Name of discipline: Life Safety Fundamentals
Prerequisites: None
Postrekvizity: No
Purpose of the study: the study of the fundamental laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan and normative documents in the field of health and safety, the hazards of the human environment and protection against them, ways to improve the stability of objects in emergency situations (ES), and measures to eliminate their effects
Summary of the main sections: Influence of scientific and technical progress on the occurrence of natural and man-made disasters. Features modern production area of formation of hazardous and harmful factors. Negative factors of industrial environment and their impact on people. Organizational and theoretical foundations of life safety. Emergencies. The dangers of the human environment. Characteristic lesions. Protecting the public. Stability of operation of industrial plants, engineering complex. Rescue work in the lesions.
Expected outcomes: The student knows the general characteristics, structure and features of the factors (biological, chemical, physical, psycho-physiological) of the environment, have a negative impact on human health, as well as the evaluation criteria of objects analyzed for safety of life
Competencies: Ability analyze the safety of life issues in the sphere of professional activity, knowledge of protection against the dangers of the environment
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
squarethe combination of discipline: OBZh 1103the security framework of the discipline.пререквизиты: noпостреквизиты: nopurpose of the study: the study of the basic laws of the republic of kazakhstan and the legislation in the field of life safety, hazards, the environment and the protection of them, the ways of enhancing the sustainability of facilities in emergencies (emergencies) and responsea summary of the main sections: the impact of scientific and technological progress to the occurrence of disasters, natural and man-made. characteristics of modern industry, the area of dangerous and harmful factors. the negative factors of the industrial environment and their influence on the people. the theoretical basis of organizational and operational security. the emergency situation. the risk environment. characterization of the lesions. the protection of the population. the sustainability of industrial facilities, engineering of the complex. the rescue work in the areas of destruction.expected outcome: the student knows the characteristics, structure and characteristics of the factors (biological, chemical, physical and psychophysiological) environment, which had a negative impact on health, as well as the evaluation criteria for the security of the analysed objectscompetence: the ability to analyze the security issues in the area of training, knowledge protection from the hazards of environmental design
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